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Just recently, within the last 2 weeks the base unit (in 2 separate locations) keeps going offline. Is there a system issue that is not being addressed??? This is really frustrating.
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I'm having the same issues. I've reset the router and all devices twice. They'll show on the app sometimes, but show disconnected on the web. This has increased in frequency in the last month. Interestingly enough, when all the devices show "offline", I still get motion alerts. Just can't see the camera to confirm. Given the cost of these devices and the subscription; unacceptable.
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There appears to be a problem with the 4000 base as @Sparky4460 described. There are many recent post about this in the Pro2 thread and they probably will get merged Monday. I believe Arlo is aware.
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There are several threads about this problem here in the last week with the VMB4000 bases.
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Just scroll down from your post here in the Pro2 forum and there are recent ones.
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Where are you with fixing this?
I've about reached a new limit of intolerance with Arlo. My system has been offline now for 5 hours- AND notifications are coming in but the videos are not appearing in the library.
The past week, the system would connect about every 4th-5th login attempt for about 4 minutes, then offline again, but now nothing the past 5 hours and no videos in the library.
The 2FA debaucle 3 weeks ago was about my limit. Why do I have this system? It's essentially been mostly useless since 4/18/21 for me.
What is going on?
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Where are you with fixing this?
I've about reached a new limit of intolerance with Arlo. My system has been offline now for 5 hours- AND notifications are coming in but the videos are not appearing in the library.
The past week, the system would connect about every 4th-5th login attempt for about 4 minutes, then offline again, but now nothing the past 5 hours and no videos in the library.
The 2FA debaucle 3 weeks ago was about my limit. Why do I have this system? It's essentially been mostly useless since 4/18/21 for me.
What is going on?
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I've had my system for about 3 years now, and except for some minor glitches over this time, it has performed just as expected to my great satisfaction. Now suddenly yesterday, (Sat. 5/1/21), my base unit also is showing that the system is completely offline. However, I am still getting my recordings and emails, and the recordings do appear in the library. I don't know what to do now. Would it make things worse if I re-booted the base station or just wait until Arlo staff determine and correct the cause? The situation is becoming intolerable, because although I am happy with the system, this two step verification truly is a nightmare and Arlo evidently couldn't care less how many of their customers are inconvenienced and alienated by this policy. If this matter isn't corrected soon, I will have to consider switching to a different system altogether. I'm glad, however, that I finally thought to check this forum, and am relieved to learn that I'm not the only one experiencing this problem. I usually forget it's here. From what I've read here so far, it looks as if re-booting the base station serves no purpose whatsoever.
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Arlo is aware of it as a mod said on page one. It does seem to be the VMB4000 base as my 4540 Smart Hub is working fine and with IOS app. Usually you see some post on certain problems but this seems widespread and hope they get it fixed soon for you guys soon. A mod may update Monday.
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So this morning I try to sign in and the 6 digit security number won't send to my mobile. ARHHHHH.
A red sign flashes up the top saying "Unused second factors auths limits reached"......but I haven't signed in since last night & it worked. Has somebody from ARLO tried accessing my private cameras?
What the bl00dy hell is going on ARLO. This is by far the worse investment I've ever brought.
3 years since I brought my first unit and the first year & a half they worked brilliantly on the computer, which is my preferred option due to the working arrangements.....but since Netgear & Flashdrive discontinued with this brand, they are rubbish.
For example. When I first brought then -
1. There was Live footage to the second (now more than a 10-second delay).
2. You use to be able to adjust the "Day/Night vision" while watching live. Now you have to turn off the vision & go to settings. This can take up to 2/3 minutes (and that's if the red-flag doesn't stop you out again) before returning to the live screen. By this time the figure you wanted to focus in on has gone. What would happen if a break-in occurred during this time????? Aren't these supposed to be SECURITY CAMERAS?
3. You use to be able to "Scan in on a target in the picture". Now this does not work on the computer.
4. A RED-Flag issue comes up more times than it seems to work.
Don't get me wrong ARLO. Before the end of 2019 these cameras were AWESOME & you never heard a whisper from me or others on such problems.... but since those major changes, you guys don't have a clue & your TECH'S are hopeless.
One thing I can guarantee you I won't be going anywhere as I've brought 2 systems at a cost of $2000+.... so if you can't provide a service that comes with these cameras then I'll keep providing updates on how these cameras operate until you fix then 100%.
Now stop sitting around sipping lattes and get on your bike. The community has had enough.
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I have noticed that when the system goes "Offline" and I clear the browsing history and cookies for the Arlo page, it comes right back. It seems to have something to do with the cookies in particular. It doesn't prevent it from happening again, but starts working again right away.
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Appreciate the try. As noted, I'm an experienced IT professional, coding, managing coders, database administration. The first thing I did was clear my entire history - cookies, cache, logons - everything. Did not make a difference...
Also, as noted by a prior poster, the cameras are indeed working. They detect motion, and record, such that when I enter "MyArlo," even as the system is blaring "offline" the counts are updated, and I can retrieve and download recorded videos.
HENCE, this is a bug in the on-line app. Perhaps limited to the VMB4000 base station, as others have noted. Matters not, Arlo dev and tech support are abominable.
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A few months ago I bought an Ultra package - after speaking with a tech person for a while to ensure it would work with my existing Pro 2 package. Two basestations - 4 cameras each. No problem. I set it up, it *mostly* worked, maybe 85% of the time. I figure, that's not the worst success rate given technology....
Then the 2FA debacle happens. Nothing works right. Complete chaos until Arlo finally makes 2FA optional for PCs/Macs
However, Now I can't view my cameras at all... I've seen other posts with folks that have 2 basestations having similar problems. As you might expect, when I reached out for help I go the usual (uninstall the app and reinstall, remove cameras and reconnect, etc. etc.). After doing all of this 3+ times, taking HOURS.... I was told, "It must be your browser version - even though I've tested with Chrome AND Safari - and it doesn't work in the browser OR mobile....OR I see that other people are having the same issue.
At what point does Arlo realize they have an issue with THEIR PRODUCT that needs to be addressed?
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On the iOS app version 3.2 (2202), my camera feeds were showing endless spinners and my Base Station was spinning at “Getting status”. I tried removing, resetting, and re-adding the Base Station in the iOS app, but got stuck at “Firmware status could not be checked” both times. I then tried using the website, my.arlo.com, to add the Base Station, with success, and sync’ed both my cameras. But as soon as I started viewing the camera feeds on the website, everything went offline again after about a minute.
I’m now stuck again at endless spinners in the iOS app.
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I appreciate everyone's input. Must be a new marketing ploy... get your users to debug your product and they'll keep coming back... lol. NOT. What's so disappointing is that since I installed the system it has been working consistently well. I have noticed certain peculiarities temporarily after various updates, but they always seemed to clear up after a day or so. But this one is bad. So, when I get pissed off enough, I guess I'll look at another brand of system. I've read some positive things about the Blink Security Camera. Oh BTW, I noticed this problem on the website, not the mobile app. I didn't even think to check my phone since I'm retired and don't have occasion to check the app when I'm away, which is infrequent. Thank you all for your replies!
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Something is definitely wrong with how the app communicates while on the same network. 😞
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Thanks for the update. It's happening on my desktop as well as my mobile app and samsung tab.
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Just registered to say that I experience the same problem since a few weeks.
I have two sites, one w. a VMB4000, two Arlo Pro and one Arlo Pro 2 - keeps showing as offline even though internet is fine. Re-synk or restart of the base station gets it going for maybe half an hour before going offline again.
Firmware in the VMB4000 is labelled as
The other site has a VMB4500, and two cameras labelled as H6 in the device info section. That site does not have any issues at the moment.
This is getting beyond frustrating at this point
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This is definitely an issue across different hardware/software configurations. There's a lengthy thread against the Arlo Pro2 cameras registering the same problem. The only 'fix' I've found is to power-down the base station and reboot but that may only result in the unit being online for a few minutes before it goes down again. Like others, despite the app saying the system is offline, the base station itself shows three green lights and on the first occasion that I noticed the issue and came downstairs to investigate the status, my hallway camera activated and recorded. It seems that the status in the app doesn't necessarily align with the status of the system but either way, its totally unacceptable.
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Most of us use this as our home security system and for it to have such a fundamental flaw in the latest upgrade is pretty shocking.
Lots of us have provided logs to Arlo which are meant to be with the development team but still no updates from them whatsoever.
You’d think in this day, automated regression testing packs would’ve been built to avoided this kind of incident taking place.
Like many of you on here, I’m in technology and actually release/testing/transition which is something Arlo should consider investing in.
If Arlo needs some guidance on how they can improve their process, I’d be more than happy to provide a free evaluation as it’s in my interest. Let’s all hope we receive an update on this major incident ASAP
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