Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Pro Base Station keeps resetting itself and going offline intermittently


Over the last two days my home station seems to change my time zone at midnight every day, this being a huge pain when scanning back over recordings. I have tried resetting on Arlo web site, iPad and iPhone but midnight strikes time zone changes again. HELP !

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You would think when they started out it was a great system to use and as with all produtcs even cable they turn to **bleep** after they get a client base. The service becomes so updated it outdates its self. I do Iam going to return it back to Best Buy and advise the manerger to drop the product it will even cost the retailer a problem also. Sorry Arlo you were great now well lets say I want a refund on my premium renewal andfor future it you are staying iin business you need people who want to do the job not scam.

I’ve been in France for 2 weeks and my kids & ex-wife have been nice enough to come to my condo and feed/give water my cat every 2 days. I have tried to see the video of them coming and going and my canid in a very high traffic area and should be recording all the time. Well, guess what? Every time they have come to tend to my cat the bleeping “security” camera was offline and never caught one bleeping visit!!!! I have a lock that notifies me exactly when they unlock and re-lock my door, and so I know this to be fact. This very expensive video camera is absolutely 100% useless! Like i’ve said, I am returning this piece of garbage (Best But extended warranty plan) as soon as I get back for a Nest. There should be a class action law suit on Arlo/Netgear. I myself am filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau right now and suggest others do the same.
Official complaint filed with the Better Business Bureau. Thanks for nothing, Arlo/Netgear. I will never buy another Netgear product again.
I’m also leaving a 1 Star rating on Best Buy’s website.

Since 2 month now my system breakt several times a day.

Typically the midle LED wents off. Cammeras not recording in a 2h period and then the system automatically reboots and comes offline again.

In the same time i can se that the cammeras stops recording. But i can se on the films that this stops mid in an event and schuld have recorded longer. sometime after 20sec some times after a longer time of period. I got never a film in the max length that is configured.

Someone more with the problems?

it starts somehow in the same time where the TimeZone issue was starting. But now with firmware it still exsits.

And yes i have tryed to facory reset everything. And NO there are no internet connection problems (i have a continiouse monitoring running)


You’re not alone, everyone is suffering.

Some have reported that removal of USB backup devices makes a difference but has not for me.

I have noticed that if I turn off all the cameras then it occurs less often.

When it occurs power cycling the base can help but most of the time it drops the cameras and you have to remove and re-add them again but only after the base offline outage completes, usually after an hour or two.
Sorry if this doesn’t help.

We were told by level 2 tech that the base stations for arlo pro go offline because the usb drives attached to them cause a malfunction. After removing the drive the base stopped going offline. Before with a usb attached it was going offline 5 times a day for an hour each time. However this has bean going on for 2 months and we have not heard of any fix for this issue. If you call arlo tech support their regular phone number level one tech has no idea that there is even an issue with flash drives causing offline issues of the base station. Arlo doesn’t seem to care at all about customers they don’t seem to want to fix this problem. I have read many people saying the original arlo base stations also go offline.

My basestations do NOT have USB drives in them - I took them out when I read it was causing issues, but when I do a restart from mobile app or web interface, half the time there is at least one out of the three which won't go back online even without USB drives connected.  I have to turn it off, yank the power cord, wait 30 seconds, plug power back in then turn on the basestation.  I just restarted my basestations after making a change and one refused to go back online.  And of course it was one way on top of a cabinet so I had to drag out a step ladder to get to it so I could physically turn it off/on.


Arlo is a sorry excuse for a security system, and IMHO it's false advertising on the part of Netgear.  There is hope, though, since there is a NEW contender out there, one I've been watching with great interest - below is a link, but I'm sure some mod on this forum will remove it.  It is a system manufactured by Anker called eufyCam.


The price on amazon today is $349 for a 3 camera kit, which comes with TWO types of mounts, wall and exterior for EACH cam... and there's a 30% off coupon for add on cameras to system...


And someone did a GREAT side-by-side comparison on YouTube between eufyCam E and Arlo Pro 2...


It's a newcomer and direct replacement for Arlo... am excited to see how it improves, progresses, but apparently already, even in its infancy, nigthvision and audio are FAR superior, as is triggering, recording, notification and viewing angle... everyone should at least read about them, to see that there is now a REAL alternative to Arlo...



Same problem after updating to firmware. It randomly looses connections to cameras.


Went out of town, my arlo was fine, check into my hotel, my device is offline and so are all five of my cameras. Get home and all the new batteries I just put in are dead! I'm so pissed I bought this POS. Its been nothing but trouble and the video quality is crap. I have a blink system and it has never once gone offline. I'll never buy another netgear product again and I'll tell everyone about my experience with their "security cameras". What a waste of money!!

Sensei Sensei

That's a shame.


Are you interested in trying to work out what went wrong?



Just another user
Arlo hardware: Q Plus, Pro 2 (X2), Pro 3 (X3), Pro 3 Floodlight, Security Light (X2), Ultra (X2), Doorbell, Chime

VMB 3500. Base stations off line!


Totally frustrated and ready to throw the whole system out the window.  

Currently ....

Power LED Green, Internet LED green (blinking intermittently), Camera LED Solid Amber.


I have reset, added a new device ( base station) & did a factory reset.  NOTHING WORKS!!

Please help!



When will you guys ever get it together, I'm guessing never. Back in May (2019) you sent out a firmware update to our hubs and right after that we started experiencing the Pacific time zone reset randomly, and immeaditly begged for a fix, which we finally got some many weeks later, but now, since that fix, the hub has been randomly going off line for about half an hour amlost every day if not several times a day...! CAN YOUR TECH"S JUST FIX THE ONE BUG WITHOUT CREATING OTHERS...? Early last year it was the same thing, the zones on the cameras broke and then that got fixed, but then, the clips would artifact and stutter, then that was fixed, but again, they then stopped uploading the clips for almost a month...! 


You make a decent product that people come to depend upon to protect themselves as well as loved ones and their possessions, but your seemingly lack of response to the community, and use of us as guinea pigs by putting out updates to the hardware that frequently cause it to repair one thing while breaking another, then taking what seems like an eternity to fix it while constantly expounding the same, oh, just unplug, or remove, or reboot it crap, is beyond fustrating. You people really need to step up the reliability factor of your fix's if you want to keep your customers.



Arlo HUB: VMB4000r3  Cameras: Arlo H7 - Arlo Pro H8 - Arlo Pro2 H3


 Same issue, appears to be systemic and no progress, still out.


Thought I would add my voice, but I despair that Arlo (Netgear) will ever address the problem. Contacting support is hit or miss and their e-mail form doesn't work and their chat staff don't seem to care about the support page error (which says to report it to them...)


Anyway, similar to many of the symptoms in this thread my basestation stops responding about twice a week. It appears to be coincidental with the door bell being pressed and/or mutliple motion detection events. I do have a USB memory stick for local recordings, but I will remove this based on the above comments when I get home.


Note that I say the base station becomes *unresponsive* but not offline as the LEDs remain green and there is some traffic. "ping" seems to continue to work from a local system. BUT if I then power off the base station then the view in the web interface immediately shows "your arlo device is offline" etc. which tell me that some heartbeat has then stopped.


Power cycle fixes things (after a very very slow restart) for the next few days.


Turns out it looks like the last firmware update caused an intermittent connection to the cameras. After replacing the batteries they had to be joined to the base station. It's been okay for a day now. Will update if that changes


This is total *, I've also been having this problem since late June, every week or so the base station goes down, then when you reboot it it can't find any cameras and you have to manually add all of them in again.  Netgear needs to get this fixed ASAP.


To answer the mostly irrelevant questions of the mod:

Cameras are H11 Firmware 1.3.319 Original arlo HDs

Base station is Version VMB3010r2 Firmware


My base station goes offline every 2-3 weeks.  This whole Arlo thing is a piece of crap and I would never recommend it.


I hear ya!  Arlo is a piece of *.  I would never recommend it to anyone.


got greenon power and iternet but will not register 


Cameras aren't recording over night - usually around midnight to about 5am.. Daytime they seem to work for the most part.  2 Camera set up; base light will flicker at times. 

Have tried power cycling the base unit. Have tried removing the cameras and resyncing. 

Tried adjusting settings and setting a schedule vs. default armed. All have only yielded a day or 2 before no longer recording over night. Looking at these forums, it maybe firmware or bad hardware/base.

Have had this system 11 months to the day.. 

How do I get this serviced/replaced/repaired?



HW Version VMB3010r2



HW Version H11
Firmware 1.3.319


Tired of the base station and cameras having so many problems connecting.  This is a freaking security system!!!!  Not a toy.  Fix your **** software Arlo!!!   As of this week, I can no longer get any of my 4 cameras to connect to the base station.  If I go to the location, reset the base station, reset each camera, it will connect.  for maybe 4 hours.  then, poof.  "Getting Status" message.   Tried every other trick in the book.  Done.  time to find a more reliable camera security system.  Good bye Arlo.  

Despite never having to do so until this started I set the scheduled record time from 12am to 11:59pm seems to work for now. I noticed this about a week ago from midnight to 6am no recordings figured something wasn't right seeing how it would normally pick up any animals walking past yet had nothing. you know that time of night when you really need to have a reliable system and again Arlo fails. Thanks for the post it confirms what I thought was happening my wife thought I was just imagining this problem lol. Good luck

An update.


There was no internet light on my base at all, completely no internet connection at all for 24 hrs on 14 July.  Reset Base and Telstra nbn router and Started to get intermittent connection on and off, an hour later or so later and everythings back to normal and stable.  Read somewhere it could be an ISP issue, they block access to cameras, waiting on a case manager to call me to determine if this was so.


Went from cable to nbn a month ago no issues until this one.

I exchanged mine under the Best Buy extended warranty yesterday. The brand new one acts exactly the same as the old. Goes offline for hours at a time throughout the day and night. After filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, they called and agreed to give me a full refund after I refused to be shipped out a new base station . Defective product and falsely advertising their cameras as “security “ cams!