Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I have purchased 4 of these cameras and have been forced to purchase an Arlo baby, simply because I Cannot Continuously monitor my son who has Hunting's Disease, because the Arlo Pro 2 cuts out after only a few minutes, which I find for a Security camera that is utterly stupid and needs to be rectified asap. 


Anyway, after reading a lot of the Ideas posted here, I am beginning to wonder if, in fact, Netgear is just using their LOYAL CUSTOMERS as Guinea Pigs?

It sure looks that way to me, it seems Netgear has released a product without sitting down and looking at what other companies are currently offering and implementing either those working ideas or something similar. They should have also really taken the time to think about what options and features would their customers want in such a camera. It is, after all, a SECURITY CAMERA and it should NOT be based solely on the internet and the CLOUD.


We, the Users and the Customers, should have the option of using the Cloud or using a Hard Drive and It should be able to record to a Hard Drive that IS accessible THROUGH the Arlo Software. Not as it is at the moment totally useless. The HD is formatted in FAT32 and I run windows 10 64Bit and it won't even read the HD when plugged in so that feature needs to be changed to allow either Fat32 or 64bit for window 10. and we should have the right to bypass the cloud.


We cannot even continuously monitor a camera as it cuts out after a short time. These are Security cameras, so why can't we continuously monitor the different cameras all the time, without having them cut out after a few minutes. This is just plain stupid and not very well thought out. Again Netgear has failed to think things through properly and has left it up to us to come up with an idea to have it run continuously.  


Why are these cameras so easy to STEAL? Again these are SECURITY CAMERAS and yet someone could setal them in a matter of seconds, even when they are mounted with Screws/Bolts. Make the mounting hardware Extremely hard to steal and the same for the cameras themselves. Come up with a design that makes it extremely hard for anyone to steal them, use Unique Anti-Theft Bolts/Screws and supply two tools to use with them one as a spare. After all, they are not cheap and what good are they if they can be stolen by a 10 ear old in a matter of seconds?

Put a chip in them so that they ONLY work with YOUR Base Station and also make it so we can track the camera if it is stolen.

And what about INtruders, how easy it is for them to disable the cameras by simply removing them? There should be an instant Alarm and an alert, telling us exactly what camera it is, the second the camera is moved or is disconnected from the power supply.


Scheduling is another thing that has not been really thought through. At the moment we can only schedule for one day, we CANNOT schedule for several days. Once again no thought has gone into this! It NEEDS TO CHANGE!


As it stands, we are forced to use the CLOUD, BUT, what about those of us that live in rural areas and are severely restricted when it comes to internet data usage or companies for that matter? Using these cameras we are FORCED to UPGRADE our Internet usage which is again another ongoing expense and when you are on a pension it makes things that more difficult.


Yes, we are all Guinea pigs and the sad thing is, NO ONE gets ANY recognition when THIER IDEA is Implemented!


I think each person that has had an idea implemented, should at the very least be recognised for that idea and also given FREE Access for 6 months to both the Premier Subscription and the  30 days CVR.  After all, they have helped to make YOUR PRODUCT even Better which in turn gains Netgear more sales and thus, more profits. So why not pass it onto those that have helped to create your perfect camera.


Show that you really do Appreciate your loyal customers and got off your laurels and get to work implementing these ideas before the opposition out does you yet again.


For those that have read this far, I thank you and I would love to hear YOUR thoughts, Postive AND Negative.






@evaredy wrote:

I have purchased 4 of these cameras and have been forced to purchase an Arlo baby, simply because I Cannot Continuously monitor my son who has Hunting's Disease, because the Arlo Pro 2 cuts out after only a few minutes, which I find for a Security camera that is utterly stupid and needs to be rectified asap. 

 Arlo Pro cams can record continously if you buy the 14 or 30 day subcription plan, And you have them plugged in.

Arlo has the most generous free online plan with motion clips free for 7 days.  If you want continous, you need a subcription and ppwer, or you should look at DVR based camera systems


@evaredy wrote:

. They should have also really taken the time to think about what options and features would their customers want in such a camera. It is, after all, a SECURITY CAMERA and it should NOT be based solely on the internet and the CLOUD.



I believe they have.  You may use it free wtit 7 day storage for motion, or you may add a subscription to CVR.  You may also use the local USB for local backup of clips.  Though its true you have to move it to you computer to watch them, it is an excellent free local backup in case the internet is down



We, the Users and the Customers, should have the option of using the Cloud or using a Hard Drive and It should be able to record to a Hard Drive that IS accessible THROUGH the Arlo Software. Not as it is at the moment totally useless. The HD is formatted in FAT32 and I run windows 10 64Bit and it won't even read the HD when plugged in so that feature needs to be changed to allow either Fat32 or 64bit for window 10. and we should have the right to bypass the cloud.



It is a trivial thing to format the usb drive to the correct format.  I understand it doesnt work the way you want, but it is far from usless.



We cannot even continuously monitor a camera as it cuts out after a short time. These are Security cameras, so why can't we continuously monitor the different cameras all the time, without having them cut out after a few minutes. This is just plain stupid and not very well thought out. Again Netgear has failed to think things through properly and has left it up to us to come up with an idea to have it run continuously.  



Purchase CVR subscription if you want continous recording, or enjoy the FREE 7 day clips in the cloud


Why are these cameras so easy to STEAL?



Its a balance of easy installation/security.  There are optional secure mounts if you want to take the time to sucure them to a structure.



As it stands, we are forced to use the CLOUD, BUT, what about those of us that live in rural areas and are severely restricted when it comes to internet data usage or companies for that matter? Using these cameras we are FORCED to UPGRADE our Internet usage which is again another ongoing expense and when you are on a pension it makes things that more difficult.


Well, it is a cloud based camera system with backup local USB.  This design is very convenient for may applications but not all.   Sounds like you really want a local DVR based system.  The same system does not fit eveyone's needs.


We are all Guinea Pigs and have been sence the first program was written. No software\firmware\hardware is ever final nor complete and never has been and never will. Perfict example look at the Microsoft October update, it was released to the general public and it wiped some users data. Every company releases software\firmware\hardware and tests it as best they can within a reasonable timeframe.  There are way too many devices out now and soon to be released to fully go through all the posable scenarios to fully test something.

If You Got Em....I'll Chew Em!

Netgear & Arlo Beta Tester

@Dave32B wrote:

 Arlo Pro cams can record continously if you buy the 14 or 30 day subcription plan, And you have them plugged in.

Arlo has the most generous free online plan with motion clips free for 7 days.  If you want continous, you need a subcription and ppwer, or you should look at DVR based camera systems


That's just it, why do we need to buy a subscription to allow the product to function properly as it was intended? And yes I know it is like that with most things these days. It is just pure greed and nothing more.


I believe they have.  You may use it free wtit 7 day storage for motion, or you may add a subscription to CVR.  You may also use the local USB for local backup of clips.  Though its true you have to move it to you computer to watch them, it is an excellent free local backup in case the internet is down


 We shouldn't have to remove our backup from the system, it should be available through the Arlo system.

Also as I stated, it is Fat 32 but my PC wont even recogise the drive,surely a choice between Fat 32 and 64 Bit would be an easy and valid option to have.



It is a trivial thing to format the usb drive to the correct format.  I understand it doesnt work the way you want, but it is far from usless.


The way it is now it is useless. because I cannot access the drive.


Purchase CVR subscription if you want continous recording, or enjoy the FREE 7 day clips in the cloud


Read above about subscription


Why are these cameras so easy to STEAL?



Its a balance of easy installation/security.  There are optional secure mounts if you want to take the time to sucure them to a structure.


If you are talking about the ARLO mounts, they are not any good for Securely fastening your cameras. They sinply screw onto the mount.

If you are talking about 3rd party muonts, why should we be forced to buy 3rd party equipment? Arlo Cameras are SUPPOSED TO BE SECURITY CAMERAS, but they are way to easy to steal. Arlo should develep better components to secure their already expensive cameras. and there should be some form of mtion detection in the cameras themselves. When the camera is moved it sends an instant alert.



Well, it is a cloud based camera system with backup local USB.  This design is very convenient for may applications but not all.   Sounds like you really want a local DVR based system.  The same system does not fit eveyone's needs.

I am just sick of companies being greedy and wanting to charge yo more for a product you have already purchased, just so it works to its full potential. And why are we FORCED to use the Cloud? There are those of us as I stated that are on very a limited internet data allowance, again there should be an option to use the cloud or to hook up to a hard drive, that is PART of the Arlo system.


Yes, it seems you enjoy being one, beta testing. That's your choice, although companies are in too much of a hurry to get their products out there to sell and THEN FIX THEM after the fact. It is left up to the consumer to figure out and report the bugs, we then have to wait until a patch or a firmware update is available.


I don't think its fair that we have to pay full price for an item that isn't COMPLETELY finished. But that's the way of the world and it us the consumers that have allowed this to happen.




@evaredy wrote:

Yes, it seems you enjoy being one, beta testing. That's your choice, although companies are in too much of a hurry to get their products out there to sell and THEN FIX THEM after the fact. It is left up to the consumer to figure out and report the bugs, we then have to wait until a patch or a firmware update is available.


I don't think its fair that we have to pay full price for an item that isn't COMPLETELY finished. But that's the way of the world and it us the consumers that have allowed this to happen.



Pro 2 has several bugs, anitquated flash web design, questionalble UI design, but it does do what it claims to do.


For example; can you list for me other camera systems that allow continous streaming at no subscription cost?  


Can you list camera systems that give free 7 days of motion clips?  I think Arlo is the only one


Does Arlo claim anywhere that you can have free continous video stream in the cloud?   No. 


I think you really want a DVR based system that also syncs to the cloud.  They are available, but they are more expensive and have an expensive subcription.


Could arlo improve the bugs, design etc... Yes.   Is any vendor going to give you continous video streaming from the cloud for free?  I highly doubt it.




All your points are spot on & Netgear should take notice. If the burglars steal the camera, at least you will have a good close up shot of them saved in the cloud. I am currently running 5 Q Plus cameras, 3 inside & 2 outside. Overall, they have performed good, with the exception of a couple that goes offline periodically & I cannot reconnect them while traveling. Still exploring other brands.....


Camera Placment and overlap are key, DVR's are great but need to be secured and well hidden or BG will take them. The Free Cloud is great, we have two Base stations, one on Extention Router, two seperate Free Accounts 8 cams so far and 6 lights. Its covers the entire outside Property with plenty of overlap. We get video usualy from two or three cams the instant they set foot on property and the Cloud is very difficult to beat. The BG has to know and access the Internet Feed for your house wiyhout getting on cam. You can check you Video from anywhere, so 7 days is plenty storage if you check it while on vacation or business trip


@Xichlo wrote:

Camera Placment and overlap are key, DVR's are great but need to be secured and well hidden or BG will take them. The Free Cloud is great, we have two Base stations, one on Extention Router, two seperate Free Accounts 8 cams so far and 6 lights. Its covers the entire outside Property with plenty of overlap. We get video usualy from two or three cams the instant they set foot on property and the Cloud is very difficult to beat. The BG has to know and access the Internet Feed for your house wiyhout getting on cam. You can check you Video from anywhere, so 7 days is plenty storage if you check it while on vacation or business trip


But you are missing the point.  Cloud uses DATA  and anyone that lives in a rural setting will tell you that Data is very limited and expensive, because it is based on MOBILE Broadband and satellite.


So having two options available, Cloud OR HD Based would not only be very good for those of us that are on restricted Mobile Broadband, but it would also certainly be good for sales.  Because the Consumes will have a choice and those that cannot access ADSL can at least use a Hard Drive and still have FULL Functionality of their Cameras.


@evaredy wrote:

But you are missing the point.  Cloud uses DATA  and anyone that lives in a rural setting will tell you that Data is very limited and expensive, because it is based on MOBILE Broadband and satellite.


So having two options available, Cloud OR HD Based would not only be very good for those of us that are on restricted Mobile Broadband, but it would also certainly be good for sales.  Because the Consumes will have a choice and those that cannot access ADSL can at least use a Hard Drive and still have FULL Functionality of their Cameras.

Then maybe your looking at the wrong camera system, look at the Arlo Q. If none of these fit your needs then I would suggest you research other devices.
Arlo Products

If You Got Em....I'll Chew Em!

Netgear & Arlo Beta Tester

@slompochomp wrote:

@evaredy wrote:

But you are missing the point.  Cloud uses DATA  and anyone that lives in a rural setting will tell you that Data is very limited and expensive, because it is based on MOBILE Broadband and satellite.


So having two options available, Cloud OR HD Based would not only be very good for those of us that are on restricted Mobile Broadband, but it would also certainly be good for sales.  Because the Consumes will have a choice and those that cannot access ADSL can at least use a Hard Drive and still have FULL Functionality of their Cameras.

Then maybe your looking at the wrong camera system, look at the Arlo Q. If none of these fit your needs then I would suggest you research other devices.
Arlo Products

Well, It's a bit late now, I have purchased 4 Arlo Pro2 cameras and the Arlo Baby, hence the reason for the suggestions to be included into firmware updates or actually producing items like a security shroud for the cameras to make them harder to steal.

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