Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Has anyone else noticed (or tested, as I have begun) that after installing a few new cameras to supplement my EOL cams, the older EOL cams are much, MUCH less responsive? I fear that during the installation of the new Essential Spotlight and Pro 4 cams, when the app states that it's "searching for updates" for the base station, it's actually downloading some new software that dramatically slows down the older cams. I really wish that this was just my imagination, but my formerly whip-fast Pros (even just a couple of hours ago) now barely catch my movements. I actually had to stand in front of one camera and wave my hand within 12 inches of the camera's lens for about 15-20 seconds in order for the camera to trigger. I won't bore you with the several other examples of sluggery as that one is the most egregious. My cynical side is telling me that, now that we've purchased a couple of new cameras, Arlo is going to speed the demise of our old cameras, forcing us to upgrade all of our remaining ones. By slowing our old cameras after we bought new ones (rather than doing so soon after the July 1 EOL), they must figure that they're lessening the risk of us leaving Arlo altogether and losing the monthly/yearly cloud fees. Luckily I still have 15 days remaining to test more thoroughly before my Best Buy return window closes but I wanted to see if any other Arlo owners have experienced this as well. And if you haven't purchased new cameras yet, BEWARE, this may happen to you as well!  I look forward to your replies -- thank you!

Guru Guru

The base station, assuming it's always connected to the Internet, already has the latest firmware. The update process when installing a new camera that's being connected to the base is simply verifying that.


It's possible that the new camera is in a location that's somehow interfering with the signal to the old cameras. If you remove the new camera from your account or take the new camera out of range from the base, do the old cameras revert back to their previous behavior?

Thank you for your reply, jguerdat. I actually did think of interference being an issue so I not only removed the new camera from its proximity to the old one (I had them side by side for comparative testing), but I deleted the new camera from system altogether. After its removal, the older cameras were/are still much slower (or not detecting at all) in detection response than they were immediately before the new cam installation. 
And, my apologies for not making it clear in my initial post that ALL 5 of my older Pro cameras have slowed in their detection response, even those that are on the opposite side of the house (30-35 feet) from where the new camera was installed and the opposite direction from the base station so interference issues should be unlikely. 
I welcome any and all additional thoughts you may have because I’d like to keep these older Pro cams active in secondary locations until they’re completely fried, but they’re useless if they’re now missing very easy and obvious detections. Bummed, those cameras aren’t that old so the EOL’ing really burned my last few Arlo purchases. 
Thank you,
Guru Guru

Did you remove ALL new cameras from your account to see what happens? If the new cameras are causing the problem, this should make it clear.


I had only installed one new camera (from the 4-pack) so after removing that camera from my account, yes, I had essentially removed "all" new cameras. Delayed recognition is still occurring. Curious, and one thing I haven't looked into yet, is there a way to revert back to the immediately-previous software version for the base station? I would think that could be a rather strong indicator about possible software update conflicts.

Thank you, jguerdat,


Guru Guru

Only Arlo could provide a reverse update which AFAIK has only happened once.  Besides, since the base firmware hasn't been updated since adding the new camera, it wouldn't matter. A brute force method to attempt a fix would be to remove ALL devices from your account and start fresh. I'm not sure it would help but maybe...