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- No Apple HomeKit Secure Video for Arlo Cameras :-(
No Apple HomeKit Secure Video for Arlo Cameras :-(
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Hello Arlo
I use 5 Arlo Ultra Cameras around the outside of my house. The whole house is secured with HomeKit, with numerous other cameras using Apple's Secure Video feature.
Although I have some understanding for Arlo's attitude of not offering support here: In the long run, Arlo's stance is unfortunate and unsustainable for customers like me.
Without support for Apple Homekit Secure Video, sooner or later these customers will replace their Arlo Subscription and my the 5 Arlo Ultra cameras with ones that support the feature. It's all about having everything under one roof. It's about a self-contained product with maximum security and convenience. If that requires a subcription, no problem.
Otherwise: too bad for the very good quality of the cameras.
Best thanks for bringing this to your attention.
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