Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Hello everyone,


Seeing as we live in an apartment, and to avoid someone stealing our arlo, we have our camera behind a glass door. We have a wireless taf motion sensor outside. IFTTT is set up so that when the motion sensor detects motion, the arlo records for 60 seconds (since it is behind glass, I cannot use the Arlo motion sensor). This has been working great for almost a year. 


As of 8/30/2019, my Arlo is not working with IFTTT. I have rewritten the applet through IFTTT and even deleted my account and started fresh with no luck. When motion is detected, I receive a notification from the motion detector as well as IFTTT saying motion has been detected, and IFTTT states that arlo should be recording. However there is nothing on the arlo. 


The arlo and IFTTT apps are updated on my phone. I have tried disconnecting, reconnecting, and resyncing just about everything. 


Has anyone else had this issue? Has anyone come up with a solution? Has anything changes? 


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Arlo Employee Retired

We appreciate everyone's patience regarding this. The new firmware, which is version, should fix the issue with IFTTT not recording.


If you're still experiencing the issue, please reach out to the Support Team to further investigate this issue. You will find several options for contacting support in the provided link.


View solution in original post


not sure if this issue has been solved. I just notice my arlos are having the same issue. I originally found the issue with my smartthings integration. it has been working fine for a long time, and recently noticed the arlo cam does not record when a door contact sensor or motion sensor triggers it.  Verified with IFTTT, same things. it seems the IFTTT/Smartthings has send out a request to request no problem, just the Arlo does not record once receive the request. the clip is not shown in the library. 


edit: (if the information is useful to someone,) it seems every time the smartthings send a request to Arlo, it changes the Arlo Mode from whatever you set to "Disarm", not sure why.



Yep, I am having this issue as well.  It has started on August 31, 2019 after running flawlessly for a very long time.  Is very frustrating, as it is the external trigger that is most important to me, not built in motion detection.

First had this issue earlier this year. And as you can see a posted quite a few times on this thread.

I went on a long journey with arlo support (not to sound too dramatic here!) that was so frustrating with resetting cameras, creating new arlo accounts, escalations to second level support that never resulted in anything. Waiting for people to get back to me. When clearly it was their iOS app (that they refused to acknowledge or even look into).

That’s okay if they choose not to, yet don’t advertise it works!

I’m in Australia and was able to return the two cameras I had by telling the store it was not “as advertised” and got money back.

Shame really as they were pretty cool cameras but waiting so long was just not worth it - this would be a simple fix for them that makes it even harder to understand why they ignore the users that already purchased, instead directing attention to new user/plans sign ups.

I hope it works out eventually for anyone having the issues now and the more people post the more chance they will at least take a look.

I can confirm that trigger for recording stoped working.

It can be only triggered from by Arlo iteself. 


It same issue for IFTTT and SMT (smartthing alarm).


Yes, same.  I'm actually really annoyed about it.  I have spent 2 days on line with support who have had me adding, removing, resetting, etc, etc.  But it is really just a waste of time because it is clear that as of right now, it will not accept a recording trigger from IFTTT.  And I can't get an answer about whether this is just a temporary down or if they are no longer supporting the function.  


I'm also experiencing this problem.  IFTTT Record on the hour feature worked up until August 30, 2019 for me.  I have a ticket with Arlo support and a case number as of Sept 4, but haven't heard anything back.  Best guess is this at least a by product of their separation from Netgear and numerous other changes in progress.  It's very annoying.


Yes, I think your best guess is right on the money.  Seems too much of a coincidence in timing to be anything else.


I haven't heard anything back from support for couple of days, you had any response yet?


I am also having issues with this. IFTTT worked great with my wireless tag motion sensor. As of 8/30/19, nothing records through IFTTT. Applet says it is running, and motion detector works, but no arlo. I also have it set up where when the motion detector detects motion, the front light turn on. The light work, but the camera does not, so it seems clear to me that this isn't an IFTTT issue, despite Arlo customer service telling me it has to do with IFTTT.


Pluings on both IFTT and ST are maintaned by Arlo.


It's their fault they have not tested that properly with 3rd party.


No, I haven't even seen an initital response following the generation of a case number for this IFTTT no longer generating Arlo recordings issue.  This is my first attempt at using Arlo support.  I guess there isn't any.  I suppose it will just take enough people complaining for them to actually fix it.


I have similar problem. Cameras looking through glass used to be triggered using Smarthings Sensor through IFTTT. Stopped working end of August. I too have tried everything you mentioned. No luck.


Yes same problem here. Everything was working nicely until Aug 2019. No changes on our end. There are no errors in the IFTTT activity log. But the cameras do not start recording. We've tried everything too (unlinking/relinking account, deleting/rebuilding applet, etc) but no dice.


Arming/Disarming the Arlo cameras, however, still works via IFTTT. Seems it's just the recording that is broken.


Same problem here.


IFTTT triggered recordings were working until August 30th 2019. No longer works.


Arm/Disarm still works via IFTTT


After 3 weeks, I finally received a response from Arlo on my Sept 4 case I submitted.  They acknowledge multiple users are reporting this issue and at least appear to now be working on it.  So, this is incremental progress.  All the support questions seemed to surround my phone specifics and app.....I do most of my Arlo management through the browser interfaces on  a desktop computer, so most of that seems irrelevant.


This is not a problem with the Smartthings or IFTTT the problem lies with Arlo. The situation broke at the same time on different platforms. Works with Smartthings load of BS!


Yes, I have gone back and forth with support so many times, it is a bit ridiculous.  It is clearly a problem when they have changed from Netgear to Arlo.  


Not sure how to spell it out any plainer for them.


At the moment, IFTTT will accept triggers from Arlo Cameras motion sensor.


However ARLO will NOT accept a record signal from IFTTT


Therefore cannot use a separate sensor to trigger recording.  The workaround was to just leave the Arlo camera in armed mode, and have IFTTT tell me when the other sensor was triggered and then look at the Arlo video from that matched the time.  Yes, I can do that, but the Arlo camera is on a busy street and ends up getting triggered every 30 seconds, and therefore runs the battery down at a ridiculous speed.


Is it gonna be fixed or it's a new "feature" ?

Same problem here. IFTTT applets have been running smoothly got more than a year, but stopped around the end of August or beginning of September. The Ifttt activity log shows the activity ran, but no videos have recorded. I have dropped, added, disconnected, created new accounts etc, but no success.

FWIW it appears to be only the record video action that is broken. Arlo can use it’s motion detection as a trigger to send IFTTT emails to me.

Not applicable

As of 2019-10-06 This appears to still be an issue - which is just great as I had JUST hooked up a SMARTHTHING/IFTTT integration that does does. Confirmed that IFTTT gets the update (last active date revs) but no recording appears to happen. 




Smartthings and IFTTT recording trigger got broken on the last firmware/app update. Waiting patiently for Arlo to fix this issue. Otherwise 'works with Arlo' is meaningless


I think at this point Arlo are actually being dishonest about what they are up to.  It appears as if they have stopped the functionality for recording to be triggered by an external source.  Arlo will happily accept a trigger to arm or disarm, it will happily send info the other way as a motion sensor.


But it will not accept a  trigger to record from an external source.  This stopped when they introduced their new app and updated subscription model.  


If all of this is because they now want me to pay for this functionaIity, any chance they can just let me know what subscription I need and confirm how to set it up.  


1000 bucks of equipment down for nearly 6 weeks now!!! Quite pathetic, it actually seems like outright dishonesty now.


Probably not the answer you are looking for but If you have a Arlo Pro2 or Pro3 Camera you can add a CVR plan then the external SmartThings or IFTTT triggers will work on the camera that is on the CVR plan.  I’m using this method until the external triggers get fixed.  Not sure what I will do if Arlo decides not to fix this problem, I don’t want to pay $10 a month to get the functionality back that I had when I bought the cameras some time ago.


Support on this has been dismal.  It seems in the past that Arlo support would be engaged in one of these threads.  All I  get now is different people asking me the same  scripted configuration questions over and over again.   As long as this has been broken (Aug 30), it's clear you can't depend on Arlo alone for security and fortunately I don't.  The video is just extra monitoring.  Since motion triggering works, I guess I could install a cuckoo clock near the camera so the moving bird can trigger my dormant cameras on the hour.  Thanks Arlo.


hilarious! Truly the only work around I know that would work