Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I have both systems, wireless and Arlo-Q on IOS. I invited my wife as a friend and when she attempts to watch live on the wireless cameras with her iPad Air 2 and iPhone 6s, she receives the following message; your arlo device appears offline, please make sure it's powered on and connected to the internet. She can watch live with the Arlo Q and my other IOS devices are able to watch live on both systems. Additionally, the batteries are new.


I too have the same issue as the previos 5 thousand people. My cameras have been TOTALLY UNUSABLE for the past three weeks.  Do you hear that - TOTALLY UNUSABLE!


Please fix this without delay.

Guru Guru

What have you tried to see if you can fix it yourself?  Have you tried the app/browser/different browser? Power cycled the cameras and base? Logged out and back in?  Specific information helps.

The problem I was experiencing was fixed with the last app release. I'd be sure you have that.

The fix posted by the commenters before me fixes the problem (grant your friends administrator access), but like previous commenters, I don't think one should have to do that.


I do not know if the new version of the app fixes the problem. I solved my problem before the new version was released by using the fix posted by the commenters before me (grant your friends administrator access), but like previous commenters, I don't think one should have to do that.  I'm not sure if/how the new app addresses this - I haven't had the need to add new friends since the new app was released. 

Well every product and every app has bugs. I expect there to be bugs. What I also expect though are for important service affecting bugs to be fixed promptly, for hardware issues to be acknowledged and addressed fairly, and for a company to be competent, available and responsive to tech support inquiries and forum posts. I have experienced none of those with Netgear so far. The reps seems friendly and eager to help but they are hard to teach, they do not seem too competent to fix the problem, and problems are addresses way too slowly.

I had the same issue. Just did a brand new install yesterday, today, one of the cameras says it's offline. I finally got it to be recognized. Here's what I did (and I'm using iPad and iPhone 6).


1) Remove the device via the application.

2) Remove and replace the batteries (I checked that the batteries had juice, all were fine so I didn't buy new batteries).

3) Via the app, go to setting, My Devices, and select the base unit at the top of the list (above the cameras that it is recognizing).

4) Select "Restart"

5) When the base is finished cycling back on and the 3 lights are lit on the base unit, go back to the app and select "Devices"

6) Go through the "Add Device" process and the camera will be recognized again.


This worked for me - hope it works for you!


This has to be a bug, I've implemented all recommendation and I'm still getting the same problem. The device seems to work and detects movement but there is no way to logon to the camera. When this happens, there is nothings we can do remotly ....The only fix is a power reset the base station! Even with the reset,  this is only going to fix the situation for a couple days. Please provide a fix asap! 


Hello All,


I had the same problem and now I have managed to fix it. Basically the problem is not with the camera but with the Base Station. What you need to do is the following:


Log in to your account either from your phone or online. 

Go to Settings - My Devices and select the Base Station (it should appear with the serial number)

Select "Remove Device"


Effectively you need to remove the base station from your account. After you do this, restart your application and in the Devices area select "Add Device" and then select to add the Base Station. As soon as your system finds the Base Station it will ask you to give it a name. Add your Base Station and then it will appear in your application with the name you gave it. You might need to sync your cameras as well after this. 


Effectively it looks like the problem was created by the fact that initially the Base station appeared with te serial number, and now it has to appear with a name that you have to give.


I hope this helps.