Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Recycle Bin Removed?

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Dear Arlo Marketing and Development, Engineers and Leaders,

Removing features that your customers were accustomed to is poor public relations. RECLYCLE BIN!!!


Please add the functionality of the recycle bin back into the mobile application along with the amount of mb / gb the cameras are using. This feature was very useful. When using mobile devices and deleting an item, being able to recover the deleted item is a very valuable and useful tool. Removing a feature like this without prior notification is also bad PR. Giving a survey to your customers about removing it prior to removing it would also give you a good indication about the feature.  I would not have updated my app on iTunes if I knew I would lose what I recently deleted videos, however I was forced to update.


If this is a marketing ploy to move your basic subscription users to paid, it is very poor PR. Your cameras and batteries are expensive. You offered a very nice free subscription unlike the expired VUEZONE systems. You produced a product better than vuezone, yet vuezone users could not incorporate their existing products with Arlo. Therefore, I had to buy new cameras.


With the implementation of ARLO you had a service of recovering deleted videos. Now, this feature is completely removed? Unbelievable!!  After spending over $400.00 for this system, it makes no sense to find a better home security system right now.


ARLO is advertised as a home security system. The owners of the homes should be able to manage their videos that were deleted on purpose or by accident.


Deleted videos should be available for security measures regardless of your increased cloud storage and without a paid subscription. I realize it is not available with a paid subscription at this time but have a feeling that may be the only way to get this in the future.


Change Management classes would be a valuable tool for your company. You are not thinking about your customers. You haven't in the past and you are not now.


I agree the RECYCLE BIN should not have been removed!!!


Please consider replacing it as I'm sure many of your users used it often. I have spent $656 on my setup and I expect and demand to get my monies worth from NetGear system. Please respond to my concerns. GAH


I agree completely too. Many of us get dozens to hundreds of videos a day and like to keep our library clear so that it's easier to review the new ones (good housekeeping). However, ocassionally it's very necessary to go back to the recycle bin and restore a deleted one for further review (critical security option).


I suspect the marketing department listened to the paranoid users who complained that they were worried about videos still being on the cloud when deleted. Rather than adding a button to empty the recycle bin, they just removed the recycle bin entirely!


While this might seem like a good move for those of us who have "privacy" concerns, it's a very bad move for those of us who are seroius about our home security.

I agree. Please bring back the recycle bin with an option to permanently delete.

Has anyone seen an answer from Netgear yet? I sent an email request which has not been answered yet. This is a big deal for all the reasons each of you had stated. I don't care about seeing a recycle bin in the app as long as there is still a way to gain access to a deleted video. What if a person makes a mistake and deletes the wrong video? With this update there is no way to retrieve it. Hopefully someone will respond with answers. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

The recycle bin has been removed so videos you no longer need can be permanently deleted in just one step. This change was made as a security precaution to provide peace of mind that deleted content is immediately erased. You can find more information here: New Arlo App: A Quick Guide to New Features


We advise that you download and store locally any content you wish to save for later use.


I will forward your concerns on the removal of the bin to the product manager.




Downloading is no picnic....has anybody tried it?  NOT a viable solution for the sudden and unannounced removal of the recycle bin feature.

Guru Guru

Automated downloading is easy. I have Python scripts to do this. Pm me your email address and the Recycle Bin issue isn't one.


Agreed...removing the Recycle Bin was a horrible strategy!  Let us, the end user determine if we need the video back or not, not Arlo!  Please return the recycle bin now!!!  I had vandalisim and need the video for the police report and Arlo in their lack of understanding made the new app useless!  

Guru Guru

Complain to those who posted here about HAVING the Recycle Bin. There were many posts here over the past year about this. Darned if you do, darned if you don't.


At first I was disappointed that the Recycle Bin was deleted but after, I reseached the new version without the Recyle Bin, I find that it is OK. I can either put pics in my iPad iPhoto's or download them anywhere on my computers. They will not be deleted for 7 days, it is up to the user to review his pics and save the ones off the system such as iCloud or iPhoto. You can also send pics to freinds via the internet. Check it out you will be surprised that it is workable. I have a 4 camera setup and hope to make it 5 soon.


Thanks.  The issue is there wasn't a reference to the elimination of the Recycle Bin with the new app.  I'm in the industry providing the medical industry with cloud solutions where our release notes are very inclusive, especially if a workflow has been eliminated (and why) as well as new workflows based on end user requests.


I've used the download and share function many times with my Arlo system which has been helpful to the police.


Recycle bin should still be an option.

gaheyrman34 wrote:

At first I was disappointed that the Recycle Bin was deleted but after, I reseached the new version without the Recyle Bin, I find that it is OK. I can either put pics in my iPad iPhoto's or download them anywhere on my computers. They will not be deleted for 7 days, it is up to the user to review his pics and save the ones off the system such as iCloud or iPhoto. You can also send pics to freinds via the internet. Check it out you will be surprised that it is workable. I have a 4 camera setup and hope to make it 5 soon.



If people had concerns about their video's in the cloud, Arlo could have given the option of keeping the recycle bin or having immediate deletion of video's.  The fact that they made the choice for us makes me want to look elsewhere for video recording or going to a wired stand alone system with no cloud service or company that makes upgrades without my knowledge or input.


Why was this removed?  Please replace it immediately!

Plzhelp wrote "Downloading is no picnic....has anybody tried it?"
It is very simple on the iOS app, just press download at the bottom of the screen of the video and it saves to your camera roll. For iOS, I don't think they could have made it simpler.
Please bring back the recycle bin, footage accidentally deleted can be retrieved which is essential! It is a fail safe that was brilliant and a feature of Arlo I would consider key.
It appears a video was deleted without my permission and and without the recycle bin, I cannot retrieve it. Arlo team, please restore this useful facility!

This is not what we, your customers, want. We want the functionality of a recycle bin as we had before.






I just found out now that they deleated recycle bin I have not looked at some videos that were inportant that I needed for personal reasons and videos I made with my kids that are now gone I am very upset I should have the option to deleate my videos not arlo u need to stop deleting my videos they are mine not yours errrr