Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Motion detection is inconsistent at best

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I have two arlo cameras pointing at the same area in the front of my home. The signal to the base is 100%, the internet connection is excellent.

I often have large gaps in recording and detection.

For example... I have a basketball stand on my driveway... In one video, at 5:30pm, you can clearly see the structure in one area of my driveway. It's abou 10 feet from the cameras. In the very next captured video, the structure is moved to another area of the drive and knocked over. This one have take significant effort and more than a few seconds. All within 10 feet of the cameras set to 95% detection.


Someone physically moved and knocked over the structure, but the cameras did not record it. 

They are un-reliable, inconsistent, and somewhat of a waste if they do not work as advertised,



Community Manager
Community Manager



It may take some trial and error to find the best position for your cameras. Consider trying a different location for the camera and be sure to follow the instructions listed in this article for best performance: How do I place my Arlo camera?





Prodigy Prodigy

Where do you suggest he place the cameras?  On the, now knocked over basketball stand ?  Netgear/Arlo is Continuing to advertise this product as "Place it anywhere", problem is.......  You cant 

Guru Guru

It could help if folks posted screenshots or videos so we could make suggestions. Again, not all situations can be covered but maybe a change would be possible if we could see what's up.


Try setting "motion sensitivity" to 100% and record length to 20 seconds or more. That will kill your batteries prematurely, but at least the recording should be more reliable. You need to set the duration long because there is a delay recording the second video and the activity might be happening during the gap between videos where nothing is being recorded. Someone suggested on this forum that there be an option to continute recording as long as there is motion (perhaps with some upper limit). I think that makes total sense. Perhaps the delay issue makes this option impossible.

I do now get everything recorded under the sun and moon; cat walking across the lawn, cars driving by, wind blowing, but I'd rather have too much than too little (like missing people walking across my driveway).

Arlo Q missed two people walking past the camera this evening! I caught the end by live streaming and having seen that motion had been detected, waited for the video to appear in Library, which they never did! I have two stills manually captured at the time. My question is, as Arlo Q was armed and detected motion, why did these videos not appear in the library?
Guru Guru

Is it possible that the distance is too great and/or the motion was too slow?  I have a Q positioned looking out a window and don't always capture motion due to the above.  I'd have to somehow mount it closer to get better results.

I have a camera over my garage and one approx 10 feet from my front door. I have someone come over, park in the drive way right in front of the garage and walk into my house and neither camera recorded anything. Btw, the camera over the garage will often record tandem cars driving through the neighborhood(but not someone in my driveway??) These cameras are both set to 100% sensitivity. The one next to the door didn't record anyone leaving but the one on the garage caught them leaving.

I've only had the system a few days and honestly at this point i would say they are incredibly bad at doing what they are supposed to do.

Trail and error ? I been fiddle around with it for the past 2 months- Still a hit and miss deal....Do i still need to poke more holes in my house to reposition the cameras ?

Community Manager
Community Manager



Consider posting screenshots from the cameras point of view. This may give us some insight on why the cameras aren't behaving as expected.



James, I would be more than happy to post screen shots. Is there actually a way to do that on this forum? Tonight I was testing the motion of not cameras and I literally had to get directly beside them before they would activate. Other times I could be in front of them waving at them and they wouldn't activate. Not to mention they have been offline 2 days for no apparent reason. Internet connection has been great the entire time. For nearly $500 I have to admit I expected a little more than something that would simply work when it wanted to. I can't even begin to describe the disappointment in these things. I really want to give them every opportunity because I really like the wireless option, but I have to admit if something doesn't change with your help there is just no way I can justify keeping them.
Guru Guru

There are multiple ways to post a screenshot.  When replying to a message there are 3 icons just above the message area - a link (URL), mountains (image) and a video clip.  Click on the appropriate one and upload the screenshot.  You can also use the Library to share a link (good for only 24 hours) by copying it to your clipboard and paste it into your message.  If you use a web site for images (Flickr, Dropbox, etc.) you can also put them there and put the appropriate link in the message.




Ok, I see these options now on my pc.  Those options aren't available on a mobile device.  Attached are a couple pictures of the two cameras I have installed currently. They have performed so poorly I haven't bothered installing the others. The third picture of my head is how close I had to get for it to detect me. I should add that SEVERAL TIMES I have gotten within two of feet of both cameras and waved at them and they haven't detected me.  Each morning my wife gets into the car you see in the pic and drives away and never once has the camera detected her leaving.  Yet, SOMEHOW it will occasionally detect a radem car driving by in the road.  I also should mention that the cameras are literally offline nearly every morning when I wakeup.  So, sometime from when I fall asleep to when I wake they randomly go offline.  Of course the one time I went out of town they went offline immediately.  So, they function horribly when they are on and when you leave or go to bed they go offline.  Seriously, what good does that do anyone?  I purchased these cameras because of the wireless capabilities and because they have decent reviews.  I'm really questioning the reviews.  These reviews had to be completed by folks working for the company.  I'm someone who rarely complains about anything and i can't see any possible way anyone could rate these cameras highly.  I admit I didn't expect the greatest security system in the world for $500, but at $500 I certainly expected more than something that hardly functions better than a decoration. This sounds crazy but in all honestly at this point I would say the chances that these cameras catch anything of note are about as good as me witnessing something by looking out the window.


The high review are easy to setup but when it comes to secuirty cameras i will rate it 0. Piece of junk period...................

Guru Guru

While there are a lot of reasons detection isn't working well, I'd submit two things, one for each camera.


1) The porch shot is stretching the range of detection somewhat.  Moving the camera closer (might need an addition mount rather than the magnetic mount) so the scene is much more just the actual entryway (steps, a little of the porch and the door).  You could possibly mount on the column behind your head in the night shot or just above it so it's more hidden.  Also, what's the WiFi signal strength of this camera?


2) The driveway shot has multiple issues.  The car is driven directly towards/from the camera and includes WAY too much street.  The camera at least needs to be angled down to include only the driveway but should be mounted so motion is across the field of view, starting at an edge.  I can't tell if there's something to attach the camera to so it may be difficult to get a better angle - again, a different mount may be needed.

Prodigy Prodigy






WHAT A JOKE >>>>>>>


I'm a little confused by your suggestions.  I literally can literally walk right up to both cameras and they won't detect me.  I can get MUCH closer than the column to my front door and they won't detect me.   I'm not sure that is an issue with how they are mounted.  I mean I'm RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. Are you saying I need to point the camera above the garage directly to the ground?  Are you saying that if a criminal isn't walking next to the cameras and walking left to right than the cameras can't detect them?  As for the connectivity question, they both show the full four bars constantly (when they aren't radomly offline).  

Guru Guru

I'm saying that motion directly at the camera is much harder for the PIR to detect. While that may well not be the whole story, it's a starting point.  At least temporarily, perhaps using double-sided tape for thew mount, try relocating the camera so motion is ACROSS the FOV, starting at an edge.


inconsistant is a good term.  Mine get set off ALL the time but nothng gong on.  set at 2.  Found out they only capture side to side motion unless its a bug. So your basketball hoop gettng knoced over should have been detected, in my opinion.  Are you gonna report the issue?  pefhaps theres somethng netgear can help w/ maybe some cross connectons causing probs?  i dunno.  it was the only option i have due to the wireless option.  Time to catch those jerks messing w/ your stuff!  isn't that the point?


Inconsistant, Joke and Junk is the best term for Arlo cameras......... What a waste of money.....



I see issues w/ the area you have the cameras mounted.  might explain some of your probems.  As for your connection dropping, I would ask how big is your router?  I think you should give arlo a call, and I think your issues will go away and you will feel differently about your purchase.

The car going in and out won't pick up, but cars going by will.  I would aim it down so the street and across the street aren't in focus.  Your entry is only picking you up close up shots because of it's placement also.  It will pick up your neighbors going in and out of their driveway, but not the entry.  I suggest moving it also, perhaps above the door and aim at ppl walking up the stairs onto the porch.  Worth a try.  Also, see this:  How do I optimize my Arlo Wire-Free camera’s motion detection performance?

If that doesn't help the call is needed, they're real helpful at the arlo tech support.