Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

How do I turn a camera off?

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Can't seem to find the setting in either the mobile or the webapp.........  Or if there is a procedure to turn off motion sensing, please share it.

Arlo Employee Retired

Hello MichaelHein,


Are you referring to motion detection? If so you will need to create a mode for “no motion detection” and place the mode in "schedule". To do so follow the steps listed below


  1. Log into your account
  2. Navigate to “settings”
  3. Click on “modes”
  4. In the upper right hand corner click “add”
  5. Name the mode whatever you like. I recommend “ motion off “
  6. Make sure under "Select rule for this mode” that both options are not checked. The check marks should be black on both option.
  7. Next click “save”
  8. Now navigate to “mode” next to the library option. This should take you to the schedule week calendar.
  9. Next select the mode you just created and place it where you would like it and adjust the time as needed.


Creating a mode for “no motion detection” will stop all recordings for motion detection and put the cameras on standby. The cameras can still be use for live streaming if needed but the motion detection will stay off until a new mode with motion detection replaces the old mode of “no motion detection”.


I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any more questions.

I’m always happy to help

The Arlo Team 



Exactly what I was looking for.  I hope that in the future we can get a software enhancement so that we can have an on/off button for each camera or maybe for a all of the cameras.  The scenarios is that when I'm at home, I would like to basically turn monitoring off and messing with schedules seems a bit roundabout.


This will work for now though.  Thanks for the answer.

Arlo Employee Retired

MichaelHein wrote:

Exactly what I was looking for.  I hope that in the future we can get a software enhancement so that we can have an on/off button for each camera or maybe for a all of the cameras.  The scenarios is that when I'm at home, I would like to basically turn monitoring off and messing with schedules seems a bit roundabout.


This will work for now though.  Thanks for the answer.

Hello MichaelHein,


No problem! I’m glad I could help. And your suggestion for a on and off button is a great idea!!! You should post your idea in the Arlo idea exchange. Our developers are always looking for new and betters way to improve our products.



Arlo Idea Exchange




Thank you for being a loyal customer and we look forward to speaking with you in the future! Smiley Very Happy


The Arlo Team

Guru Guru

I have set up my cameras as follows ( if this helps any)

1- All Motion OFF( turns off both cameras )

2- All Motion ON  ( all ON )

3- CAM 1  ON  ( turns on #1 motion AND turns off #2 if motionwas on )

4- CAM 2 ON ( turns on #2 motion AND turns off #1 if motion was on )


This allows easy on/off setting for all when leaving and returning.


PS in the testing period with modes, if wanted, you can even use CAM 1 to sense motion BUT have it record on CAM 2. So the modes are pretty flexable.


Morse is faster than texting!

Same here... set the situaiton manually using these rules; don't "have to" use schedule.


Same here... set the situaiton manually using these rules; don't "have to" use schedule.


Would like to know how you turn 1 off and 1 on.  There are no rules to do that and When I go to manual mode I only have the capability of controlling both cameras with the same mode.  Would appreciate any help , thanks....

Arlo Employee Retired

Coryvette wrote:

Would like to know how you turn 1 off and 1 on.  There are no rules to do that and When I go to manual mode I only have the capability of controlling both cameras with the same mode.  Would appreciate any help , thanks....

Hi @Coryvette 


I added a tutorial that I hope will help answer your question.


How do I turn 1 camera on and other camera(s) off?



I followed instructions and set up a Motion Off mode.

when I tried to return to the All motion on mode that I originally set up, the calendar had no motion on segments; it was filled with Motion Off.  I had to rebuild the Motion On mode calendar again.


Either your instructions on setting up modes is incorrect or each  time we with to make a change we lose the old mode.

Is that true???

A great feature would be to have a setting that would detect your phone's in the home and not record.

agreed but, you would have to have seting for which cameras to turn off if you have more than one going.  All the same, good idea!!!



To have one camera on active & other inactive, follow the below set up.



It's importnat  to Name all of your camera's ( exsample, name 1x " Camer-1 to Record " & Name 1x " Camera-2 Not To Record " )



Mode One for first camera


1- Select Mode

2- then select Add a Mode,

3 - name this mode " Camera-1 to Record " then select  "Next "


4- on second page, select  " Camera-1 to Record"  then select Next if you wish to ajust the motion dection volum for example to 100% move to round green arrow to reach to 100%

then select Next,


5- on this page Triger Device ( camer " Camera-1 to Record" should be highlighted green ) then select Next


6- on ths page Record Vedio should be highlighted green, you can ajust the percentage of you Recording for example 25 second,

on same page option " Posh Notification " should be highlited green, and if you wish to be alerted via email add your email address, I personally don't add my email address as I use Arlo Mobile App and I get the alert via App. 


7- final summery page, select "Save" you should see the Mode you've created on the list.






Mode Two for second camera



Follow same steps as your first Mode except for this Mode you need to make the following changes.


Name for this Mode need to be " Camera-2 Not To Record " and on 3rd page select  "Do Nothing"  rather than Record Vedio,

when you Save this mode, you should see both of you mode you created for your camera's



you almost there,


Then finally cerate the Sechedule's for both of your camera's


on your Mode List go to select " Sechedule "  then select option " + Add " from top on this page. 


1- on the first pop up window " add sechedule " select the arrow   " > " then on second pop up window " add sechedule "  choose camera

 " Camera-1 to Record "  then select the the week days you desire,  then select at Start Time for example 00:00am Stop Time 23:59pm.

then Save,


Fianlly you need to Follow same steps to create the fnial sechedule for your second camera " Camer-2 not to Record " 


then Save, 















not sure i am reaching you, but here it goes.

just purchased two cameras with base. I reviewed some Arlo videos to set my cameras,etc.  Wow the detail instructions on Arlos websit does not correspond with the app I downloaded from Apple. When I'm instructed to go to "settings" it's all different names. There are no "Armed or disarmed" buttons. How do I turn off the cameras. When I turn off the base the cameras still detect motion. The manual I downloaded also is way "off" my program. I need some instruction to set things up. When I leave I need to turn on the system and when at home I need to turn it off. I need this to be quick and simple. I can't set up a schedule as I'm back and forth from my home. There has to be an easy way. Lets get the manual to match the program.



Guru Guru

I downloaded from Apple. When I'm instructed to go to "settings" it's all different names. There are no "Armed or disarmed" buttons.


First, your in the wrong place for turning on/activating the cameras.  That is under MODE.

If you hit MODE then the Arlo on right, the default ARMED and DISARMED ( and schedule ) will appear on the left side.  From here hit the one wanted to toggle that state.


SETTING > MY DEVICES then camera will allow you to set each particular camera ; ie night vision on, invert, etc

Morse is faster than texting!