Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Delay in Recording

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My cameras have a slight delay (approx 3 seconds) from the time it detects motion till the time it actually starts recording.  Is this normal?  I have cameras set up to record all entryways to my home and seems if a burgular were to walk in from a few of locations, this delay will prevent me from recording their face as they walk in.


Netgear will always blame it back on you it's your fault - You don't know how to  positioning the cameras, the cameras are not setup properly or send me a pictures.  


We've had our unit since 7/16.

The camera seems responsive and the video is very clear.

We've never had delay issues.  The camers always seems to record immediately.  We usually get a motion notification on our phones within a second or two at the most.

It even caught the the bratty neighbor kids attempting to vandalize our pond.  The video caught them and we called the police immediately.  We were an hour away from home at the time.  Because of the immediate recording respose we had recorded evidence for the police which we were able to immediately email or text to them.

Works like a charm!  The little brats have never been back since and our druggie neighbors are well aware of our WORKING security cameras.


All it takes is a little patience and some trial and error in the camera placement....and buying batteries in bulk.

I'm saving up to add a couple additional cameras.


Guru Guru

agrimme wrote:

Works like a charm!  The little brats have never been back since and our druggie neighbors are well aware of our WORKING security cameras.


Yeah, our druggie neighbor gave me the finger on one recording because we had been recording him sneaking outside to do his thing and had turned some video over.  At least he's (mostly) gone now but I'm not taking it down.