Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Why would someone be stupid enough to turn the door knob and see a weapon staring them in the face? 
I have no idea who this is but I was home. I looked out to see a black dodge van parked off the street out of traffic and not in the driveway or in front of the house.

Never seen him again and probably lucky for his sake as well.


Guru Guru

good video

Morse is faster than texting!

This actually looks pretty innocent. I wonder if they are just at the wrong house? Didn't seem that nefarious to me.


I can't ever remember being told from childhood to my current age it was alright to attempt to turn everybodys home door knob or check to see if it's locked or unlocked when ringing the bell and or knocking.
The door bell is at the door inside the house so, he could've heard it pretty easily.

The black Dodge van you can't see in the video was parked parralel to the street 50' from the door way as well. I did when eyeballing him out the blinds. RED FLAG.

What most fail to realize is anyone that enters your property without prior consent is considered a trespasser. There is no soliciting signs as well in my neighborhood where you enter.

Nefarious, harmless, non threatning or lost etc. in one's eyes isn't what another sees in theirs. Being a combat veteran and retired fugitive recovery agent I don't take kindly to suprise visits, door knockers, jehovahs witnesses, solicitors, tresspassers or any other violating entry on my property.

This is why I have a triple zone of security at my residence from a previous convicted robbery subject on parole caught on my other non Arlo cameras prior to purchasing the 7 Arlos added to the inner line of security.

We live in rough times in this country and never can you take any type of action as you termed, nefarious as just a wrong house call.


I agree with ReconyxSC950, definitely someone checking out his property while trying to look innocent. He noted windows etc. and checked out the ceiling area. He also kept his vehicle away from the property so his plate couldn't be noted.


Years ago a man attempted to enter my home through the front screen door which had the screen open but was locked. My german shepherd who was very calm, heard the sound of the door handle depressing in quick succession as the man attempted to open the door, and my dog took off down the hall and bounced off the screen door before I got there. About 10 feet from the door was a guy trying to get away from Ben (my dog), he had a ponytail, blue jeans, white T and flowers in one hand. I told him to get the # off the property and he left. A few minutes later my older next door neighbour came over and told me her husband went out and they had left the front door unlocked. She was in the basement alone in the house, and heard someone walking upstairs. She went upstairs and found the same guy standing in her living room looking around. She told him to get the # out of her house and he left. He came right next door to my place.

We both called the police who said usually the person is looking for easy entry into a property to grab anything laying around like wallets, purses, jewellery etc. and the flowers were a prop.

My neighbour kept the door locked after that.

Better safe than sorry.



Doors are to be remained locked rather your inside or not. Security breaches are always attempted. I believe we have a place on this group where we can post our pictures other than in these posts. Reason being, it wasn't the Arlos that captured the video or the still imagery of the armed robbery parolee wandering around at 1:41 am on Dec 28th last year. 

If I get a chance I'll add them to my personal libray and tag ya where you can see why I have 3 layers of security "just in case"



Thanks, I'd appreciate that. Having problems with people creeping about at night and live in a rural area. I have a four camera Arlo kit and am planning to add CCTV camera's with night vision 100' by the spring. I'm also considering motion detectors (driveway motion sensors) with wifi notification, and adding IR lights to assist the cameras with night vision.


Focusing on protecting the outside of the house for now. Hard with a rural property, people can hide in the woods.




Definetly a must in a rual setting. I had a friend that's passed now that was into it really hardcore and had a laser beam grid perimeter setup on his property.

He had it set at a height where where small vamints would'nt trigger it but larger sized animals would. You have to take in account what roams your area in the wild for placing it at a certain heights.

I will also will add a "live hard wired" system next year with 4K cameras and terabyte sized storage capabilities. I'll move the Arlos's inside for whenever we exit the home and have internal visual capabilities.


As far as the out lying areas (in the woods) I highly recommend Reyconyx cameras only. I've tried and tested a major amounts of the game cameras on the market and for reliability, images, dependabilty, made in the USA, excellent customer service, battery life, image count etc they are matched by no other. Google them for more information.

These units are not cheap in price or design BUT, the trade off is a long lasting camera unit (years +) of continued service. The others all are all made in China and die out after a couple of years or take so many false pictures it's pathetic plus are battery hogs.

I enclosed mine in 12 gauge steel, bear proof boxes. I used round uncuttable locks to secure the units and are grade 8 lag screwed into the trees. These are positioned in my location to watch the imporatant locations the Arlos may not detect plus give me another reverse angle as well.

In your application you may use these type cameras as whats called a "camera fence line" simmilar to the laser beam grid detection. This camera fence will capture images or video instead of just sounding an alarm like the laser beam system.

Reconyx now has a bullet shaped cameras instead of the normal square looking units. Some of this brand of cameras can also utilize solar panels for extended use in the field. My units use 12 AA lithium batteries set at 3-5 bursts per trigger and the trigger sensing is 1/5th of a second with no delay and short refresh rate.

I use 32G C10 SD cards and can handle taking 30-40 thousand images before replacing the batteries. I've had my units out a year now and the battery level is still at 99%. Video settings use space and battery power so, always remember that with any camera thats battery operated.

These Arlo cams (7) I use work just fine for what I have them set up to perform. The new hardwired 4k resolution hard wired units I'll have will be viewed on a sepearte flat screen dedicated just for the live viewing.

Netgear is continuing their progress to improve the cameras which is a excellent thing. Most I read about are complaints of not "waking up" fast enough and high battery drain, lag time in re-recording to name a few.

Consumers really need to do their homework on "what are you trying to achieve" with these units? There is always a trade off for now in this industry which makes one better than the other so, you might have to couple technology together to get whats best desired.

Some may say, "I'm not investing time and money into all that" well, my answer to that is, if it isn't, you might as well leave your home or business unlocked and don't complain when things are stolen or you have a home invasion because ultimately it's up to the consumer to know what best fits the application or area they are trying to secure or observe and not the camera maker. Clear pictures and video will destroy the thug in a court of law, I know this.

Inquire with local camera installers or security companies and see what they think is the best set up or options for your location. That's what they get paid for. The consumer must take the time and research this topic because it needs to be thought out prior to buying equipment thus preventing them from being disgruntled over the decision purchase they ultimately made.

I hope this helps out some regarding your situation(s) in different locations.






You are a wealth of information! Thank you for the detailed reply. I've never heard of a camera fence line, and will be researching the camera's you described. It's going to take some time to put in place but I'll let you know what I eventually come up with.


I was quite disappointed in the Arlo Pro camera's this week. It hit -16C and all four camera's stopped working with the message that the batteries would have to warm up before the camera's would work. They started working again within 24 hours when it warmed up, but they won't be much use outside in the winter in Canada. I thought they were advertised as IP66 and able to operate to -20C (tech sheet states -20C to 45C)


And, the battery charge doesn't last very long in the cold.


So, I'll also be investing in another camera system like CCTV. I was looking at the GE Interlogix system and thought the price was quite good for the camera and NVR. What really impressed me was the manual for the system was written in proper english and the software looked like it was straight forward and written by a pro. I'm trying to find a system which will allow wired camera's and one or two which I can hook up to power but will need to communicate with the NVR by wifi.


Thanks again, you've given me quite a bit to think about.




Your most very welcome! I've tinkered with Game cameras of all kinds doing a QDMA (deer management) 5 year study on 800 acres I owned. I had cell operated cams that used AT&T service. I'm not sure how these Arlos are when sendin vidoe over a cell network. i bet it's a data plan and those can get pricey. Video drains batteries fast as well.

I wasn't ever a fan of At&T's cell service be it phone or for these cameras I had. Signal reception will play a major role in how the camera operates as well. We had external antennas on ours to pick up a signal strong enough to send the mms text image which was a low grade resolution. You had to have 3-4 bar strength to get the grainy image in 30 seconds. any less of a signal and it's anybodys guess.


The reason for the grainy mms text was it took less transmission time on the towers to send. The cameras would save a 12mp image of what was there as well on the internal SD card.


These game cameras have evolved but, you get what you pay for here. Reconyx will cost you more, BUT, they are made, sold and serviced in the USA. They can handle your cold temps up there as I had friends in Alberta using them. No warm up scenario.

Buckeye cams is another you might consider for the outer perimeter as well. It can be viewed off the pc in the house etc. 

I wasn't too thrilled by the "live" Facebook Arlo reps the other night. They hit and missed on certain questions that were thrown at them. You could see the questions folks were asking but, they purposely passed by them as 1 guy kept asking about rechargeable batteries for the first Arlos and a charger cost or where he could find it.

They blew him off constantly to boast about the newer units available. Bad move as a Sales Developer to the public.

I will PM you some information I found that might be useful to you and maybe not being as you are in Canada. Never hurts to try though.

Glad my information was helpful to someone on here as I try to hit it from all angles in security and protection sakes.

Have a great Christmas and New Years!

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