Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

one camera only records one second of video at a time...

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I have tried re-synching the camera a few times but it will never record more than 2 seconds at a time. I have it setup to record 20 seconds of video. I have good wireless signal too. Any suggestions?

bjaockx wrote:
I have tried re-synching the camera a few times but it will never record more than 2 seconds at a time. I have it setup to record 20 seconds of video. I have good wireless signal too. Any suggestions?

I could suggest you try several things which may or may not work (I'm banking on the last one):


- Try moving your slider to, say, 60 seconds, then standing in front of it and waving to ensure it detects you; then go back in an see if you get a minute of recording.  If so, put the slider back to 20 seconds.

- Remove the batteries of the Arlo and reinsert, then re-sync.


- Go to your web/Ipad/or smart phone Arlo camera app and click on "Base Station Settings."  At the bottom then you will see "Deactivate" and "Restart" buttons.  I think that would do the trick like a reset.  Try the "Restart" first and completely re-login.  If that doesn't work, then go back and do the "Deactivate," THEN the "Restart."


I'm sure Tom or Netgear folks will have better solutions, but for what you're paying me, those are mine.  haha  😉  Best of luck!

Ha! Tried all of that except takin the batteries physically out, but I did open the battery hatch. I usually try to wait to ask questions on forums until I have exhausted all of the easy stuff. I like to make people really think. I'm having a little better luck with it today. It isn't 20sec yet, but closer to it! LoL!
it may have to do with my rules I set have the camera that is not recording, enabling a second camera via it's motion sensor. One ends up cancelling the other out. So I turned down the motion sensitivity to be less sensitive... seems to have helped a bit. But looking at videos that were taken both cameras appeared to be recording the same span of time... so I'm still not sure the cause, or solution of my problem. ;j

I was wondering if it wasn't something in your rules.... Yup, you might have gotten too fancy for your own good and invoked a self-canceling function.  If you don't have it fixed (and you obviously are adept at troubleshooting), one way or the other -- Netgear (almost said Netflix) will support you with the right answer.


Otherwise, and unless you have more than 4 cams and it's a hassle, you could simply remove all modes and then rules, and start with one camera set to do basic things and troubleshoot upward from scratch.  With a clean slate, you'd probably be able to determine the culprit in an easy and logical fashion.  Wow, and this from a guy who ONLY "got" rules/modes and scheduling a few days ago. 


Anyway, keep is apprised of your progress.  Anything anybody writes, another will surely experience somewhere too, so you'll be helping others.


Hi bjaockx,


Thank you for posting about this very interesting camera behavior you are observing.  


Does this camera record 2 second clips every time motion is detected or does it ever record the full 20 seconds? Has this camera ever recorded 20 seconds since you have setup your Rule? Additionally, if you see that your camera is recording (indicative by the running man showing red), do you ever click play and watch along with the recording?


Can you also please further elaborate on exactly how you have your Rule currently setup? (Are your Rules: 1) If motion is detected on Camera A, record on Camera B. 2) If motion is detected on Camera B, record on Camera B?)


Any additional information you can provide will greatly help us further troubleshoot this issue.


I look forward to your next update!





Arlo Team

I have not had it record a full 20, but it is doing better than 2 seconds. It has been consistent at about the 17 sec mark now.

No, the cAmery only recorded the 2 sec clip once on the initial motion detection Occured. The second camera begins recording about the same time. With the camera now recording the longer clips the second camera recording shows the same time frame in its clip.

I am not sure if the problem has resolved itself but it does seem to be functioning much better now.

My rules read as follows:
cam a detects motion then record cam a
sensitivity 95

cam a detects motion then record cam b
sensitivity 70

Also I have tried to engage a camera that was recording due to a rule engaging it. The app gave me a message that said something about the camera being busy.

Thanks for your help!


So what is the fix ? My system is 3 weeks old , was working fine .All settings are basic . Today 2 of 3 cameras are recordring 1-2 seconds .

Guru Guru

Step #1 - Power cycle the base.


2 - Remove the cameras from Settings, My Devices, open and close battery doors and resync them.


 Any luck?


Can these be done remotely ? I know the battery caps cant be but how bought the others /. My cameras are 100 miles away . This morning 2 recorded normal 10 seconds the other did a onesecond and now one of the others did a 4 second .   WTH ?

Guru Guru

No, can't be done remotely except for restarting the base. You can try that in Settings, My Devices, your base, Restart button at the bottom.


The fact that the issue seems to be moving between cameras makes me think that you have a WiFi connection between the base and cameras, most likely by something near the base, like a cordless phone or other 2.4GHz device. A WiFi issue could cause the recording to stop streaming because of the interference.


I bet you nailed it with the wi fi interfearance idea  . The cameras are aboard my boat @ a marina using the marina's wi fi . This is the first weekend they have been there and the problem popped up on Friday afternoon when the marina gets busy and  the wi fi use probably quadrupels . I am going to leave everything as is and see if it goes back to all good on Monday .


Ok . I think it was purely an internet issue . The short recordings only happened when there was extreme wifi use at the marina where the cameras are . As peak wifi use dropped , all cameras went back to normal ! Smiley Happy