Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Your base station is not connected to the Internet, but sometimes waiting it out will work.

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I've had Arlo for about 2 months. I had purchased it because my wife wanted to have a Baby Monitor sans wiring. The first month it worked well. Until about 2-3 weeks ago we started to always get "Your base station is not connected to the Internet. Please make sure it's powered on and connected to your router."


The Environment

1) An Apple Airport Extreme ac wifi router plugged into the router my ISP provided (1 of 4 ports occupied)

2) The Netgear Arlo router is the only item plugged into the Apple Airport (1 of 3 ports occupied)


We rely on having wifi at home for the iPads and iPhones, so for sure the internet is working fine. My ISP service is 100MB and I can get around 93MB download/upload speeds on Speedtest app on my iPhone using Wifi.


The Arlo Router would sometimes go Amber on the Internet LED, and then Green. Just like the app, sometimes if we wait longer, we can get the feeds. It's just unstable. I have no idea whether it's due to the recent updates?  I've done resets and restarts and deactivate and add base on the Arlo from scratch. I've even reset my ISP router and the Airport Extreme and those are just plain stable compared to the Arlo Netger router.


Overall, it's just frustrating and disappointing because we want to be able to check on our baby every so often.


I'm open to suggestions.




Guru Guru

It could be a flaky cable (I have one myself that I haven't taken the time to repair) or a bad port on the Airport. Also, it could be that the base station has a defect.  AFter trying the cable and port thang, get a trouble ticket going.