Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I have three Arlo cameras (original model, had them for over a year) and one base station.  Motion detection isn't working on any of the cameras.


Like many others I started having problems about four weeks ago

- all the rules under Mode were suddenly gone. Had to recreate the rules.

- all three cameras stopped communicating at the exact same time.


Here is what I have today:

- rebooted the base station.  Verified it is running the firmware released yesterday, version

- recharged the batteries in all the cameras

- re-synced all the cameras to the base station


Now the cameras are communicating.   Even the Live video works.  Also the Motion Detection test utility, and the Camera Positioning utility both work.  Thats right, the Motion Detect utility works.  But once I exit from the Motion Detection utility I can't get any of the cameras to detect motion! 


In the Arlo web site I deleted one of the cameras.  Re-synced the camera, setup rules for it in the Mode section, but still no motion.   


Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?


I have the same problem too.  


Frustrating and tiring to try and solve on our own.

Must be an Ohio thing.  


Did all you did as well, this is truly a nightmare. We have cameras for a reason, and that is to detect motion. Someone please help or shed some light as to what is going on.


I am having the same issue.  My camera's have not picked up anything since about 6:30CST last night.  This morning I had both cars drive by my one camera and it did not record anything.  


same problem. everything "tests" good, will even record manually, but wont record anything on its own. Think maybe this is just a way to get us to upgrade? Think im going to get a different brand system if this doesnt clear up. Too expensive for these problems.


Absolutely unacceptable, this is not only an expense, but now this is leaving people unarmed and vulerable, kind of a matter of life and death, yet no one has come to help us here!! 

Community Manager
Community Manager

For those experiencing this issue, are  you using the default "Armed" mode or a custom mode?


Do both behave the same way?




I'm having trouble with both.  I had a custom mode in place for years, on two systems (one at home and one at work).  On one system I noticed the custom mode name was changed to the name I mentioned in my initial post. I've experimented with both to see if either made a difference, and each doesn't work as they had done in the past. 


I have tried both and both do not work. I have armed, and tried custom in desperation.

For I am running Geofencing. When away it's armed and seems to work fine. When home I run a schedule. At night it's armed. During the day run a custom mode only arming two camera. It's when running the schedule is when the cameras have the issue. No idea why. My indoor Q cameras seem to have no issues.

What gets to me is the schedule worked fine for weeks or months. Then goes to Crap after updates.
Four cameras and no motion detection. Seems like the last firmware update has really bombed.

Now may I add.............the two other that has motion working, are very sporadic. Also I am not getting any push notifications. I checked and double checked I have them checked. 


Truly a big deal to not have your cameras working. Right now I would take them and throw them away if I didn't have holes in my bricks and siding where I mounted them all and buy another brand. 


One day all the cameras will record the slightest motion of a speck of dust going by... the next they wouldn't record if an elephant were doing jumping jacks in front of the camera.


Maybe it's time to spend my money with someone else.


I played with my camera last night and even rebuild the schedule.  After the schedule not working right and going direct to disarmed instead of the mode it should be in I just armed the system last night.  Still not a single recording even when driving by the camera.  

I am on CST and it seems around 6:30-7pm the camera stop recording if they are armed or on Geofencing.  They do not start recording again till late morning of the next day.  As of right now Arlo has turned my system into a useless paperweight.  I want to know what is being done to fix this now or how I will get my system refunded ASAP so I can go buy a system that works properly.  




I am so angry about this, but you made me laugh, probably saved me from a stroke!!


I am in the same situation with multiple Arlos not sensing motion (unless I put the camera into motion detected mode).  This ALL started after the last (@*(@*@ firmware update!   I've removed the cameras from the base station.  I've restarted the base stations.  I've even removed the batteries and then readded the cameras.  They might was well be sitting on my desk at this point b/c they are NOT working.


All of my 10+  Arlo cameras have been working great for 2+ years so don't go blaming the base-stations (has not moved) or the signal levels (have not changed).  SOMETHING in this last firmware upgrade has really hozed these cameras and my setup!   I mean it won't even detect a CAR going past them down the driveway and it's not just one camera!   This is completely unacceptable for a firmware upgrade to create this much havoc and chaos.  I'd rather have you keep in testing or beta another month longer than release this sort of breakage onto your users. 


You guys need to fix this and fix this quickly.   Thanks!


I contacted support again.  I have Case Number - 40121233 now open.  Tech does not know the fix yet.  😞  


Add me to the list!

Nearly the exact same issue as original post.

I have the 5 camera/1 base station Arlo system.

Followed all of the same steps in the previous posts for troubleshooting, but my cameras still only detect motion randomly, usually not at all.

I can deliberately try to set off one of them and nothing happens 9 out of 10 times.

Getting frustrated and about ready to return them.



Pretty sad that their tech doesnt know whats wrong, more reason to consider a cheaper set up. Why pay so much if there's no help to be had when there's a problem? I would think if it's from an update, they could just reverse it.


Hi,  I had some partial luck last night.  Need to see if it lasts.  I did the following and got 2 of my problematic cams back online and alerting to motion.  Let's see if it lasts more than 24 hours.


  1. I did a soft Restart on the base stations from the Arlo App. Settings -> My Devices -> Base units -> Restart
  2. I let it stabalize for about 15 mins
  3. I then removed the problem devices My Devices -> Device -> Remove Device
  4. I let them sit for about 10 mins
  5. I then readded each device individually to the base unit.  Still no motion.
  6. I then went into Mode -> Selected the base unit -> then removed the CUSTOM Mode I had added.  So all devices got stuck back into the "Armed" mode.
  7. I then readded the custom Mode "20180627-Armed" to the Modes.
  8. I then readded each camera to the "20180627-Armed" mode.
  9. I set the motion to be about 88%, left the record video alone and to push notify and email alerts.
  10. Both of the camera's which had been showing no motion etc.. are now recording and alerting again for the past 12 hours..
  11. I had created this "Custom Mode" after an early January 2018 update which seems to have hozed the cameras too.  I use this to make the cameras a bit more sensitive and control the emails alerts from each cam.

I hope this helps you guys and SUPPORT to narrow down the root cause.

These "modes" have been a bit troublesome but the above seems to have fixed 2 of my 10 which were acting up as described earlier.


Have a good one.  I'll post if they are still working after 24-48 hours.  


Also another symptom these 2 cams were exhibiting is they were losing sync to the base station every 2-3 days.  I'd have to ladder them down, and reconnect them to the base unit, then OK for 24-48 hours then gone.  That should have been a clue.  When they go offline, they chew thru batts like mad!   Later.


Hey come on, get with helping your customers! This wasn't a $2 purchase, but even more important is you leaving us hanging without our cameras for our security. 


I've been having the same problem, nothing has recorded for over a month. I've deleted them, reinstalled them, taken the batteries out etc etc, reset the rules, nothing works. They are fine if I manually start to record or do the motion test.


Did you try setting up a CUSTOM MODE for the BASE/Arlos?  I eventually did that back in January during my first run-in with non-working cams.  That got all of my cams working again.  This latest round of non-working, I removed the custom mode, then recreated it b/c adjusting the "sensitivity" of the cams was having no impact.   I too had 2 cams of 10 which would not detect motion unless in motion mode.  


I am having the same issues with my three cameras.  I assume if the UPDATE option is  not visible then I have the latests.  Is this a correct assumption?


Two of my camers have not worked in 5 days and all three had the batteries charged to 100% last weekend.  Now two are completely drained.  Why are two draining but one is perfect, working and notifying?


I am so sorry I recommended this crummy system to a dock mate.  His is still in the box and I will be suggesting he take it back for a refund.


I have recharged AGAIN this week, the cameras and they are once again working.  I have serious doubts this week will be any different than last week.  What a disappointment for a rather expensive system.  Never will recommend again.


I will try the custom mode you suggested but this is ridiculous.