Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Not receiving email alerts


I have been using the same email address for a few years. 5pm yesterday my email alerts stopped. Push alerts are still working fine. I have verified my email address, cycled email alerts on and off, restarted my base station etc. 


nothing is working 

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I just tried reviewing the Arlo cameras in Amazon, but they are limiting the reviews to only those who have purchased the product through them.  Apparently, Amazon has been bombarded with negative reviews.  


For anyone looking at Ring cameras, Ring has also removed email alerts.   I just bought 10 cameras, and they are all being returned.   I will using traditional POE cameras only.  The wiring is more of a challenge, but the cameras are better quality and will last longer.  Also, no subscription.  


Hey there!

I saw someone had similar issues back in September.

2-3 weeks ago, Arlo just quit sending me email alerts and only one of my cameras is sending notifications to my phone currently.

I've checked everything and nothing has changed.... Nothing is showing up in my spam folder either.

Definitely feel like this is an issue with the system...could someone PLEASE help? These were a huge financial investment for me and I need them to operate correctly as they were intended. 😞 I've read that it could be because Arlo considers my system out of date....but I really don't think that's fair for the company to do? As long as my cameras are still working, I should be able to receive the benefits that I originally bought them for. Some of us can't afford to update a whole camera system ever couple of years....I mean, geez. 😕

Thank you! Hope everyone is having a great week!


I just submitted a complaint and a review at the Better Business Bureau


I ask that you all please to the same. 


Arlo has a 1.05 out of 5 score! smh 


my complaint was regarding stopping email notifications, and of course how they lied to me about video verification!!!! amongst just their overall way of doing business. 


I really hope you all submit complaints. 



I have been trying to get EMAILS for activity notifications to no avail. The directions on a search or other community post say: (Push works fine)


  1. Launch the Arlo app or log in to your Arlo account at
  2. Tap or click Mode > Camera or Base Station Name
  3. Tap or click the pencil icon for an existing mode.
  4. Tap or click the pencil icon under the Rules section.
  5. Under the Alert section, select or clear the check box next to Email Alerts. This turns on/off email notifications.
    Note: You can also change the email address for email alerts by tapping or clicking the pencil icon next to the Email Alerts checkbox.
  6. Tap or click Save to apply the changes.

I can not find anything that says MODE so I get lost right there. I do find rules eventually for a specific device but there is no available option for email notifications and that option can not be added manually.

I am looking for the ability to get both; Push and email. I f I can't get both at least email. Any help would be appreciated.

Guru Guru

Email notifications have been eliminated recently for all cameras. Push notifications is now the only one available.


Thank you for your reply I am very surprised to learn this. I bought the cams because I need the emails and all the specs say you can do it.  Could somebody at ARLO please verify this featured has been discontinued. It is needed for several reasons , one of them is when traveling overseas


#ARLO Bring back the email alerts!


Arlo please bring back email notifications. Push notifications are not reliable enough and have a great deal of dependency on the handset, OS, software versions, software conflicts etc. Email is extremely reliable, and leaves a permanent reminder of an alert whereas push notifications can sometimes be accidentally dismissed/ignored.


If it's good enough to send us all of your marketing and special deals via email, then it's good enough to send us our notifications via email too.


Please do the right thing by your loyal users. Thanks.


I have an Arlo Pro system. My computer is working on a Windows 10.

I has been working fine until recently when my wife stopped receiving alerts from the system whenever it is triggered by something moving in range of a cameras.

I still receive notices on my cell Phone (Samsung) but she does not. She uses an iPhone but she always has received notices before now.

What has changed and how do I fix it?

Thanks for you time and expertise.


As you can see by the hundreds of comments from Arlo owners, Arlo has totally discontinued email alerts.  I am currently receiving push notifications on my Samsung phone, but have no idea why your wife's Iphone is not receiving them.

There have been many complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau regarding this sudden change which occurred sometime in the middle of November.  Neither I not anyone else received notification of the sudden change.



November 14, a day that will live in infamy for Arlo.

The day they decided to 'end of life' email alerts.

Arlo NEEDS to reinstate this service, post haste.


No way! They removed it? When I bought those devices it was advertised 'free for life'....


I will move to another brand and stop using Arlo for good. Pity I have equiped 4 houses with those...


Please see my post from dec 7th


i posted that I submitted a complaint and also a review at the better business bureau. 

I ask that everyone go there and do the same. Let’s actually bad together to implement change. 


Guru Guru

If you check the following, you'll see that email notifications were slated for EOL (along with the E911 service) for this year:


I have done the BBB complaint, Twitter to the boss, Amazon reviews as mine are still new enough to do that and initially I  opened a case with support.

Support just send links to the EOL Statement and tell me in spite of it saying this doesn't apply to EU or UK Residents insist it applies to me. I just got one from them a few minutes ago saying they were trying to contact me but having no luck. I checked my inbox and phones and there is no other message from them asking to contact me.

I wonder if this company is in its death throes, dropping a big part of what folks signed up for without any reduction in subscription fees might look good for a few months but it wont last 


I suspect that they're going out of business and this is a last-ditch effort to cut back on expenses. Or they're hoping to improve their bottom line to become a more attractive takeover target.


Disabling an ALERT feature on a SECURITY device without any warning is very bad form for a security company. I will begin my search for a new camera system today.


Push notifications "do not work" properly on IOS smart phone. When Arlo flipped the switch it removed my old software and I had to reinstall the "new" Arlo Secure. I see people writing about using the pencel which no longer exsists with new software along with many other options.


This is only a USA event. EU and UK were not included in Arlo's decision to screw things up.


I have an android phone, but had to force the app to the "feed" version, and my husband had to reinstall the app altogether on his phone, for us to both get push notifications. (In his case it seems arlo was trying to send the pushes to a defunct device.)


Dear Arlo Corporation,


Since you decided to do away with email notifications, customers now are left relying on crappy push notifications.


1) Push notifications often arrive well After the motion activity - as in sometimes many MINUTES after.


2) The sounds that are supposed to accompany push notifications often don't work.


3) When the sounds are audible, they are unfortunately generally not long enough or loud enough.  If the user is in a loud environment or sound asleep, for example, the user will likely never hear the alerts.  Your company needs to improve the app to allow user to increase the volume of the alerts and length of alerts, depending on the user's unique situation.


When the company decided to remove email notifications, it should have perfected the push notifications so as to alleviate the security problems posed.  


Unfortunately, the company left users will only one notification option that is completely inadequate and defective.  


Your products are currently unable to provide reliable security for users.


Arlo is not "smart".



#ARLO Bring back email alerts!


Have the same sinking boat, was using email notifications to activate my ring tone for the iPhone.


To work around the issue I had to revert to the siren which wakes the neighbourhood every time a moth flies  past.


Although the non inclusion for EU and UK customers is in the EOL statement and it has been sent to support through my open case they continue to deny this is the case and say everyone is affected. I think the replies are done by AI as are a few of the supposed official ones here. 


Just to let you know I don't need an email alert telling me your "HOLIDAY SALE EXTENDED!"


I do, however, need an email alert telling me if "SOMEONE IS BREAKING INTO MY HOME!"