Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Mode won't appear in Android app


The mode tab won't appear on our Android apps any more. The only tabs visible are now Devices and Library.


The Mode tab worked yesterday for me (Google Pixel 2), and for my wife this morning (Google Nexus 5).


I can log into and change the modes.


I have restarted my base station, and reinstalled the app. Why would the modes disappear during the day without us changing anything? Is this another server issue at your end? We've had this problem before with an Arlo outage causing hours of confusion, and no notification of downtime.

364 REPLIES 364

It will save you guys and all the users so much time if you have an annoucement page in this web site. The page should show up first whenever anyone goes to The annoucement page should tell us the current problems and when is the expected resolution, this way we won't have to be bothering you guys. It will actually make you guys look better, does that make sense!


Announment page is good, but a better idea is a system status page, that shows all know issues, what's being done to fix them, as well as the Arlo cloud status. Take a look at these two examples, this is how it's done:



No update yet, this is so frustrating no mode icon makes it basically useless as you can't arm the system


Can you at least allow us to change modes on Andriod, using chrome. Keeps redirecting to download app. I don't carry a laptop!!! Tried requesting "desktop site"


Can you at least allow us to change modes on Andriod, using chrome. Keeps redirecting to download app. I don't carry a laptop!!!

Read through thread, google version that still works, uninstall and install old version, I did, it allows my system to work, stip auto renew untill patched version is out.

"We are aware of a reported issue for some customers where the MODE tab is not available in the Arlo Android App".... 


Some customers?! Serious?! Netgear is now really showing that they do NOT care about customers at all...


Hundreds of complaints here (which according to all customer helpdesk and fora statstistics proves that thousands of customers have problems), no solutions for over three days and NO status update for the same period should be proof to anybody that Netgear is not interested in their product nor the functionionality of it. Pushing toys to make money instead of working hard to make the available (and already purchased) equipment stable and release improvement that add to functionality and reliability.


As some suggested here already it really is time to get all the social media involved and make sure that Netgear is no longer able to scr*w people over and just don't give a t*ss about their customers.


 F.Y. Netgear!!!

Bring up Chrome. In menu hit Desktop Site. Enter the url. Log in. You will see a banner across the top talking about updating Flash. You need to get rid of that. The way I do it is to touch it on the words before the hyperlink. The part you touch gets magnified for activation even if it does not contain the hyperlink. Touch the magnified word or words and the banner goes away. Now you can work the gui from your phone. No geofencing however. Some of us are wary about downloading a roll back apk file and I am using the gui and also my wife has an iOS device. Stop gap for what has been a stunningly feeble reaction to this on Arlo's part.




You're right Netgear doesn't care, but that's because Arlo is spinning off into it's own company most likely in the 3rd or 4th quarter of 2018 and seeing that Netgear lost 31 million in 2017, they have their own problems to worry about. Blame Arlo instead of Netgear. Get on social media and blame Arlo and hopefully if enough people make noise it will affect their IPO. After all, money is what business is all about and the best way to make them listen to customers is to hit them in the pocket book. If their IPO doesn't bring in the funding they expected maybe that will get them to realize that they need to start being a more customer focused company.

Arlo Employee Retired

Hello Arlo Customers,


Thank you for your patience. We have identified the issue with MODES that is affecting some of our Android customers. We are in the process of validating the fix and expect to have it verified and deployed shortly. Please stay tuned…


- Arlo Team


Please help, I've two systems in two different states, traveling and need to change modes often!  


Hello Arlo Customers,


Thank you for your patience. We have identified the issue with MODES that is affecting some of our Android customers. We are in the process of validating the fix and expect to have it verified and deployed shortly. Please stay tuned…


- Arlo Team


@pc2k17 wrote:

Hello Arlo Customers,


Thank you for your patience. We have identified the issue with MODES that is affecting some of our Android customers. We are in the process of validating the fix and expect to have it verified and deployed shortly. Please stay tuned…


- Arlo Team

So this issue started 3 days ago for some users. Just started for me today.


That tells me the problem is getting bigger, not smaller. So the fix they are about to roll out- is that for the original problem or the newer ones?


Android 7.0.0 (Samsung Galaxy S7)


It's all the same problem. Some saw it on day 1, I saw the issue on day 2, and some like you now seeing it on day 3. This is most likely due to location and what Arlo servers you connect too. I suspect an upgrade/update was done on the Arlo system backend and usually when big companies roll out an internal upgrade/update they use a system of distribution servers to push the upgrade/update to the rest of the servers. This is how my company does it. That means that some servers / locations get the update/upgrade right away while other servers get it a bit later as it replicates thru the entire eco-system. Just took a day or two to get out to the majority of servers. I'm not sure this is the scenario, but it's how my company does things. What Arlo should have done was stop the replication and roll back the change they made, but it appears they choose to let the change stand and replicate while working on a fix. According to Arlo that fix is coming soon. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be implemented.


Whereas it had been previously missing these last three days I am happy to report the Mode option has returned to the menu! As of just now, I checked my application and 'lo and behold, it's back! See the screenshot


Using VMB3000|Arlo Smart Home Security with 5 Arlo Pro Cameras and Solar Panels
Arlo Employee Retired

Hello Arlo Customer,


We have deployed a fix. The ability to access the modes tab has been fully restored for all Android Customers.


Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this caused.


Arlo Team

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Yes it is. But.... Had to force stop of app and re login to see it
Arlo Employee Retired

Hello @shoustonnz and Arlo Customers,


Thanks for the immediate feedback @shoustonnz!  Can anyone else confirm that this is the action needed to recover modes on their Android device as well? I'll take this back to our development team for further review.


Best Regards,




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Thank you for resolving the issue.  I had to logout of the Arlo app and login again, then I saw the mode tab.  I did not have to force-stop the app though. 

Arlo Employee Retired

Hello @FridaCat!


Thank you so much for confirming the issue is now fixed for you after you logged out and back in.


Kind Regards,


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I had to delete app and re-install. Works now. Mode tab is showing.


Tapped the Arlo Icon on the Android phone and when the Arlo page came up, the mode button was back in action.


I just think Arlo could have done a better job communicating this issue from the begining instead of leaving everyone in the dark for three days. A simple statement such as " Some customers have reported the mode function inop or missing from Android phones. We are investigating this issue and will provide feedback as soon as possible."   or some similar statement.


This issue and the lack of proper communication caused a lot of grief, but thankful its now fixed.

Can confirm it works now for me as well!
Went from the old working release from October back to the latest and it took some 15 seconds to load the Mode and Alarm sections but as said now seems to be back working!
Well it is still isn't working for me. I have uninstalled the old version I was using, installed the new one. The mode tab did appear, but as soon as I closed the app and reopened it. IT WAS GONE AGAIN. Arlo have not fixed it!!!!

And now they think they have they won't be investigating further!!!

Not working for me either.


Force stopped, cleared data files, restarted and logged in. Still no Mode tab.


My cat can code better than you monkeys.