Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


Making this mandatory is an exceedingly bad idea since it will slow down authentication and when it breaks—and it occasionally will—it will prevent access completely.  At least give the end-user the option of deciding how much protection to require for the account.

609 REPLIES 609

@Matjes wrote:
Is that true that from 30.11 Arlo will stop access to my cameras if i will not access 2FA identification. Is that allowed? I do not need and want that!

Yes that is right.  You can make you phone a trusted device in the app but not on PC if 2FA is activated. Though one poster has said he talked to a "higher up at Arlo" and they said it will only be required if you forget your password. He never replied when asked who that was but I hope he is right. 

What is two-step verification and how do I set it up? (


I’m so sick of these two step idiot ideas. After November I’ll not be able to access my cameras from Canada 3000 Miles away, WFT! 


You cant even email support from Arlo, but end up in the community of the lost.


I can’t activate push on my older devices or iOS stuff. Almost, but then the process stalls. Leave us alone! My iPad has fingerprint security! What the H to you think you are doing!!!!  


Indeed I’m asked repeatedly to trust a device and nothing happens!!!!!!


Same devices!!!!  Extremely disgusted. Arlo go to H, leave us alone.


Everything was fine for me 3000 Miles away in Canada before those idiots got bright ideas. Dummies!!!!


Indeed, makes me sad, irrate, and want to puke.


It won't even record to my USB drive unless I activate 2FA. It's MY DRIVE, NOT THEIR CLOUD! If I paid for a camera that I believed recorded and now it doesn't, the consumer is getting ripped off and bullied. This thing doesn't do what it was advertised to do.


This one made me laugh;


"It won't even record to my USB drive unless I activate 2FA. It's MY DRIVE, NOT THEIR CLOUD! If I paid for a camera that I believed recorded and now it doesn't, the consumer is getting ripped off and bullied. This thing doesn't do what it was advertised to do."


Arlo Pro 2 hasn't done what it was advertised to do for quite long time now because the geniuses at Arlo have been progressively reducing the video bitrate to a point where the video quality has been reduced to barely resembling 480P, never mind 1080P. And what have they done about it - nothing !


They can't even get their support case updates right. I logged a case (via online chat) a couple of months ago when this 2FA thing blew up. Two weeks ago they sent me a "reminder" email to update my case - when I tried over a period of 4 days, it would not accept my update. A couple of days later I managed to get it updated with a comment asking what they had done about it, and a day later they sent me another reminder saying that if I didn't provide an update they would close the case ????


How about GIVING ME AN UPDATE to say what Arlo is doing about it ??


Arlo is just a lost cause. Absolutely hopeless.



"Arlo Pro 2 hasn't done what it was advertised to do for quite long time now because the geniuses at Arlo have been progressively reducing the video bitrate to a point where the video quality has been reduced to barely resembling 480P, never mind 1080P. And what have they done about it - nothing !"


What the @$@#? If I record to my usb drive, it should be able to record at my desired resolution. It's MY drive, not THEIR cloud.


Agree entirely with bitrate. Recordings completely useless for identification purposes which is the whole point of a video security system.


It is 1st December here in Australia and I can still access my cameras and library on PC with 2FA turned off. As far as I can make out it is business as usual.


"What the @$@#? If I record to my usb drive, it should be able to record at my desired resolution. It's MY drive, not THEIR cloud."


It doesn't matter where you store the recording, it still goes through their cloud server first and (I think) the compression is done either in camera or in-base station. This has been happening over a long series of firmware updates (which just happen - unlike most other devices that give you the choice to load a new firmware, Arlo just does it without us even knowing) since early 2019. There is a very long support thread here about the subject.


Technically the resolution might still be 1080P, but because the bitrate has been so dramatically lowered the quality of the recorded images are pixelated and VERY poor quality, so they look no better than a half decent 480P image (being generous).


Think of it like a good camera's JPEG photo that has been very heavily compressed for social media use and you are viewing on a 27" desktop screen - it looks like crap but it might actually still have the same resolution as the original image.




I am also in Australia and mine worked fine this morning, and technically it is still 30/11/20 in the US, so the Arlo launch date of 01/12/20 might be "US time" not actual location time, so we might get a surprise tonight or tomorrow ?


As the traditional wired camera companies Swann, Night Owl, and Lorex security continue to develop their own wireless systems they will soon become direct competitors to Arlo in addition to all of the other wireless only systems already available.  I need to look at the wireless security systems Swann and Night Owl already offer to see if they would be a better option.   The last time I looked the Lorex wireless security system had some bad reviews.

Just past midnight here on the west coast of the USA.

Library no longer works. There are no accessible recordings.

Cameras work for live viewing, motion notices are given, and red badges for notices are accumulated, but ZERO Library recordings are available.

All the clued-in criminals will be going out to break into houses with Arlo cameras right now.

Tomorrow the class action lawsuit.

I have just checked (Australia) at 7pm local time (perhaps 2am US West Coast time ?) and I logged on with my desktop as normal (without any messages or 2FA) and everything seems to work same as it did yesterday - all cameras available, all recordings from the past 7 days available, schedule available, all modes available - so no change that I can see from yesterday so far. My 2FA is not enabled.

Indeed I hope they get a clue and make 2 step crap optional because this is so stupid. It’s a ordeal just to check your cameras. I noticed my recordings are not viewable. Is the a toll free number to scream?

They can't even get their support case updates right. I logged a case (via online chat) a couple of months ago when this 2FA thing blew up. Two weeks ago they sent me a "reminder" email to update my case - when I tried over a period of 4 days, it would not accept my update. A couple of days later I managed to get it updated with a comment asking what they had done about it, and a day later they sent me another reminder saying that if I didn't provide an update they would close the case ????


How about GIVING ME AN UPDATE to say what Arlo is doing about it ??


That's an old trick they have been using since the very beginning. I've filed several service requests and each time they've pulled that same, 'if you don't update we'll consider the case closed'. 

Another one of their tricks is to direct you to the 'solution' which takes you to nothing at all.




I just checked and my prior recordings are still there but I already had 2FA turned on.  Maybe when they forced 2FA the ones that had not yet turned it on were the ones that lost their recordings.  It puzzles me why the prior recordings had to be lost for the 2FA transfer.

No future recordings are being made that are available either. No recordings are available.

I just tested my system by logging in and recording on two of the cameras.  That worked and the recordings were saved in the library.  I have 2FA enabled but maybe Arlo disabled recording on accounts where the user has not yet agreed to 2FA.  Kind of like socialism.


There are support phone numbers at this page:


The full list is as follows:


United States contact information:
1 (408) 638 3750

Australia contact information:
1 800 549 680

Austria contact information:
0 800 281 729

Belgium contact information:
0 800 15 739

Canada contact information:
1 833 290 9488

Denmark contact information:
802 53731

Finland contact information:
0 800 913 252

France contact information:
0 800 911 974

Germany contact information:
0 800 505 3080

Hong Kong contact information:
800 969 144

Ireland contact information:
1 800 949 252

Italy (Italia) contact information:
800 797 106

Japan contact information:
0120 929 109

Luxembourg contact information:
800 2 5228

Netherlands (Nederland) contact information:
0 800 022 9052

Norway (Norge) contact information:
800 245 78

New Zealand contact information:
0 800 442 302

Poland contact information:
00 800 112 50 72

Portugal contact information:
800 819 224

Singapore contact information:
800 101 4013

Spain contact information:
800 654 348

Sweden (Sverige) contact information:
0200 33 6867

Switzerland contact information:
0 800 834 730

United Arab Emirates contact information:
800 017 0472

United Kingdom contact information:
0800 970 3054


I am not using 2-step verification and all my recordings are still accessible and everything still works from the phone, iPad and PC.


Just past midnight here on the west coast of the USA.
Library no longer works. There are no accessible recordings.


It's just after 9am here now and my Library is functional again. It was non-functional for about 9 hours (midnight to now).


I guess I don't have to sue Arlo after all today, so far.


Probably a pause in their system as they up dated it.


I haven't received any requested two-factor SMS authentications today (for a website login). They were working yesterday. (California)


Luckily the email method works and my phone app is already authenticated (via fingerprint). Not cool. 😕


We don't know what's going on, but we haven't been prompted for 2FA on any of our devices thus far.


Hope they just forgot about us.


@MikeBravo wrote:

We don't know what's going on, but we haven't been prompted for 2FA on any of our devices thus far.


Hope they just forgot about us.

Praying as hard as I can hoping that is true.  What a Christmas gift that would be!  🎄🎁