Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


Firmware upgrade again to, causing the live streaming, image or recorded video downgrade, lower the resolution, is everyone having the same problem yet. the Firmware upgrade was yesterday midnight (May 21, 2019).

290 REPLIES 290

No firm is going to roll back a firmware. If you expect that to happen then pigs will fly.  What we want is a fix with the new firmware in a quick manner. Then the firmware option should be not a manual update but the option to turn firmware updates off, if my system is working I should be able to turn updates off, then when I have an issue turn it back on to get the latest version or after amply time in the field and firmware works I turn it on.  Auto updates are fine as long as I can control when it happens.


In the last week of April, they rolled back the firmware.

So they can do it, if there is enought people complaint about it.


But this time it is different, because the company has broken up.

They won't do anything for us, they won't roll back, and there is no fix at this moment.

They just dragged us to a point that we will get tired and give up.


We want them to turn off the "Automatic firmware upgrade feature" in their software/program.

so there will be an option in the software that allow you to update or not?


Right now, the only chioce that we have is to follow their recommendation.

I hope this will answer your questions and concerns.


Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



Arlo has implemented many features upon large demand from the Idea exchange board. I highly recommend liking the idea you wish to be implemented as we are monitoring the board.


Hello everyone, 


Somehow, my previous link to these two ideas was merged, and I don't know how it happened.


I repeat here again:


Roll back to previous firmware from current firmware


Manual Firmware Update:




@ShayneS  please stop responding by telling us we have to jump through another one of your hoops by joining another forum ie Idea Exchange. Fix this, stop Talking down to consumers by replying in caps. Please stay out of this thread until you have good news. We’re tired of hearing “We’re working on it. This is on Arlo, not you. Don’t take it personal. But when you get all butt hurt because someone responds to your sarcasm, it doesn’t look good. Man up, shut up and hopefully your crack engineers will keep you out of the limelight for a couple of months. The next person we want to hear from is JamesC@arlo letting us know that all is good. 

Question: I just noticed that when I arm my camera when I leave the house it does not stay armed. It automatically disarms every time only minutes later. Anyone else find this?

parsrgood, well put, thank you!!


I noticed that this horrible firmware has been slightly modified recently.

So now, when the camera is detected by motion, the recording will start to be crystal clear for about 10 to 12 seconds,

after which everything will drop to pixel, blurry video and herky-jerky motion of the remaining video.


So if your recording time is set to less than 10 seconds,

you will think that your system works fine with this firmware, but this is not the case.


Live streaming and manual recording (approx 24 to 29 minutes) did not change at all, and the issue remained the same.

So beware!!

Please support the following two ideas,  so that they can no longer do this again in the future:


Roll back to previous firmware from current firmware


Manual Firmware Update:


Yeah, it's amazing how sneaky they are. One gets the impression they are doing everything they can to screw us and think we don't notice the tricks. How pathetic!

Totally frustrated with this. It seems we, the original Arlo owners, are suffering the most. I refuse to purchase the most current model just because their software isn't compatible. I will put my system in a box and mail it back to Arlo, lol.


One thing I don't understand is that we use our hard-earned money to purchase the entire system. We own the system, they are not rental equipment, and what rights do they have to alter our system without our consent?


Please tell me how they can get away with this? Attacking my property remotely? What security do I have?




@dsiu2902 wrote:

I noticed that this horrible firmware has been slightly modified recently.

So now, when the camera is detected by motion, the recording will start to be crystal clear for about 10 to 12 seconds,

after which everything will drop to pixel, blurry video and herky-jerky motion of the remaining video.


So if your recording time is set to less than 10 seconds,

you will think that your system works fine with this firmware, but this is not the case.


Live streaming and manual recording (approx 24 to 29 minutes) did not change at all, and the issue remained the same.

So beware!!

Please support the following two ideas,  so that they can no longer do this again in the future:


Roll back to previous firmware from current firmware


Manual Firmware Update:

Not here. I still get two to three seconds of clear video, recording or live, before it begins to pixellate and then become jerky.



MikeBravo, as you can see, everyone is different, I talk to few people, most of them are 10 and some are 14 sec's.

We all have the same horrible firmware


I have to believe that we are their laboratory mice, everyone is different. They sent it out at midnight, and no one knew what they did to us. Only they have the logs what they sent. That is a scary part.



Oh look, here we go again. That'll be another battery charge required then.
Lika dåligt fortfarande.
Funkar bra i fem sekunder, sedan är allt som en dimma. Bara suddigt.
Kommer det komma någon ny uppdatering?
Pratar man med någon support så förstår dom inget......
Still bad.
Works well for five seconds, then everything is like a fog. Just blurred.
Will there be any new update?
Do you talk with any support they understand nothing ......

MikeBravoparsrgood, glcjr  and everyone,


How does your system work?

Do they work the same as old firmware?

Does your video return to its original quality? HD?

Do you have any other issues?


Please advise!!



No, since the last update my 4 arlo cameras are bad, giving a very cloudy picture. But my Arlo pro 2 camera works flawlessly.


They are no where near hd. 

As for the pixelation, some times they'll be clear for around 14 seconds and other times they're bad from the start. Theres no rhyme or reason.

Live view is still terrible.

And lots of it can't connect when I click to view it live.

One camera's battery meter has gone from 83% when this started up to 98% and now its down to 96%. I wonder how much juice it really has since there's no way it INCREASED.

I'm probably going to get the new Blinks when they're released.

And Netgear, I have five of your routers running. Two making separate networks and three being wireless bridges around the house. My previous incarnation of routers was netgear and the previous one of that was once again netgear. Guess who won't be the next incarnation.


@glcjr wrote:

They are no where near hd. 

As for the pixelation, some times they'll be clear for around 14 seconds and other times they're bad from the start. Theres no rhyme or reason.

Live view is still terrible.

And lots of it can't connect when I click to view it live.

One camera's battery meter has gone from 83% when this started up to 98% and now its down to 96%. I wonder how much juice it really has since there's no way it INCREASED.

I'm probably going to get the new Blinks when they're released.

And Netgear, I have five of your routers running. Two making separate networks and three being wireless bridges around the house. My previous incarnation of routers was netgear and the previous one of that was once again netgear. Guess who won't be the next incarnation.

I'm beginning to believe that the blurry, pixellation problem is a motion issue. That is, the video feed is down way below even 15 frames per second causing the herky-jerky motion and the appearance fo blur.


Your problem with the battery levels is one we've been suffering with for more than six months. Currenlty, I have an Arlo Pro camera which went overnight from 68% to 15% triggering an e-mail to recharge the battery. The only problem? After three weeks of steady use its still reads 15%. We longer trust the levels listed and wait for them to fail. Even then on many occasions when we open the cameras up we find that only two the four batteries are weak and the other two have plenty of charge left.


I wonder if Netgear spun Arlo off for fear of the problems affecting their router business. We're runnin a Netgear R7000 Nighthawk and are very pleased with it. 


The first second it’s normal going live then it goes blurry instantly and doesn’t change back. I often enlarge the screen to check my property when working away but this picture is terrible. It’s almost like a virus. There has been 6 burglars within 2 miles of my property in a small village the last 6 weeks, so this is a major concern. Even I f I do capture someone on my property and on camera the picture is so bad, it will be worthless . Arlo needs to sort this out with an update ASAP. 


MikeBravo, you are right about the battery, each camera has four batteries. Two batteries are used for signal transmission. The other two batteries are affecting the motion detection range. Do not replace all four batteries, check the voltage first, you may be able to salvage the other two batteries.


Regarding to pro battery, when it drops to 15%, you will notice that your detection range has been reduced. 


Regarding the herky-jerky motion, I was told by Arlo support team that the camera is only used for signal transmission, and nothing else. Once the signal arrives at he Arlo cloud storage, each video will be compressed by the cloud storage program to MP4.


Somehow, this latest firmware is related to this cloud storage software/program (Compression program), or Arlo does it for a purpose. Who knows.



So let me be the 223 person to complain about the pixelation on both of my Arlo cameras. Having tried everything I purchased a new base station as mine was due anyway. It solved the pixelation for a couple of weeks, then I guess the new firmware kicked in. Pix. is worse than ever.  So this week I spent about an hour chatting with Arlo and they ran me through hoops, but i did what they said to humor them as i had done most checks already (delete camera/re-add, check for updates, etc etc). Of course nothing fixed it. Then he told me it was an issue their 'engineers' were working on. Well, if it's a known issue, why did I spend an hour trying to fix from my end. I'm really fed up with them. If this is not corrected soon, my next step will be posting bad reviews every place i can.


I strongly suggest placing your review asap. I made a truthful but highly critical reveiw on Amazon for the three wireless cameras with base I purchased. It took two days before it posted and can be viewed on Amazon now under most recent reviews. If enough negative reviews are posted on Amazon, Best Buy etc. maybe they will speed up their process of fixing this mess they made. 


I'm going to give them a few more days to fix. Contrary to above posts, firmware CAN be rolled back and that is what they should do because there's no way it should be taking them so long to fix this issue. Meanwhile, if I do have any security breaches and arlo isn't working - hmmmm.