Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

A week ago 1 of my 2 Arlo cameras shows a red/pink image. I tried pulling the batteries to reset it but that had no effect, still looking at a tinted image.

Am I missing something? Is it possible I messed up some setting somewhere?
324 REPLIES 324
Guru Guru

Use the Contact Support link at the bottom here and again on the new page.


I know this has been reported in nausium, however, i have tried everything that has been posted. I have purchased 4 camera's and run two base stations.  1 camera after the warranty just decided to not want to sync to the base station again.  Another camera has turned PINK.  I have disconnected, re-connected, removed batteries, replaced batteries, turned upside down (was a suggestion).  The image after 3 attempts went back to normal for only like an hour then went pink again.  What can be done with this issue when the camera is 7 months old??  If you have another suggestion that i haven't already tried, it would be greatly appreciated.

Usually if its pink its done. Its a harware issue with the lens filter of the camera. If under warranty try to get a replacement

Hi. One of the cameras on my Home system has a "pink hue" when viewed on the Live feed. I thought initially it might be being affected by sunlight but resiteing it indoors still produces the same effect. The Brightness adjustment has no impact on the picture pink hue. Does anyone know what might be causing this and if there is a remedy? Thanks

Guru Guru

Stuck IR filter. Try opening and closing the battery door. If no help, open a case with support here for an RMA.


Thank you again!! Opening and closing the battery door seems to have resolved the problem. If it hadn’t do you mind telling me what is an RMA and what is the procedure to follow. Regards

Guru Guru

An RMA is a Return Merchandise Authorization:


You have a 1 year warranty. To use it for faulty hardware requires that you open a case with support here. Use the Contact Support link at the bottom here and again on the new page.

I just had my cameras installed and one of the four cameras records everything in pink and red contrast. I read all the other posts for tips and have tried them all....still no change. The other 2 cameras record in perfect color. Please help!


This camera is defective and depending on how new the cameras are, you may need to return/exchange the system or contact Arlo support for a warranty replacement. The original Wire Free, (and possibly the newer models), use a mechanical IR filter for night vision. It sounds like the filter is stuck.



Guru Guru

@IanHic wrote:
I just had my cameras installed and one of the four cameras records everything in pink and red contrast. I read all the other posts for tips and have tried them all....still no change. The other 2 cameras record in perfect color. Please help!

GENTLY tap the camera to see if you can free the stuck filter... If less than a year, contact Support re a possible warranty claim

Morse is faster than texting!

So today I had a red tint or red hue in my camera. I read a few forums trying to figure out how to fix it as my camera is a little old so I don't think it is covered under warranty any longer. I was able to fix the problem and just wanted to share what I did, and what didn't work and what finally did work.


I removed the batteries and replaced them. I reset the camera. I removed it from the base station and re-added it. I tapped the camera on the back with the batteries in and also with the batteries out. I tried tapping it on the bottom and on the back. I shook the camera both with batteries in and taken out. None of these options worked.


The Solution for me was to take my second Arlo Camera and place the back side where the magnet is around the back and bottom side of the one having the issues. Basically ran it against the bottom where the screw hole is for the tripod back towards the back where the magnet is.  I had the phone app running and used the camera positioning option so I could get live view as I ran the back side of the one Arlo camera magnet against the one having the tint issue. So I was able to verify that this trick worked for me. 


If you do not have a second Arlo camera, a magnet of the same strength should work. I am not sure exactly why this worked for me and I am not sure it will work for everyone. I had this issue happen before and I was able to fix it before by just removing the batteries all the way and then re-inserting them, but this time that did not work but the magnet trick for sure did.


Please help...I have red screen on one of my three cameras.

I have tried changing the batteries however nothing has altered.

Can someone provide a solution?

If not, can someone provide a direct link to Arlo support as there doesn't appear to be any direct link.

Ive been all over this site and its not very user friendly.

I believe the camera in question is defective and would like Arlo to provide the means for me to exchange it for one that works correctly.

Thanks in anticipation.

Guru Guru

Did you use the Contact Support link at the bottom here and again on the new page?


Ive attempted all links but tyey all seem to simply go in circles!


What i would like is a definative link enabling me to contact Arlo direct to obtain a replacement camera as two of the three cameras work fine.

Guru Guru

I just did exactly what I posted above - use the Contact Support link at the bottom here and again on the new page. That gave me:


It's not that hard.


The link you’ve suggested sends me round in circles! I’m in the UK and the “let’s chat” link doesn’t work either.
I just require a direct email link to Arlo so I can arrange to return the one camera and have a replacement sent.

Without being flippant that shouldn’t be hard....

Guru Guru

I just tried it again. I can't speak for whether Chat works but the phone contact worked fine:


Still want to talk? Just tell us where you’re calling from:
United Kingdom contact information:

0844 875 4000


Email isn't available and hasn't been for some time now.


Do you know the cost in the UK for calling 0844 numbers? Its extortionate! To be honest Arlo/Netgear’s set up of not having a dedicated email address plus costly telephone lines for advice keaves a lot to be desired...

I’ve had enough! Both affected cameras have had batteries replaced. Red/pink screen disappeared. Cameras went to night mode when darkness fell......when daylight came around so did pink screens again! Cameras are obviously defective as out of the three purchased ive had no issue with one. Can you provide return information please as both defective cameras need to be returned.
I’ve been up and down ladders a total of 16 times resetting cameras that work as they should for a fee hours now i’ve changed the batteries on both units twice... I didnt purchase them to spend my life up and down ladders with no security as the pink screen is a joke.
Please provide return details for the UK as this is not what i signed up for and the whole process is becoming more and more ridiculous by the day.
Guru Guru

The answer is the same as posted many times - open a case with support here. Use the Contact Support link at the bottom here and again on the new page.

Seriously this has to be the biggest crock of sh*t I’ve ever experienced.
The information I continually receive states that in order to get help/open a case I have to contact support then contact support again.
This takes me back to bloody support!
The site is absolutely appalling to navigate and I’ve simply had enough!
I require the information so that I can obtain replacements for two of my cameras as the bloody night vision has now also gone on both of the pink screen cameras.
Please do not tell me again to contact support as it doesn’t work and neither does the “live chat” either!
The contact number is a £1.50 a minute 0844 number which I’m not prepared to wait to get connected on.
Can somebody please provide me with either a local call UK number, a direct email address or some other means to get this nonsense rectified as I’m seriously getting p*ssed off with the lack of support such a huge company are providing when it is obvious that there are serious issues at play as this is hardly an isolated incident.
If no one comes back to me my next contact will be to Trading Standards...

For whatever reason, it IS that hard for some people to get thru those links.  I've had that same problem for the 3 years I've had my cameras.  Very frustrating.  I was just able to finally make it to the screen that offers a live chat and has a phone number. First time in about 20 or more attempts during those 3 yrs.  There was no response on the live chat, and if your system is over 90 days old and you aren't a subscriber, there is a "small fee" to use the phone line for help.  Doesn't say what the rate is, but having paid over $400 for this system and constantly having issues, there should be no charge for phone advice.  

Guru Guru

No idea why you're having problems getting tomthismpage:


I just got there by doing exactly what I have always said - use the Contact Support link atnthe bottom here and again on the new page. I suppose it could be different in different countries.

I’m in the UK. I have no idea if there us an issue with tgat fact however the link simply takes you to another link that invites you to either try a real time conversation (which takes you to a dead link) or invites you to call an 0844 number which is very expensive.
There is no contact email address however there is a box where i’me input my email address that goes absolutely nowhere..
I’m beginning to suspect that the so called aftercare facility is a glorified shell game, and i keep tapping the shell where there’s no object as the slight of hand is too fast for my eyes.
Surely as so many have this issue there would be a firmware fix of some sort?
The nightvision has now gone on both of the defective cameras so they are not “fit for purpose”
Please print a plan to enable me to exchange the offending items for cameras that work. as at this juncture nothing else will do.
They have not worked from day one and yet you have prescribed the same remedy...which hasnt worked!
Irrespective of whether you cannot understand why the links you have posted don’t work in the UK i want my remedy so print the information to enable the return please.