Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Necesito ayuda, sincronizo la camara con la base todo correcto, pero cuando esta activa la camara y detecta un movimiento no graba nada, quiero hacer una visualizacion desde la aplicacion del movil y no conecta y lo hace muy tarde sin imagen alguna.Desde la configuracion de la camara hago alguna fotografia y salen con unos colores nada normales, el servicio tecnico me ha dicho que es de la luz de la camara , pero nada sigue sin grabar imagen de video, el firware esta actualizado tanto la base como la camara.

Adjunto foto de como quedan

Un saludo



You appear to have a couple of problems here but your post is not very easy to understand, so I will try to answer the best that I can.

Firstly, when you watch the camera in Live view, the camera is not recording any video and will not respond to any motion detection.


Secondly, click on the Devices icon at the bottom of the app. On this page you should see pictures of all your cameras. Select a camera and click on the gear icon above the picture of the camera at the top right. This takes you to the Settings page for that camera. Scroll down until you see the Motion detection Test and click on that. Next, walk around in front of the camera and adjust the slider bar for the motion sensitivity until you are happy that you can detect motion at the distance you wish to detect motion. Remember that number.

Press Done at the top of the page. Next, select the Mode icon at the bottom of the page. After clicking on that icon, you will see a picture of a base station with the current mode in green. Click on that green text. On the next page click on the green pencil to the right of the Armed Mode. On the next page, under the Rules section click on the green pencil to the right of the rule for the camera you are currently adjusting the settings for. On the next page, (the Edit Rules page), where it says, If the Following be sure the check box is selected. Then click on the green pencil to the right of the words Motion is Detected. On the next page slide the slider to the number from the Motion Detection Text.  (you can always come back here and make adjustments if it picks up too much motion or doesn't pick up enough motion). At the top of the page click on the green word Save and you are done with that camera. 

Go back and repeat everything for each camera.


Thirdly, the camera will only detect motion in the Armed Mode. 

I don't speak Spanish, but if you open this post in Google, it will translate my remarks for you. Hope I have been helpful,




Guru Guru

Also, be sure to post in your native language forum, not in the English one unless you're comfortable in English.