Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Batteries keep dying really quick

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I have a camera in the house and 1 outside, the camera outside records about 10 times a day and I have not had to change the battery at all (about 4 months so far) but the camera in the house that barely ever records I have had to change out the batteries twice within 4 months. I also didn't get any warnings it just goes offline and the light on the camera just blinks orange. That last time I looked at the camera was about 2 weeks ago and it was full. What can be the issue?

120 REPLIES 120

4 Cameras. Owned for just over a year. No problems for first year. Now the one closest the base station has drained two sets of betteries in 4 days. Firmware is updated. Camera has not been moved other than to replace betteries. 2 meteres from base station. Why are they draining?

I'm having the exact same issue! Had these 3 cams for a year and a half and all of a sudden, I'm lucky if fresh batteries last 2 weeks... these are becoming more trouble than they are worth... I would love to know what is going on.
Guru Guru

Verify all firmware is up to date. Maybe remove the cameras from Settings, My Devices and resync.


I have two cameras. I put the same batteries (duracell ultra) in both. one dies after 4 days and the other stays up to a month or more. I switched them (places)

anthonyr1 wrote:

I have a camera in the house and 1 outside, the camera outside records about 10 times a day and I have not had to change the battery at all (about 4 months so far) but the camera in the house that barely ever records I have had to change out the batteries twice within 4 months. I also didn't get any warnings it just goes offline and the light on the camera just blinks orange. That last time I looked at the camera was about 2 weeks ago and it was full. What can be the issue?

around and put new batteries. the bad camera is still the same only lasts 4 days. it costs me so much to operate. I'll be more than happy to communicate with netgear to solve this faulty camera. I wrote before and seems like nobody cares. they already got the money.

Guru Guru

We can't help with hardware problems. As mentioned many, many times here, you MUST open a case with support to have that resolved.


I'm getting the same issue.  Batteries started dying in one camera that was previously great.  It's now eaten several sets of batteries in a matter of days.  


I believe the problem started when I disabled the camera.  When i tried to re-enable it wouldn't and that was when I realised the batteries were flat.  Next set of batteries died within a week.  The wifi signal is stong.

Guru Guru

You can always try removing the camera from Settings, My Devices and resync to see if that helps.

Well, I bought another set of batteries, brought everything in the house, removed each device from the system, loaded fresh batteries, and resynced each camera with the base. For all that I have mixed results. One camera never had any issues and seems good still, one camera seems to be better, one camera ate the batteries to nothing in 3 days. The cam in question is closest to the base and has the strongest wifi signal. I wouldnt mind fighting this battle with a cheap camera system, but for nearly $400, this is garbage. For the money we pay for these, we shouldn't have to do this...
Guru Guru

You do realize you have a 1 year warranty, right? Exercise it.


I do my own R&D on these crummy novelty cameras. it's all a sales tactic and they control the cameras base station from their server locations. I have a camera no more than 10 feet from the base station and it gets 1 bar compared to one 20 feet away with a full signal. all cameras are easily seen by a WiFi signal because of glass windows where they are to allow it to reach them.

Nothing else in my house has any issues concerning a WiFi signal except this crummy base station. If you cut your monthly subscription off watch and see the issues you'll begin having. I tested the base station WiFi signal and it's terrible and intermittent even with a booster present.

I stopped wasting time with the cronies who throw all kinds of crazy solutions that have zero effect on the issues at hand. they can't, it's being directed from the Arlo/Netgear servers. Pretty simple.

Go hardwired 4k or don't go at all I always say.

Replaced my batteries today for the 2nd time in 2 weeks... batteries only register at 50%.. brand new!
Guru Guru

Very likely you pushed batteries down. Only place them in their slots and let the battery door do the pushing. The camera uses them as 2 sets of 2 and switches between the sets for maximum life. If one set isn't making contact, only one set will be seen.

How do I know if my software is up to date?
Master Master

The device info page in the app/web browser will tell you the firmware version you have. The Firmware Release Notes section of this forum will tell you the latest version otherwise we're happy to tell you


I tried to update it but do not see where it is available.  My firmware version is 1.2.16720


I have done that...but will try again.  Thanks!


Can you please tell me if mine is current?  I do not know how to check that - I am a 60 year old single woman that lives alone and I depend on these cameras, I need them to work.  I really appreciate your help.


Is there an actual link I can go to to  update my firmware?


I am not sure how to open a ticket...this has been an onoing problem that no one has been able to help me with.  I purchased them 2/13/2017 so I am almost out of warranty.  Please help.  Thank you.

Master Master


I tried to update it but do not see where it is available.  My firmware version is 1.2.16720

This is the most current firmware

Guru Guru

Use the Contact Support link at the bottom here and then again on the new page to open a case with support.


The investment that I have to make every month is astronomical...the batteries cost around $3.00 - $3.50 a piece and each camera takes 4 batteries.  They generally need to be changed at the end of the week after installation. STAY CLEAR in my opinion...I'm very dis-satified with the results of this system...


You can go to Amazon and buy the Tenergy rechargeable batteries for about $80, well worth it, considering what the regular ones cost. 


Same problem with one out of four cameras. Been working perfectly (indoors) and all of the sudden, has battery drain problems. Batteries last leass than 2 minutes - get low battery warning. Bought batteries from several vendors thinking maybe a bad batch, did the factory reset, etc - no avail.


I'm glad I found this topic discussion and have subscribed to it for future reference. Anyway, I've been having this problem with the batteries being drained within a week or less --along with the troublesome camera going off-line frequently-- for many many months and up until recently have just given up and accepted the fact that the camera issue will never be resolved.


The problem camera sits in my windowsill (indoors) and is placed around 6 feet from the base station, while the other 2 cameras are placed quite a distance away and one being in another room altogether. The other two cameras are sitting in other windowsills as well.


I've also noticed that I do not receive any  "Your Arlo Batteries Are Tired" email alerts (like I normally do) when a particular camera (I have 3 cams) is running low on battery power. It is only when I see the blinking amber light that something is wrong.


Now that I'm in the company of others who are experiencing the same issue as I am, I will keep struggling to resolve the problem. God willing, I will report back with my results after I have exhausted all the suggestions written here in this thread.

. . .
Camera Device Info:
HW Version H7
Serial Number 48B4577P8BF97
Firmware 1.2.16720


Arlo HD Security Camera system device info:
HW Version VMB3010r2
Serial Number 48935874A58C7