Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

4 camera system, only want motion detection and recording for one

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Switching over from the old Netgear VueZone, and am running into one pretty significant difference. I run 4 cameras, and with VueZone, I could have motion activated recording on one camera, and no auto recording on any of the remaining 3 cameras. I could still pull up the other 3 cameras and they'd be live on-demand. With the Arlo system, I'm having a difficult time configuring this way. Is the best bet for me to simply turn the other 3 cameras off, and switch them on when desired?


Master Master

Add a new mode. Then set up 4 rules have the one camera trigger each of all 4 to record. Don't forget to set up motion sensitivity and recording time and don't forget to click save!


Thanks for taking the time to respond and help. Unfortunately, doing exactly what you recommend is the deadend that I've already run into. I set up a new mode, and that is fine, but when I add rules, and select / de-select the options I want, it removed the capability of hitting save. 

Camera1 = aiming back at front door from covered porch (only way it can detect motion is if someone approaches front door, or leaves from it)
Camera2 = aiming from house, over driveway, to street (every kid, car, person or animal activates motion)

Camera3 = aiming across back yard (my dog would activate motion)

Camera4 = inside front entry of home


I only want motion activated recording from Camera1. I can try to turn motion sensitivity down to 1 on cameras 2, 3, & 4, but that's a weak work-around. But then when I choose DO NOTHING, the next step asks to send push notifications or email. If I de-select both options, which is what I want, then the SAVE / FINISH button isn't click-able. 

Guru Guru

You have to create a new mode for only camera 1


Use Add a new mode, called CAM 1 ( or whatever ) and follow the steps picking 1 as the cam to sense and 1 as the cam to record. Setting time and sense level as u go thru.

After review, Save


Any camera not is a mode is off... So if mode Cam 1 is running the other are off....From the live view screen you can manually view any of your other three cams


Morse is faster than texting!
Master Master

Are you on a computer browser? I'm just running through it step by step so hopefully it's exactly right

Click "Mode"
Click "Add a mode"
Enter mode name "Front door triggers all cams" (or something like that)
Click "Next"
Select camera for trigger device "Camera 1" (or whatever you called it. I renamed mine to "Front Door")
Click "Next"
Motioned detected is checked. Click "Next"
Motion Sensitivity set to desired level. I like to start at 100%
Click "Next"
Select "Camera 1" as recording device. Click "Next"
Record video is checked. Click > to the right to select length of recording. I like 30s to start with. Click "Save"
Click "Next"
Select which alerts you want
Click "Finish"
Click "Save"

Now you're back in the main menu of modes. Click > next to "Front door triggers all cams"
Click "+ Add rule"
Select the same trigger camera "Camera 1"
Click "Next"

Keep going through this process til you have 4 rules in this mode. Each rule has Camera 1 as the trigger but the a different camera as the recording device.

After you click "Finish". Click "Save".
Then up the top click the name of your base. That should take you back to the main modes menu. Select "Front door triggers all cams" by clicking the dot to the left of the name.

Go for a wander past "Camera 1"
Wait 30s for all cameras to record
Check your Library

Sorry if that's too rudimentary. I don't want to patronise but just make sure all steps are being done to set it up right.
Hope that helps

Guru Guru

Steve...reading the orig post it reads like he wants only the Front camera active and the remainder just as viewable,.. not to trigger all recording.

Morse is faster than texting!


Thanks so much for taking the time to do that. That, truly, was a perfect explanation for accomplishing that task. Tom is right though.... I'm seeking a different solution. When my front door cam is triggered, I don't want to immediately begin recording my back yard, or inside my home. So far, I'm just killing 3 cameras and will fire them up individually if I want to view other areas. It's one additional step that I didn't have to do before, but it's certainly not the end of the world. I just really liked how I was able to do this before: front door detects motion, I pull up the app and can immediately toggle between front door & driveway. 

Again Steve, I appreciate you taking the time to be that thorough. I will likely set up that mode for when we're out of town or away for extended periods.