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Existing doorbells and chimes in Australia dont provide 16-24V. I have located a suitable transformer, but am now unable to reuse the current chime or find a suitable door chime. And according to Arlo, the Arlo chime doesn't connect to the video doorbell.


I am keen to have  chime with my doorbell, so we dont have to rely on a mobile phone with the arlo app.  


Arlo support is not available during Australian working hours. only 6am to 6pm pacific time. 

Guru Guru

@Rubs wrote:

 And according to Arlo, the Arlo chime doesn't connect to the video doorbell.


That's the case if the doorbell is connected to your home wifi.  But you should be able to use the Arlo chime if you have the doorbell connected to a base station.


@Rubs wrote:

Existing doorbells and chimes in Australia dont provide 16-24V.

How are they typically powered then? Directly from the main?



It looks like Arlo is not aiming at the global market for this product.  


I am unable to find a 16V - 24V chime in the Australian market, they work on 12V here.  


The response from Arlo chat support is disappointing - their response is to go to for support - even though the Arlo website makes it clear that hellotech is only for US customers.


They also say, try a local electrician - which brings me back to the first point that there are no 16V-24V chimes here.  If Arlo doesn't know what works with their video doorbell, how would an electrician who has never heard of Arlo be able to help?



I managed to buy an 18V, 1AMP transformer at Jaycar and then bought the Arlo Chime. Now it all works. But not a cheap solution.  


Arlo chimes sold in Australia (ie with the AUS 3 point connector - I bought mine online from Good Guys, on sale.  Device Deal had them also, but a little more expensive) DO work with the Arlo video doorbell (at least when you are also using a base station which I already had, but presumably also without one).  


I have the doorbell installed with 3 chimes paired to it (I have a rambling multi level house and need more than one to be able to hear the doorbell from everywhere).  It is a bit tricky pairing more than one, however the trick is to turn the base station as a device off (or I imagine the power to the doorbell) and pair all of the chimes to the doorbell, one after the other) before turning  the base station back on


And finally, in the Chime settings, select and attach each come to the doorbell


Agree this product is not suitable for the Australian market. I brought an Arlo Video Doorbell online from JB-Hi Fi in Australia, had a registered electrician come in and install as I did not have an existing hardwired doorbell. Brought a seperate chime too. Initially when wiring the Arlo center ring light on the doorbell came on indicating some kind of power source was getting through, then nothing. The electrician did further tests (including testing that the chime worked separately which it did) but none of it worked together. After searching online, the electrician realised a seperate transformer was required. We have not been able to source a suitable solution. JB Hi Fi has agreed to provide a full refund as they were also unable to provide a solution saying the Arlo video doorbell appeared not fit for purpose. This is very disappointing Arlo. How can you sell This product to mainstream Australian electrical distributors without an avenue for the customer to actually install a working product.

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A transformer is required to power the Arlo Video Doorbell. Take a look here for minimum requirements: Arlo Video Doorbell FAQ



Thanks for stating the obvious James C. The point is an average Australian customer would be unaware a seperate transformer, which is not readily available in Australia to purchase, is required to power the Arlo video doorbell. Why doesn’t Arlo provide a suitable transformer with its product, or allow customers to purchase one as a seperate part?

I agree the documentation could be a lot clearer especially if one is not available from Arlo , however I found a transformer online within 30 seconds (at Jaycar).  They had one in stock at my nearest store, from memory for under AUD $30, and once connected, the power worked perfectly

I have engaged an electrician that specialises in doorbells and he is struggling with the Arlo Video Doorbell spec and lack of support in Australia. I’m after two video doorbells and two chimes on a common circuit. Hapless arlo support directed me to a third party that only services North America. If Arlo supply a product they should also supply prereqs ie chime and transformer approved for the market. Asking end customers to do their best and shop for electronics ie transformers is not good enough.

My electrician has so far been back twice to try to install the Arlo video doorbell. In the four plus hours he’s spent working on this so far, he’s tried to install various transformers, double and triple checked all the wiring, carefully followed the video tutorials cords, all unsuccessful. The labour costs of the electrician already exceed the cost of the video doorbell, shipping costs, chime and transformer.



Can you recall which transformer you purchased from Jaycar? For example, was it any of these:



I am hoping that maybe I can purchase a suitable transformer online.


Speaking with Arlo Support by telephone today (dial 1800-549-680, noting I was on hold for 1 hr and 6 mins before I could speak to a real person), their conclusion was the video doorbell is faulty and suggested to return it to where I purchased it. One small tiny problem, I need the electrician to come back to disconnect everything, and do not live in a major city such as Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra.


Anyway before taking such drastic action, I would like to exhaust all options and therefore am asking for advice on the specific transformer others in Australia have managed to successfully source and which work. Surprise, surprise ....Arlo Support (connected to Philippines call centre) was unable to provide advice on a suitable transformer product in Australia.


Help Arlo Australian Community!


I don't recall for certain (and it is up in the roof in an awkward spot to get at, sorry). 


From memory though, I looked at both of them, decided they would both work (based on the requirements set out on the doorbell instructions), and think I opted for the 1.25 amp model.


Thanks! Finally managed to source this transformer from Jaycar which works:


What an expensive exercise this has been!




I just used my old laptop power supply. 18v.  Just cut off the plug at the end and connected it. Works fine! 😀
