Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I've had my Ultra system set up for a  couple weeks now with a few of my older Pro2 cameras added on as well. At least once a day, my cameras will miss motion. It's like the base station just stops working for a few minutes and then works fine a few minutes later. I stood and watched my neighbor back into my driveway the other day, stop his car and get out for a minute, and then pull away. None of my cameras caught it. (And this particular neighbor is the reason why I have cameras in the first place, so it's really important that they don't miss motion!!) My cameras all missed my car leaving the house yesterday but saw me coming home. I regularly see the same car passing my driveway going in the same direction... and I live on a dead-end street. 

I have cable internet with 60 Mbps speeds, so connection is not the issue. I would suspect an individual camera connection, except this seems to affect ALL cameras on my system at the same time. My old Pro2 base would randomly disconnect from the internet (one of the reasons I upgraded), but that was obvious because the internet light on the base would suddenly go out. I'm not seeing anything on my base station or web interface that would indicate the cameras are offline.


My other issue is that with my new Ultra cameras, I sometimes don't get notifications for movement. Sometimes I get notifications right away, sometimes they are delayed for 5-20 minutes, and sometimes they just don't show up at all. I've uninstalled and reinstalled my app, no change.


Yes, everything goes onto the SD card. Unless you pay extra, it's the only way to get 4K videos.


The issue with mine has nothing to do with sensitivity. It's a dead-end, one-lane road, and you have to drive directly in front of the camera to get in or out. It's like the cameras just turn off randomly and take a break for a few minutes and then turn back on. I miss motion every single day. I'll watch people walk directly in front of the camera, and I'll go check.... no video. But 5 minutes later, someone else walks by (same distance, same lighting, etc.), and it records.

I’m having the same problem. At night, I can walk past the cameras, the infrared and/or spot light comes on. So the cameras are picking up motion but there’s no recording. I regularly get no recording walking past or driving past my cameras. This was supposed to be the best home security system and I can essentially break into my own house, wave at the cameras and they don’t record a thing!

James, yes the activity is close to the cameras, yes my internet connection is okay, yes the system is armed, yes the sensitivity is on 100%, yes they are charged, no I’m not calling support as they will just get me to reset my system, remove the battery from the camera, remove the camera from the account and re add it, change the channel on my router... blah blah blah... I don’t want to play this game anymore. How about the firmware gets fixed so we can all stop complaining. It’s clearly not a user issue, it’s a producer one.
I saw in the Firmware Release Notes that they should have pushed out a base station update last night to fix this. If you don’t have the update yet - try rebooting your base - and then try the motion in front of your Ultras. It should be working now!
Thanks for the firmware info. I didn’t see any notification or could bring up any info on if my base updated to the latest version but it seems to be working better. Less false positives too. Unfortunately I’m not sure if it was a firmware update that fixed the problem as I’ve also added an SD card and turned the spotlight back on for night vision. I suspect one of the latter is the solution as I just haven’t seen any evidence of a firmware update.

How is everyone else going?

I have the newest firmware update, and I'm still occasionally missing motion. I don't think the firmware changed anything for me. It still seems like the cameras just all go offline momentarily a couple times a day.

I can confirm my system is still missing motion. I walked past 2 cameras and no recording. It’s frustrating that someone can break into my house and/or steal my car and the two security cameras won’t record the motion! I just don’t understand why the arlo pro was such a good product and the 4K version is virtually useless!
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If you're still experiencing issues after the firmware update, please contact the Arlo Support Team to further investigate this issue. You will find several options for contacting support in the provided link.




So it happened today. Someone tampered with my front door and no notification, no recordings - two cameras were in view and 2-3m from the person. Sigh.


Any soloution to the problem?

I have the same problem with missing recordings, but I only have arlo pro 2 cameras. When I used the usb memory for local recordings, it was much worse. I had to skip this feature, but occasionally still missing motions. I also think this is a bug, it has worked great before.

RBK53| Orbi Router + 3 Satellites
Arlo Pro 2| 5 cameras
Arlo Ultra| 3 base stations and 6 cameras

Any updates, I also have this issue.

Camera pointing at driveway will occasionally miss my vehicle leaving but capture it returning or vice versa.

Will detect and record cars driving past but will occasionally miss cars in the driveway which is closer to the camera, its like the vehicle is moving too slow for the camera to detect?

Also I have to reboot my base every few weeks when all recordings stop.

My cameras are all powered.

same problem annoyed...have 3 Arlo Pro 2 all plugged in all set to 100% sensitivity and they often miss motion. I am just done and NOT happy.

Mine have been working for almost 5 days now without missing a motion :-). But I think my problem was due to the camera was to far away from the base station, but my situation/problem seems to differ from yours, read my previous posts.

Now when I have put out a new base station near the camera that had this problem it has worked as it suppose to do, not missing any motion. but let time show how things are going, I keep my fingers crossed 🙂

RBK53| Orbi Router + 3 Satellites
Arlo Pro 2| 5 cameras
Arlo Ultra| 3 base stations and 6 cameras

Well, here we are at 2019-09-29 and I (personally) am still not getting alerts when cameras go offline. If a person doesn't know their camera is offline, then that makes a VERY LARGE SECURITY ISSUE. Suppose an intruder sneaks up behind said person's camera and SHOOTS it. That would DEFINITELY take THAT camera offline, wouldn't it. You'd think that said person would want to know about that immediately, wouldn't ya... Most security systems DO alert if the cameras go offline immediately. Is Arlo for real or just like some sort of HI-TECH TOY


Nope, no updates... I still miss motion daily.

can we use more than one base station?? or do we pay more? I would be happy to put a 2nd base station but how ?


you can certainly use more than one base/hub. Since the base/hub must connect to the router with an ethernet cable, there are several ways to accomplish this. 

1) string an ethernet cable to the router/switch.

2) use a mesh router with a satellite

3) use a wi-fi extender that has an ethernet socket to plug the base/hub into

4) use a power line wifi adapter



I'm not 100 percent sure if you need to pay or not. I have Arlo Smart Premier. When you have one or more base stations you have to arm them separately but in the same Arlo app (one account) and all the cameras in listed in same place, i.e. no difference then before.
RBK53| Orbi Router + 3 Satellites
Arlo Pro 2| 5 cameras
Arlo Ultra| 3 base stations and 6 cameras

I've been paying more attention to the pattern of this, and it seems like every morning after no activity for a few hours, the first motion is missed EVERY DAY. Every single morning, a car leaves my driveway, and all the cameras miss it. But they catch it when it comes back, and when it leaves again, etc. It's like the entire base station has gone to sleep, and the first motion wakes it up for the day, and it starts recording after that.

exactly! so what gives! I am beyond annoyed! another thing: I went with CVR and when I would leave the house it would quit recording. Then..I had to put one camera back on battery and since then it hasn't done the stop recording thing when I leave my house to run HOW weird is that? And yesterday a 2:12 recording got the mail truck, at 2:13 a guy walked by that we desperately need to capture on video (for law enforcement) and NOTHING!
Guru Guru

@jsturess wrote:
I'm not 100 percent sure if you need to pay or not. 

Adding a base station won't increase your subscription costs.  Adding cameras or features (PVR, CVR, etc) might. 


A second base station can help improve connection quality to the cameras (assuming you can locate it in the right place), and can also allow more simultaneous streams to be recorded.

I hooked up a 4th camera about an hour ago,I have CVR plan, this is one of the 3 allowed on CVR, it is not recording on it's on, it will manual record but not on it's own and sensitivity is set to 100%.
I rebooted the base station but still nothing. Suggestions?
Guru Guru

@Doxiedoglover wrote:
I hooked up a 4th camera about an hour ago,I have CVR plan, this is one of the 3 allowed on CVR, it is not recording on it's own, it will manual record but not on it's own 

Are you saying that it isn't continously recording?  Or that the motion detection isn't working as you expect?


Mine is still working, hasn't missed any motion....yet. I also think that my camera went into some sleep mode, but I had to turn it off and on to get it work again. But when my camera stopped reacting on motion, the motion test in the app didn't either work, but live feed worked. This camera was quite far from the base station but it has worked since I put a new bases near this camera.

RBK53| Orbi Router + 3 Satellites
Arlo Pro 2| 5 cameras
Arlo Ultra| 3 base stations and 6 cameras
Zero recording. ..I finally gave up on CVR and am now on Arlo Smart Elite . There were too many issues with CVR and recordings not happening or the system for reasons unknown not recording when I would leave the house and Arlo opening a case on 28th and I have yet to hear anything . So annoyed.
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