Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo ultra motion detection

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Arlo ultra cameras suddenly started recording on every movement like 100 meters Away from cameras, any movement even if its not heat related... couple days it was working fine now it records every single movement no matter how far object from camera is ! In day time it works as normal in night time it records everything no matter the distance
196 REPLIES 196

Yes the active zone is really messed up,   I deleted my zones, and removed my cameras and smart base.    then started all over installing it all again as Jared the Tech told me Friday night.   However,  that did not fix the problems,  and activity zones cannot be set because when you go into activity zone the camera view changes to just the upper portion of the camera view which is really the part you do not want it to detect motion.   So now I am getting alerts every 10-15 minutes  and they are meaningless.   and when I try to set the activity zone on one of the cameras I get error message "Internal Error" 


I am ready for a refund,  and buying a Ring Camera.


@JamesC Have you got an update? Our Ultra cameras are basically useless at the moment. I am very disappointed with Arlo.


I just got off the phone with Arlo support.   Second time today,  he offered me nothing,  other then my case has been elevated to level 2 support.   So I asked to speak to a level 2 tech.  was on hold for several minutes and when he came back on line he said some one would call me back tomorrow.  I have had them tell me that before but never got the call.  So will see what happens this time.   I asked him about the android app which they updated on Dec. 2  if the issues with that were contributing to the problems along with the firmware update on Dec. 4.   He would not answer that question.  Just said case was elevated to level 2 .  So I will give an update if level 2 tech. does call back tomorrow.  



They don't ring back to anyone! So don't even waste your time by expecting a call back from them !

They did call back,   I am on the line with them right now!   I am on Hold while she tries to find out what the status of these issues are.   I hate dealing off shore with support people.  She is in Philippines.    I have talked to a support person 3 times in the last 12 hours.  I just keep bugging them.   But so far the response is that their development team is working on it.  But no info as to when it will be fixed.  And they steadfastly claim that they cannot go back to previous firmware that worked.   Last night they told me my case was elevated to a level 2 person,  that level 2 person was suppose to be the one that called me today,  Vanessa is suppose to be handling my case.  However she is out to Friday.   Most of the Engineering Team working on this problem is at Carlsbad, CA  Every time I talk to someone they  just say they have no new information,  but at least they are recording the call and hopefully someone will listen to some of those calls and kick the engineers in the ASS and get this thing resolved. 


Sorry I'm late to the game... But I have a 4 camera system...  all Ultra(s). Just documenting in case anyone from Netgear cares (ha).  Several observations:


1. Looked at my schedule and when cameras "see" motion, somehow they all got switched to "Do Nothing"... instead of "Record" (which has been the same schedule for greater than 6 months + without change) I didn't change ANYTHING!


2.When recharging a battery inside my house (my cameras are outside and run without chargers - a/k/a/ on battery) the spot lights stay on while charging, which basically makes a battery recharge take 6 + hours.


3. After a forever time to charge inside, when I bring the cams outside they flash on / off continually until the battery dies. Which is about 4 - 6 hours (the same amount of time to charge - how ironic)


4. Today my SD Card - 256 GB became full....  


I've had every Arlo version for the last 4 years, - Please Netgear / Arlo, read these freaking posts & figure this junk out !!!!


My one impacted camera (CVR stopped working last week, motion detection issue, plus the odd 1/4 screen activity zone issue) seems to be almost back to normal. I left it unplugged all weekend to run off of the battery so it would at least work and give me brief notifications while I was busy. Today I plugged it back in (w/o any resetting of cameras or rebooting of the base station, etc, as I'm not getting on a ladder right now) and it's close to normal. CVR has been working now for a few hours (first time in a week), motion detection seems to line up w/the new activity zone I created, and when I unchecked the 4k streaming option the 1/4 screen issue went away. Only challenge now is that it's back to recording 2-5 min clips, but I'm getting prompt notifications on the app from the motion detection, so I'm happy about that. And the quality of the CVR is much better than the previous (prior to this firmware update) pixelation issue.


Our other three cameras are fine and weren't affected by the firmware update, but they are not subscribed to CVR. Almost there!




@Rickp703 thats mad! Consider it could be faulty cameras !

My case has now been escalated to the Arlo engineering team. Great - the same idiots who did the update are now going to try to fix it.

If you haven't tweeted at Arlo CEO Matthew McRae yet, please do.

We aren't getting any traction through normal support channels.

I wrote feedback on their advertisement in facebook that poped up on my timeline.. responded straight away that i need to ring them to sort my error or to give case number if i have 😄

Enough posts and maybe, just maybe we at least get a meaningful status update.  Also companies tend to respond better to twitter than facebook.

Community Manager
Community Manager

The development team is prioritizing the issues being discussed here. When I have more information, I will update this thread as soon as possible.




Sooo... we have all been on here complaining about things, and I want to take this in a new direction.  So DHL claimed to have dropped off a package with a pair of shoes worth $200.00.  They were not delivered !  I contacted DHL stating that I have camera PROOF they were not delivered, and guess what - my camera's battery was dead from the charge the night before, because it spent all morning going on & off without reason!!


I am not here to pout about my lost shoes, however it gets me thinking about the potential for a serious crime of taking place on someone's camera system that is defunct due to crappy firmware updates.... I certainly hope no one who should rely on these gets put into a police activity where something bad happens and things don't work when they should..... Can someone say "lawsuit"???


This is serious Arlo / Netgear - FIGURE IT OUT !!!!




Ask for a meaningful status update and you get the same canned..


"The development team is prioritizing the issues being discussed here. When I have more information, I will update this thread as soon as possible."


That is not helpful at all James.

What’s JamesC wrote here basically means that Arlo now believes us and is starting to fix it....

I have so many smart devices in my house, smart thermostat, smart door lock, smart light bulbs, smart leak sensors.

And my first smart device was four years ago, the Ecobee.

But in my four years of owning smart devices, these 2 Arlo ultra cameras since April have given me thee most hassle! Nothing else was SO hard to get working and of years of firmware and app updates nothing has broken likes these Arlo cameras in 7 months from bad app software updates and firmware pushes. Arlo is the only one.

Pretty great hardware when it works but so much maintenance and headache.
Seems to me that arlo testing their updates straight to live system! This morning i had app Notification badge count working and now its not... then library video count stoped working now its again is !
Yes I received app badge notifications again today too after weeks without them!!!

I am not on any social media accounts,   But I am sure for the people that are if they start taking these complaints to Twitter, Matthew McRae the CEO of Arlo has an account on Twitter as does Arlo.    Also they have facebook,  and Better Business Bureau is another good place to post complaints.  The last time I looked there were 44 there and Arlo had responded to each one of them.

Arlo Customers:

For all security related concerns, please contact Arlo’s Customer Service at:

Security Researchers:

Arlo's Product Security Team investigates all reports of security vulnerabilities affecting Arlo products and services. If you are a security researcher and believe you have found a security vulnerability in an Arlo product or service, please click the button below for our bug bounty- cash rewards program hosted by Bugcrowd


Great,  Not sure what that means except they want us to quit bugging them. 

I have multiple cases numbers (they can't even get that part right)  and have made several phone calls.   Dec 6,  Dec 8,  Dec 9,  Dec 10.    But now they just tell me it has been elevated to Level 2.  However they also told me a Level 2 tech would call me.   Did not happen,  Still a tech from the bottom of the pile,   So I told her I was suppose to be talking to Level 2 Tech,  on hold again for 5 minutes then she said she is unavailable until Friday.    Sounds very much like a run around same as JamesC  comments that all comments here have been elevated to developers.  


I have asked about rolling back the firmware to the one that last worked,  only comment is that is not possible,   So either they don't want to?   or someone overwrote that one with the bad one and now they no longer have the good firmware any more.  


I am thinking of making a compliant via Los Angeles Times,  or KTLA Problem Solvers  That will certainly put this problem into the public light.    And they will have to scramble to fix this huge screw up.   They just do not have any sense of urgency at all. 




Great idea for those on Facebook,  

any thing that we can do to bring this to public attention will certainly get faster action on the part of Arlo. 

Matthew McRae  CEO of Arlo

@Jankovichs wrote:
I wrote feedback on their advertisement in facebook that poped up on my timeline.. responded straight away that i need to ring them to sort my error or to give case number if i have 😄



Someone needs to post stories like this on Matthew McRae Twitter account.   I think that will certainly get his attention and get him looking into why this fix is taking so long.


@Rickp703 wrote:

Sooo... we have all been on here complaining about things, and I want to take this in a new direction.  So DHL claimed to have dropped off a package with a pair of shoes worth $200.00.  They were not delivered !  I contacted DHL stating that I have camera PROOF they were not delivered, and guess what - my camera's battery was dead from the charge the night before, because it spent all morning going on & off without reason!!


I am not here to pout about my lost shoes, however it gets me thinking about the potential for a serious crime of taking place on someone's camera system that is defunct due to crappy firmware updates.... I certainly hope no one who should rely on these gets put into a police activity where something bad happens and things don't work when they should..... Can someone say "lawsuit"???


This is serious Arlo / Netgear - FIGURE IT OUT !!!!





They have been starting to fix it since before last Friday!!!   But it is taking way to long to figure out what they did wrong in this last firmware update.    Actually probably is a combination of App Update (Dec 2)  and Firmware update (Dec 4)    The real probably is inadequact testing before forcing an update.   And then no way to roll back. 

Very Bad Business model.   Since results are so slow in coming I am starting a search on the internet to find public forums where we can voice our frustration with Arlo.   

@n1976jmk wrote:
What’s JamesC wrote here basically means that Arlo now believes us and is starting to fix it....

I have so many smart devices in my house, smart thermostat, smart door lock, smart light bulbs, smart leak sensors.

And my first smart device was four years ago, the Ecobee.

But in my four years of owning smart devices, these 2 Arlo ultra cameras since April have given me thee most hassle! Nothing else was SO hard to get working and of years of firmware and app updates nothing has broken likes these Arlo cameras in 7 months from bad app software updates and firmware pushes. Arlo is the only one.

Pretty great hardware when it works but so much maintenance and headache.



Here is Arlo Twitter page:


Here is Matthew McRae CEO of Arlo Twitter Page:


Here is a list of the management team of Arlo:


Here is the better business Bureau arlo profile page.   Can make complaints here as well.


The squeaky wheel gets the oil.   We need to be vocal,  on public forums as this forum is not working,   Out in the public they have to take action,  or loose the company.  Investors will not put up with shoddy workmanship or service.    So McRae will do whatever it takes to save his company.


This afternoon sometime,  They must have pushed through an update or something,  but did not really fix anything.   Just turned my LED light on.    I keep them off due to the fact I have the charging cable on the camera and just check on my app to make sure the Batteries are staying charged.   But still cannot set activity zone.  

I know that if I turn off 4k  then the activity shows the correct camera view.   But turn on the 4K and the view goes back to just upper portion of camera view,   perhaps about half of camera view.   Since one of the main reasons I purchased Arlo Ultra was for the 4K.    If I can't use 4K  then they will have to refund my money and take their **bleep** back.  

Anyone on here know a good class action Lawyer?     Since they screwed up everyone's security,  it would seem that they are putting all their customers at risk  for that they should pay.  Since it takes so long for them to fix something they broke.    They really should keep better back ups.