Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Employee Retired

Update: 5/28/18 @ 8:52PM Pacific


We have identified a DNS issue with certain Internet Service Providers that is causing connection to the Arlo app to fail. We are continuing to monitor the situation, and in the meantime we have identified a temporary workaround.


  • Use a mobile device to connect to the Arlo app with Wi-Fi turned off (use cellular data/LTE). Please note that this option will use data from your cellular plan.


Some users have reported success logging into their Arlo app by updating their DNS settings to a public DNS server. For assistance with changing your DNS settings, it is recommended to contact your ISP.




Update: 5/28/18 @ 12:50PM Pacific

As part of our ongoing investigation and with the help of our Community and Social users, we’ve uncovered that the Arlo app login issue is only affecting some customers on some service providers.


If you are seeing the message “We're sorry, Arlo is currently unavailable. Please try again later” and are willing to help us troubleshoot by providing us with your service provider (wifi or cellular carrier) and device type (iOS, android, web app). Please reply to this thread.


Update: 5/28/18 2:07AM Pacific 

We are looking into reports that some users are still seeing the error "We're sorry, Arlo is currently unavailable.  Please try again later" or "cannot log in due to internet connectivity issues". This does not affect library recordings or any previously set modes and rules. We are continuing to investigate this issue, and will keep you updated here on this thread. 


 Important Update 5/27/18 @ 11:00PM Pacific:


Some users had trouble logging into their Arlo apps earlier today, however, this did not affect library recordings or any previously set modes and rules. All systems are now up and running as expected. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused."



Update: 5/27/18 @ 10:19 Pacific

We wanted to provide you with an update on the current login issue some users are experiencing where you may be unable to login to your Arlo apps, or are seeing the message “We're sorry, Arlo is currently unavailable.  Please try again later". We are still actively investigating this issue and are working towards a resolution. Thank you for your continued patience. We will continue to update this thread as we have more information.



Original Post 5/27/18 @ 7:55PM Pacific


Hello Valued Arlo Customers,


We are aware of an issue where some users are unable to login to their Arlo apps, or are seeing the message “We're sorry, Arlo is currently unavailable.  Please try again later". We are actively investigating this issue and are working to resolve it. We'll update this thread when we have further information/updates.


-The Arlo Team



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Please stop making excuses and fix the problem.  If you have incompentent technical support, fire them and get someone on the task that can get the job done.  You appear to be run by a bunch of amateurs.  If you worked for me, I would have fired you days ago.  Stop it with the "we are sorry" BS and just fix it.


It's still down....

Noon on Monday and still can not sign on ...why is it still down and for how long?

 I am still having issues logging in to my Arlo app on my iPhone, and also logging in to my Arlo on a desktop computer.  It started yesterday evening (5/27/18) and is still continuing as I write this post at 9:44AM PDT 5/28/18.  I see other posts stating the same problem.  Is there a solution available yet?


Can't log in via wifi. Error states "We're sorry, Arlo is currently unavailable.  Please try again later". I can log onto "My Arlo" via web browser fine.


I have no cell service in my area so bouncing to cell service to access Arlo is not an option. Wifi is my only connectivity.


Staff, do we have an ETA for a fix/patch yet?


Using an iPhone, with WiFi off (Cellular internet connection on) we can connect to the base station/cameras. However, using WiFi solely, we cannot, instead, receving: "Sorry; we are having trouble signing you in because of internet connectivity issues. Do you want to try again?" We have rebooted, reinstalled Aps etc., with no change. Otherwise, our Arlo Pro system has worked flawlessly. 


Re:  Changing DNS settings


Are you saying change the DNS settings on the Arlo base unit?  If so, how do you do that?


I can change the default DNS settings in my PC, but if I log into the router itself I don't see a DNS option.  (ASUS router).

Keep getting error message can not connect to internet although there is no internet issues as all other devices are working. See photo . Tried deleting app & reinstalled. . Tried reset arlo base station .
Still getting the error message "We're sorry. Arlo is unavailable at this time. Please try again later. " Any word on the resolve for this issue?

So the Arlo Community is more responsive than the IT support team?  Maybe that's is the design.  We fix our own problems on our own time.  In any case, your feedback on disconnecting from the wireless SSID that my Arlo system runs on worked.  I can access my Arlo system to change settings, view recordings, etc.  At least this is a temporary fix until somebody from Arlo IT wakes up and has a cup of coffee.  I am as frustrated as all of you with the lack of responsiveness from Arlo IT support.  This is not the first time something has happened with no sense of urgency from Arlo IT support, or even hourly posts to a current problem with their system.  Hey Arlo, anybody out there?  Geez....

This is a problem that needs to be fixed!! My cameras are reacting to motion ever 30 seconds and I can’t shut them off!!!!! Driving Me crazy, draining My phone battery, and no way to stop it!! Anyone who can help PLEASE! Arlo support is nonexistent! Class action, I’m in!!!!!!
I still can not log on from my computer or wifi. What is going on??

can we get an update Dawn, last one on site is 4am- still not working here, can you post a status update every hour or so so we know. thanks


I figured out a bypass for IOS users with both cellular and wifi capabilities.  It may work on android devices but I do not have one to do the test.  I am able to log in and out of my Arlo account and everything seems to be working when I do so. You may have to use the owners login to make this work.   Wonder if anyone else can? Here is what I was able to reproduce:


Turn on both wifi and your cellular on your device.


Try to open the Arlo app, you get a popup something like the following "internet connectivity you want to try again?"  Do not tap on either yes or no at this point.


Go and turn off the wifi now on your device


Go back to arlo app and click "Yes" Try again.


The arlo app starts to open.  As soon as you see the settings icon (bottom right) start tapping on it rapidly.


            If the arlo app freezes. Close and try the above steps again. After  the first or second time this works everytime.


When you do make it into the settings screen, click on "Devices" and check your cameras etc.(making sure you can move around the settings page and it is not frozen.)


Next, go to your settings and turn the wifi back on. Allow it to connect to your favorite wifi signal.


Now go back to the arlo app and ensure you can move around the app.


Now go turn off the cellular signal.


Now go back to the arlo app and ensure you can move around the app.


DO NOT CLOSE THE APP. If you do, just start this process over. I allowed my iPad to sit for over 20 minutes and I did not need to log back in.  This is just a temp fix until Arlo get this figured out.


If you try this and it works please reply and let me know if you were successful and what device you did this on so everyone can get back to some remote monitoring.  I think it has everything to do with the latest update and somewhere in the initial login wifi coding area.


I know you have been working on it, but it follows just after a notice of "suspicious activity."  Have you been hacked? Two days now with app on Droid saying intermittently. "We're sorry. Arlo is currently unavaialble."  Not all the time, but most of the time.  Any solution?  Have uninstalled and reinstalled.



I'd be willing to bet there's no one even working on the problem as of yet - holiday week-end and all. Another company that does not care about service after the sale - why should they - they have the money from all of us suckers already.



@MikeDaCajun wrote:

I figured out a bypass for IOS users with both cellular and wifi capabilities.  It may work on android devices but I do not have one to do the test.  I am able to log in and out of my Arlo account and everything seems to be working when I do so. You may have to use the owners login to make this work.   Wonder if anyone else can? Here is what I was able to reproduce:


Turn on both wifi and your cellular on your device.


Try to open the Arlo app, you get a popup something like the following "internet connectivity you want to try again?"  Do not tap on either yes or no at this point.


Go and turn off the wifi now on your device


Go back to arlo app and click "Yes" Try again.


The arlo app starts to open.  As soon as you see the settings icon (bottom right) start tapping on it rapidly.


            If the arlo app freezes. Close and try the above steps again. After  the first or second time this works everytime.


When you do make it into the settings screen, click on "Devices" and check your cameras etc.(making sure you can move around the settings page and it is not frozen.)


Next, go to your settings and turn the wifi back on. Allow it to connect to your favorite wifi signal.


Now go back to the arlo app and ensure you can move around the app.


Now go turn off the cellular signal.


Now go back to the arlo app and ensure you can move around the app.


DO NOT CLOSE THE APP. If you do, just start this process over. I allowed my iPad to sit for over 20 minutes and I did not need to log back in.  This is just a temp fix until Arlo get this figured out.


If you try this and it works please reply and let me know if you were successful and what device you did this on so everyone can get back to some remote monitoring.  I think it has everything to do with the latest update and somewhere in the initial login wifi coding area.

Hey.  This seemed to work with my Droid.  If you turn off the internet connection and just use the cell-data contection, it comes back online.  Uses up a heck of lot of data though.  If I switch the internet back on - it goes offline.


That is the reason for turning the wifi back on and turning the cellular back off. Once you do that, your only using your wifi connection and not your cellular data to view video


Totally could not agree more.  There should be faster response from ARLO to correct any issues whatsoever. Too much invested with multiple cameras since January and very frustrated that issues are not remedied sooner.  Functionality of system was much better 15 days ago in contrast.  Some LIVE feeds cannot be exited from without closing the App and opening it up again.  Lag time in opening LIVE feeds is also frustrating.  One camera has also lost connection entirely.

This is still happening....
Doesn’t work!
I am still having the issue. Is Netgear continuing to work on the connectivity problem?

 So, everything was working correctly this morning, signed on while on vacation. (So kinda the time you want Arlo working properly) Changed the modes this morning for someone to come into the house (as planned). Went to sign on again 4 hrs later when they were leaving, and *while connected to the wifi at vacation location* I can't sign on, it says "you are not connected to the internet. Check your connection" - I'm currently on the wifi - posting this so obviously wifi works. My husband's app won't connect either on the same wifi, nor will the macbook through the website. Infact when I click My Arlo in the top corner of the forums I get a error " not found" (Safari, Chrome... different browsers, different devices etc. )  

But Here's the kicker!  - disconnect the phone from wifi, go on LTE data service, or even 3G and it connects without fuss. I've confirmed my wifi at the home is working. The cameras are working, and luckily I was able to re-arm the cameras. I JUST finally finished fixing the modes, geofencing & schedules from the last nightmare of an update ..... which was the hugest pain. Yesterday an alert advising me to our passwords because Netgear has found suspicious activity??! and now this, 24 hrs later...... now I'm so distrusting as to whether Arlo is working correctly. Especially now being away and needing Arlo to work correctly....  

Is any one else experiencing this? Can someone else outside their home network test via another wifi connection? Is Netgear having server issues somehow?


Everything seems to be working normally now, on tablets and phone.


I still receive the no internet connectivity message.