Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo your app is broken (geofencing)

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Since the 4.0 app update a couple of months ago, i have been struggling with geofencing not working at all on me and my familys android phones. I have tried everything, reinstalling the app on all the phones we use for geofencing, tinkering with all settings on the phones, rummaging the entire settings section on the phones for all possible battery saving and app killing settings, to allow geofencing to work. I have had hour long chats with customer service to try and resolve the issue. I even resorted to reinstalling the entire system. Nothing has worked. Geofencing wouldnt register when ever we left the house, and therefore not arming the system. Even though i removed all phones, other than my own, which the app said was outside the geofencing zone, the system would not arm. I could only get it to arm if i removed all phones from geofencing. Out of pure frustration, i tried to roll back the app to version 3.8, and VOILA! Geofencing is suddently working again. It has now been a couple of days, and every time the last person leaves the geofencing zone, the system will arm very shortly after. When we arrive back home, it will disarm before we reach the driveway. So Arlo, geofencing on your app after 4.0 is simply just broken!


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I know, and thats why im wondering why the proceded with the release off the app update when we can't go t the new ui. 

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Guru Guru

I've said this before in other threads and got nasty replies back but my geofencing works fine in 4.x, using the new 4.x UI. It would appear that you're still using the old 3.x UI - is that correct (still see Library for viewing videos and not the new Feed)? 


Which cameras/base/hub are you using? WHat phone and OS version? Seemingly most of those who have an issue with GF (as well as as some other issues) have been using Samsung phones. No guarantees but maybe useful.


I didnt know a new UI was a thing. Im on VMB4540r2 with Pro 3 cameras. We are using 2 oneplus phones and a Sony Xperia. 2 on android 12, 1 on android 13. How the am i supposed to get the "new" ui? I have reinstalled the app and my whole system, but no new UI has made its apperance to me.

Guru Guru

To force the migration, choose to add a new device and  select either the Por 5 or security system It doesn't matter that you have neither because all you want is to migrate. Once the migration is complete, just cancel the installation.


This comes with issues, however. You can't go back to the old UI and any of your modes and rules won't transfer. Armed Away (the old Armed mode) should be populated but there may be differences in how each rule is configured (I don't know that this is true so you'd need to check). If you have custom modes in the old UI, you'll have to make them fit into the 3 modes available in the new UI. You can't create more so use Standby and Armed Home  as you need (STandby is generally supposedly used to disarm cameras but it can still be used as you wish). It's a totally new way of doing things so you have to slog through everything to figure it out and get what you need.


Feel free to ask questions.


I have tried to choose add a device, and then chosen basestation/hub, nothing happens, it just starts searching for a new hub. Am i doing anything wrong?

Guru Guru

You must choose the Pro 5 or security system for the migration. If your app doesn't show this, you don't have the latest app but I believe the web client should show these choices. App updates could be relative to your location since not all countries have access to the latest app and devices.


So, what you are saying is that because im in Denmark, and the Pro 5 or new system isnt an option in the new app for me, i cannot use the latest app? That seems utterly stupid to me. Im not mad at you, but i might be a bit baffled at Arlo for releasing a version of the app that totally breaks geofencing for people i Denmark, with no way to fix it! Thx alot for your help in troubleshooting this. I guess im stuck on 3.8 right now then.

Guru Guru

Since the EU has different privacy laws and processes to be followed, it's my understanding that you will have to wait until the app and firmware is allowed to be updated. That's not an Arlo issue - it's caused by the EU (and, apparently, Verisure which has to also approve changes).


But the app updated by itself, and everything went haywire. If the update of the app is not pushed from Arlo, then i don't know who makes that decision. I still have the update available in the play store, and im prompted to update the app every time i open it. So i still think it's an issue that Arlo has to adresse. Who knows how many other users have the same issue with out knowing it?

Guru Guru

WHat version of the app do you have now and what is the latest version available in the store? 


SInce you're in the EU, Arlo has to qualify any changes to whatever authority (I don't know the process). In a sense, the same thing happens with Apple - there's a qualification process needed for the app, leading to potential delays. I suppose Arlo has input to the process but if someone else is handling that input may not speed things along. I really don't know.


Im on 3.8 right now, and everything is working as intended. I can update to 4.1, which breaks geofencing for me. I can't see a way to force the update. 

Guru Guru

Force what update - the newer app or the migration to the 4.x UI?


The migration. The new app i can just install from the play store. Im just wondering if there is a way to get the new UI here in Denmark. I can't be the only one with this issue?

Guru Guru

@DanGerBeAr wrote:

 Im just wondering if there is a way to get the new UI here in Denmark. 

Not yet.  


You need to be able to select a Pro 5s or Home Security system for onboarding to force the migration.  (You don't need to complete the onboarding, you just need to be able to start it). 


AFAIK those options aren't available yet in outside of the US.


I know, and thats why im wondering why the proceded with the release off the app update when we can't go t the new ui. 

Guru Guru

Apparently so at least the US can use the new hardware (Pro 5 and security system), perhaps to get bugs worked out (there's plenty of them) before unleashing it to the rest of the world. Of course, the issue of various countries having various requirements do play a role in any decision like this.


I have the same issue since a month or so 

intact the geofencing mode does not trigger anything 

I set Arlo in a a mode that does not exist in the geofencing mode and select geofencing. It does not trigger any change. Arlo keeps in the last mode even if this mode is not once that is setup for Geofencing. In fact it just triggers no reaction at all. 
geofencing worked well for years and still works well for the Arlo bridge. 
I have 4.3 version of the app



please help 

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

@JM63 May I ask which troubleshooting steps you have performed so far? I don't want to suggest anything you have previously performed.


It is fixed now

After removing all devices and re-installing everything again from scratch