Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Zone Problems Still Not Fixed.

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Hi all,

I’m having issues with the Zone feature on the Arlo’s to say the least.

You see i’m overseas and watching as I continuously get notifications that the tree is now a person, an animal trying to walk around my patio. WTF Arlo - I paid you good money for a solution then added on your not so smart AI feature to detect and limit false notifications. Added the zone feature and still I sit overseas and watch as my battery depletes while you report absolute garbage to me. Product and marketing are part of the model. Support is the most important thing and you guys are no good at it.

Years of reporting by customers and still your fingers remain fixed in your bums.

I feel frustrated that a company thinks that an expensive price tag, persuasive marketing campaign and fraudulent claim of a wireless security system exists as a market leader. Your time is up - time for the big boys who understand the importance of continuous support and feature releases and fixes to take the crown.

Having dealt with your painful support team during RMA processes and telephone calls to assist with other minor bugs (to which they could not even fix) - I will certainly be advising my friends to go with a different product. Goodbye old friend.

Until such time my cameras start to die (which I suspect you built into the firmware to coincide with the warranty period expiry).

I’ll be moving on to a better and real wireless security solution. one thy doesn’t steal a monthly fee from me, offer me the worst support known to human kind.

p.s. if anyone wants to buy arlo camera set (3x camera and base) - enquire within 😉