Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Video pixelates after 12-15 seconds

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Both my new Arlo Q Plus cameras have pixelated and turned grainy after 12-15 seconds into the 1080p video.


So basically, all video recordings starts crystal clear in 1080p videos for about 12-14 seconds, then turns grainy and pixelated! If the motion video is short, lets say 12 seconds, usually it will never have any problems! For long videos, they all have this issue.


Both cameras have latest firmware. Both cameras are set indoors. Both cameras are Arlo Q Plus connected via POE.



This is very confusing and illogical, why the 12-15 second mark turns pixelated? I am guessing a compression problem.


Please advise!

Thank you in advance,

Guru Guru

What happens if you lower the resolution to 720p?  If it clears up, the issue would seem to be upload speeds through your ISP.  Have you tested your actual upload speeds?


I have lowered the quality to 720p, closed my other cameras, and still exactly same issue.


All videos are the 13 seconds mark pixilates and goes grainy. 


It does not make sense that this is an upload speed issue, because the first 13 seconds of all videos are in good quality. This is probably a camera problem or compression problem from Arlo's servers. From reading the forums a lot of other users experienced exact same problem with very high upload speeds.


This issue renders all the Arlo cameras I have bought useless.


Please advise,

Guru Guru

If resetting the camera using the reset button until the LED flashes amber and resyncing doesn't help, opena case with support.


I have the Arlo Q (wireless) and stumbled across your post. I have the exact same issue with the video pixellating at around 14s quite consistently and lasts maybe 3-4s before recovering. I have tested and have 80 down / 20mbit up so speed is a non issue (speed test / router and camera reset before checking for continuation of issue) and the camera is within 1m of the router! I have opened a support case.


Again, I have the latest firmware so assume this is a newly introduced bug.


Also i'm not impressed with the quality of the video in 1080p when zooming in, the compression is too high and its difficult to look at detail e.g. number plates, there needs to be some user control to adjust the compression ratio for faster connections like mine.

Guru Guru

Pixelation can be caused by multiple things - signal quality, upload speeds, loss of key frames for the compression, etc.  One thing to try is to temporarily move the camera to see if it gets better in a different location.


As for 1080p video quality, remember that it's only about 2 megapixels - not exactly hi-res.  Add in compression and the fact that the camera has a 130 degree angle of view, roughly comparable to a 10mm fisheye lens for a 35mm/DSLR camera, and it's very easy to see that it's not suitable for zeroing in on small details that are at a distance.  These cameras aren't meant for ID - a smaller angle of view/longer focal length would be needed.


understood but as you mention compression is an issue, i'm asking that we have the ability to adjust compression based upon our internet speed so a better quality video can be attained as there are quite a few artefacts caused by the high compression ratio.

Guru Guru

I've been saying the same thing about user-selectable compression here for a couple of years now. It likely won't happen unless there's a huge call for it. Check the Arlo Idea exchange here and add kudos to existing threads and/or create your own thread.


Having the exact same issue but I'm using Wi-Fi instead of Ethernet. I guess I'll start a trouble ticket.  Anyone else seeing this on the Arlo Q Plus?  It is random but frequent for me.  Severe pixelation starts at 14 seconds into the video almost every time.  Clears up after 2 to 5 seconds.  This was happening before and after the latest Android app update.  It has latest firmware as well.


Is Arlo aware of this?


Yes as mentioned I opened a support call. Its taken weeks but finally their support recreated the issue last week their end and the developers are now involved.

Jcam123, Thanks for the update on your contact with support.  Glad they are working on it.


After the last few days I thought this problem was resolved.  98% of the clips did not have this problem.  But it was back today. Probably 50% or more with the blocky pixelation starting about 14 secs into the clips.  Hopefully Netgear is still working on this.  Would like to see better quality mpeg compression (or less compression) on all the videos but this sudden jolt of severe compression that can take several seconds to recover from is a real problem.


PS.  1080p does not equal clear and sharp video with the high level of mpeg compression being used by Arlo/Netgear.  As suggested before, give us a choice between 1080p using more bandwidth (higher quality video) or 1080p using less bandwidth (lower quality video).  Don't cripple an awesome product!



Still no update from netgear support other than 'they are working on it" and an issue has been proven to support, but with no timescale for remediation.. I'm frustrated and asked them for refund, as at present the legal status in UK is the "product is not fit for purpose". I'm going to give them up to year end then take action to recoup my monies as this is not right.

OK might be eating my words. Looked back at the video today. It looks like a different firmware was applied last week that is not published on the firmware page. The quality of video looks much better to what was previously available and I can make out number plates a lot better. If they stick with this, or improve the quality a bit more then the product will be awsome. Also looks like the pixellation bug may have been resolved in general, need to scan through a few more recordings.


JCAM123, Nice catch on the firmware update.  I wonder what day that was pushed out.  My Q+ currently shows firmware with those last five numbers being different from the last firmware announced in August.


I'm actually noticing more motion artifacts such as a pixelated blur trailing off behind a car passing by.  This is daytime running 1080p with the free cloud storage, full bars wifi signal.  And still today I've seen numerous cases of the 14 second pixelation problem.  A day ago I was ready to declare the issue fixed.  So I do believe they will fix it.  It can be done.


On a side note, unrelated to the pixelation issue, this firmware may have fixed a request I submitted. This camera faces the front driveway and street looking through a window. Could not use infrared light due to reflection off window.  There is a bright street light so no need for night vision. However, on 1080p the camera would switch to black & white night vision mode without infrared. If ran on 720p the camera would stay in color mode.  Having color gives you much more information to describe a vehicle or subject's clothing.  So far tonight, 1080p mode is staying in color mode.  Hope it sticks.






Regarding the color video at night... It didn't stick. Now b&w again.

Maybe they sneaked this firmware out to address the security vulnerability mentioned in some other thread. Same minor revision as you here.

Other than the artefacts, is your video better quality, number plates appear better in mine and background objects seem to have more detail. Maybe in my imagination but will keep an eye on it.

Pixellation is still an issue....


Jcam123, You're right about the video clarity or detail being a little better.  I compared some clips from 7 days ago to today and I see lettering on a truck that was just a blur last week is now detailed enough to read.


I'm having the same pixelation problem, starting at around 12-13 seconds. 3 cameras all do it. I've tried wireless, wired, moving cameras, changing resolution...nothing makes any difference.

I briefly got Netgear tech support's attention when I posted this negative review on Amazon in September listing 6 major issues (including pixelation). On 10/17  they told me it had been escalated to "engineering". Since then, I haven't heard anything from Netgear. I'm pretty sure they hope I just give up. It's obvious they don't care about us customers after the sale.

They'll tell you to open a ticket. One of the tricky things they do is make you update it online so there is no record of the back-and-forth, like there would be if they corresponded by email.

These cameras are a joke as "security" devices. Netgear has no motivation to fix any problems. They've already got our money.


I've been dealing with tech support for months about the common pixelation issue (and many other problems that are listed in my Amazon review). I recently received an email and follow up phone call from Customer Service telling me that engineering is unable to resolve any of these problems and has given up trying. They are willing to refund my purchase of 3 cameras, although the rep couldn't promise a 100% refund. He also said it will take 6-8 weeks for them to mail a paper check! I guess they don't know about electronic transfers or credit card refunds.

The right thing to do would be for Netgear to publicly announce this failure, but since they won't I feel obligated to share the information. If you're experiencing these problems, don't expect any solution ever.

I will be returning my equipment and looking elsewhere for a replacement system.

/end rant

Same response here, reproducible fault, and refund offered. Unfortunately I need the security system going even in this reduced state due to lack of time to investigate/install alternatives.

I am hoping this eventually gets fixed with firmware but as its been months since we flagged the issue I can only assume this is a hardware fault in the product they sell.

Also sadly for Netgear, I have very strong input into IT hardware in a lot of very large organisations, and the lack of product support in my opinion / desire to fix e.g not. involving the developers, and instead being passed around many 1st line support personnel being asked the same questions over and over even though responses have been provided, will certainly sway my opinions in future when dealing with customers and recommending vendors kit.

I'm in the same boat - I need a security system and can't find a suitable replacement. They already sent me a return label, but I need to have a new system in place before I return this stuff. 


I'm still stunned that they came right out and said they give up and won't be attempting to fix all these problems. That's a total vote of no confidence in their product. Netgear is off my list for any future tech gear.




This is very disappointing to read.  Could you please post a copy of your e-mail from Netgear telling you that "engineering is unable to resolve any of these problems and has given up trying."  Of course, redact or remove your personal info.




As you might suspect, they didn't put this in writing. I was told by a rep over the phone.

Netgear forces you to respond via their web site so there is not any paper trail of emails. I don't know of any way to access my replys to their emails. Any time I tried to reply to an email, it was bounced back.

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