Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

iOS App Update - why change the layout?


The latest app update is a downgrade as far as I'm concerned


Why have you removed the simple indicators of battery level and now you have to click further into the app to find them, who thought that was a good idea.

482 REPLIES 482

lots of setbacks and downgrades on the app for both the ipad and iphone but Netgear seems to be ignoring customer complaints about the latest app version


Just wanted to confirm that with iOS 2.6.1 the audio detection icon does NOT appear when viewing the Devices home page when a camera is detecting audio. The only icon that seems to appear on my system is the motion detection icon while viewing the Devices home page (besides the low battery icons for all cameras for a few seconds).


Tonight I am going to test to see what happens when I take a camera out of wifi range.


I was hoping iOS 2.6.2 would come out today to fix some of our issues, especially the crucial battery level icon on the Device home page.


"I was hoping iOS 2.6.2 would come out today to fix some of our issues, especially the crucial battery level icon on the Device home page."


 Yes, it's a no brainer that a full time battery level indicator is essential and a must have for making any plans for vacations or just leaving for a weekend.

 Total no brainer for the Arlo/Netgear "no brainers" who orchestrated this epic bumbling fiasco.

 Meanwhile, we roll into another weekend with the sound of Arlo/Netgear's crickets responding, like "elevator music", failing to sooth our concerns.




Netgear / Arlo should copy Direct TV's customer service model. I don't have Direct TV but a family member does and each year we go in half on the NFL Sunday Ticket. This past Sunday the NFL Ticket went off air for about an hour during the 1pm games. Obviously millions of customers were upset and took to the internet. A few days later Direct TV did a stand up thing.... they sent this email to all their NFL Sunday Ticket customers.......


"You may have experienced problems during Sunday’s NFL SUNDAY TICKET broadcast. While the problems have been resolved, the fact is we made a mistake. We’re truly sorry."


They admitted they messed up, apologized, and the email went on to say they are giving all NFL Sunday Ticket subscribers the NFL Sunday Ticket Max experience for free for the rest of the season.


That is customer service.

Excuse me. Each camera now requires 3 clicks to completely view battery status and return to the next camera. So I have 24 cameras. Prior to the “ehancement” from the update, it took 1 click to check the battery status of ALL cameras... Now it takes a total of 72 clicks 😂

I saw a post from a guy the other day on a different post. He has 32 cameras on his system. It is taking him 96 clicks to check status. Unbelievable. I also believe on the android update where they put it back on the home screen that there is no numerical value. While a red, yellow, or black 1/2 full icon may work for someone who uses it in a vacant home (therefore not much recording so the batteries last a long time) not all users are the same. Some use as nanny cams. I use mine to monitor an elderly parent who is often home alone. A couple of the cameras only last 2-4 days. When those cameras hit 40% there is only a day left and when they hit 24% there are only hours left. Some users need actual readings (numerical values). All users nay not but some do. The best solution would be an option setting in each camera or globally to show the numerical in addition to the icon for users to customize their views. Maybe some folks want to drive a car with no fuel gauge and rely on the “low fuel” idiot light, but I for one prefer an accurate fuel gauge. Please fix this horrible decision. 


James, what do you mean by the user interface has been changed to improve the customer experience. If you read through this entire thread ou should clearly get the message that your users are NOT happy with the changes. These “enhancements” are a huge step backwards. Please listen to you users. The message is loud and clear your users want to be able to see what is going on with their system from the home page. They do not want to have to click into setting on each and every camera to see what is going on. If some users do, then do the simple thing and add the ability for those who don’t to turn it off and those who do to turn it on. This is simple functionality. In fact regards the battery level being displayed in a numerical value was an on off setting on the old version of the app. The responses from Arlo thus far are just regurgitation of the message of why you did it. Please listen to your customers instead of stating that you made a choice to ruin the functionality it the app. 


 "James, what do you mean by the user interface has been changed to improve the customer experience. If you read through this entire thread ou should clearly get the message that your users are NOT happy with the changes. These “enhancements” are a huge step backwards. Please listen to you users. The message is loud and clear your users want to be able to see what is going on with their system from the home page. They do not want to have to click into setting on each and every camera to see what is going on. If some users do, then do the simple thing and add the ability for those who don’t to turn it off and those who do to turn it on. This is simple functionality. In fact regards the battery level being displayed in a numerical value was an on off setting on the old version of the app. The responses from Arlo thus far are just regurgitation of the message of why you did it. Please listen to your customers instead of stating that you made a choice to ruin the functionality it the app. "


 Exactly what GarySzy said.


Arlo/Netgear . . . . LISTEN UP ALREADY ! ! ! !


"I saw a post from a guy the other day on a different post. He has 32 cameras on his system. It is taking him 96 clicks to check status. Unbelievable. I also believe on the android update where they put it back on the home screen that there is no numerical value. While a red, yellow, or black 1/2 full icon may work for someone who uses it in a vacant home (therefore not much recording so the batteries last a long time) not all users are the same. Some use as nanny cams. I use mine to monitor an elderly parent who is often home alone. A couple of the cameras only last 2-4 days. When those cameras hit 40% there is only a day left and when they hit 24% there are only hours left. Some users need actual readings (numerical values). All users nay not but some do. The best solution would be an option setting in each camera or globally to show the numerical in addition to the icon for users to customize their views. Maybe some folks want to drive a car with no fuel gauge and rely on the “low fuel” idiot light, but I for one prefer an accurate fuel gauge. Please fix this horrible decision. "


 Well, we're into the weakend with Arlo/Netgear not around and  although I've highligthed the concerning points, they will remain unheeded, reminicing the nonactions Arlo/Netgear excersizes during the work week, as in nothing, notta, no help . . . . even the crickets are growing impaitent and tired . . . 

Not only is it a step back
It doesn’t allow live video stream and audio
So 2 major issues
1) dysfunctional layout
2) non operational live video stream (frozen) with no audio (or stops after 1-2 seconds)

Hey Arlo, would you care to respond?
Any plans to actually address the fundamental issue here (poor decision to change to a User Interface that took a significant step backwards) that just doesn’t work for your customers?
Lots of complaints and negative reviews on Twitter and App Store too., do you really not care about reputation and future sales?
Help me to understand how making us click 2 extra times per camera to see the battery level is an “enhancement”? The FAQ says the battery indicator will appear when the battery is at 25%. Well guess what? I just got an alert that one of my cameras is at 15% Do I see an indicator on the main screen? NO! Where are the “enhancements”?!?! This is lazy programming at best! Revert to the previous UI please. Or do I need to start looking at other brands? Just let me know. Thanks.

"Help me to understand how making us click 2 extra times per camera to see the battery level is an “enhancement”? The FAQ says the battery indicator will appear when the battery is at 25%. Well guess what? I just got an alert that one of my cameras is at 15% Do I see an indicator on the main screen? NO! Where are the “enhancements”?!?! This is lazy programming at best! Revert to the previous UI please. Or do I need to start looking at other brands? Just let me know. Thanks."


Arlo/Netgear responce to date . . .

For Android search for: apk mirror arlo. You will need to remove the latest version from your phone and you will need to download the last version listed with the old green and white icon listed from the apk mirror site.. You need to set your phone to allow installs from unknown sources (and don't forget to turn that off again once done). You need to know how and be comfortable with doing that, your phone, totally your responsibility. Turn off auto updates so it doesn't immediately replace itself.
Thanks a lot for the links👍
Very helpful
Kind regarda

Just wanted to add that I confirmed that the low/no signal wifi icon does NOT work on the Device home page. On my system with 2.6.1 iOS the only icons that show up on the Devices home page are the number of new videos for each camera and the motion icon. Battery level, wifi signal or audio detection does not show up at all on the Devices home page.


Arlo released a 2.6.2 update for Android 6 days ago that supposedly fixed some of these issues. Still no update for iOS.


"Just wanted to add that I confirmed that the low/no signal wifi icon does NOT work on the Device home page. On my system with 2.6.1 iOS the only icons that show up on the Devices home page are the number of new videos for each camera and the motion icon. Battery level, wifi signal or audio detection does not show up at all on the Devices home page."


What you said, same here, in addition to I have extreme concerns of leaving my home for a few days, let alone a few weeks with the battery % level information that will only indicate "25%" and less battery.

 How the hell is that even a standard over there in Arlo/Netgeat crickets land?

 As many clients have expressed serious complaints, Arlo/Netgear must listen up and address these concerns and return to the previous workable update that was apprpoiate and had all icons on the first screen page of each camera.

 What's the hold up?

Too embarrassed to admit a failurer?

Time to "own it" and resolve the issues and concerns.


I agree with what everyone is saying.  Fix it now.


You need to fix the iOS 12 app so that you can save changes to the Brightness Level and and the resizing of the viewing area.  The previous app was much more user friendly!!!!!



No wonder there are less replies to these issues when posts, topics and ideas are being actively deleted by Arlo community managers

"No wonder there are less replies to these issues when posts, topics and ideas are being actively deleted by Arlo community managers"



 You can run but you can't hide.

But what and where Arlo community managers have no control over are the "reviews" posted on stores, both brick and online, of this epic update failures, Arlo/Netgear's resolves. or complete lack of and Arlo/Netgear clients who've invested in this once "user friendly" security system.


"What goes on in the dark always comes oput in the light"


Juz sayin . . . 

Now you cannot see the previous recordings on a certain camera like you used too. You have to go the symbol & select which cameras you want to see the videos from. They removed that button & also the pause button! Why! Now you have to tap the middle of screen to stop it! This was not an upgrade at all. I told my husband do not press upgrade. He still has all his features. What a headache.

Latest ios app update doesnt allow to check battery status, signal strenght, and recordings for each camera on the main screen, like the older version. Please return that information to the main screen. It takes a lot of time in order to check just which battery has to be recharged and to review a specific camera recordings.

Thank you



there are hundreds of dissatisfied customers with the new IOS app but Netgear is simply ignoring the issues...


Netgear are you reading this thread???