Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

iOS App Update - why change the layout?


The latest app update is a downgrade as far as I'm concerned


Why have you removed the simple indicators of battery level and now you have to click further into the app to find them, who thought that was a good idea.

482 REPLIES 482

I have been writing in many of Arlo's message boards complaining about losing "Live" abilities with the new update (I can tolerate the layout changes).  I couldn't record, take a picture or use microphone.  I finally got help from  Arlo's tech support.  The number is 408-638-3750.  They are aware of all the problems and are working on these issues.  The lady was helpful and showed me what to do with one camera (delete device, resync it).  That camera seemed to work better.  I then got additional help from Super Secure Web and they got all my cameras working (lots to explain here and I don't want to foul anyone up, but basically it has to do with deleting the base station, rebooting it and re-syncing all the cameras.  Then they also had me unplug power to modem, router and base station, let the sit for 30 seconds and reconnect them. Even had me reverse the ethernet cable around).  Not sure why this worked, but all cameras are MUCH better.  There is still some delay at times due to signal strength, but at least I can use "Live" now.  Hope it lasts.  I think I will disable auto updates for Arlo software until I read from you wonderful people what happens with the faulty update.  Thank you for all of you help and information.


Even had me reverse the ethernet cable around).”


Woah...all you needed to complete that was to sacrifice a live chicken.  Turning the cable around?  Really?

It looks like when they first came out they earn their client really good now they running or lacking of video capacity and trying to get rid of client by doing all this crashes and get back on their feet again. I guess they are not ready to deal with million or thousands of people with cameras and thats why is crashing.
Still using 2.5.5 on iPhone. Loaded 2.6.1 to compare on second device. Just a total disaster. Have seen a few comments from one or two folks that the new layout is ok ... are you joking???? Have 10 cameras so to simply check wifi connection I have to go through 30 clicks on the new, improved layout. compared to just schrolling on 2.5.5 ... how can this be ok to anyone????? Must only have one or two cameras to think the new layout is ok. They literally moved the key system ques from the top page to two clicks on device page ... and look at the device page, it already has battery etc readings. What good does it do to move the battery indicator off the front page where it can easily be accessed to the device page which all ready has a battery reading ... like we need two battery reading on the device page but zero on the front page ... just plain stupid. Just beyond any rational thought. Even screwed up the live screen touch indicators. Now have to hold the microphone indicator with very confusing visuals. No longer see video time elapse, have to Polk at the screen to get the square to shut off live stream. ... virtually everything they touched they made it worse. Can't screw something up this bad. Seems like they must have thrown out the prior code and started over. Will continue to use 2.5.5 until the adults at Arlo show up and show some leadership!!! @JamesC ... ur silence is deafening!!!! How able letting us know why .... you know the is a major screw up. There must be something your users are not aware of that is behind such a major mistake.
I don’t know why this latest update made it past QA. This is bad. This update does not improve user experience. Someone dropped the ball.
How can I revert back to the previous version?

There are literally 100s of compaints in these forums about the latest versions of the iOS App (2.6.0 and 2.6.1, releasd on 20 October 2018).   Despite 8 days of complaints, there is not one word from Netgear saying something like “We are trying to fix this”.


Someone from Netgear must be using the App.   Has he informed the directors?  What about the software developers?   Do they never read the forums to see what people think of their latest release?   Surely SOMEONE from Netgear uses the App and reads these forums, but for 8 days we have a deafening silence.


If anyone reading this knows a Netgear or Arlo employee, please reach out to them.



 @Fortress10 @JamesC
The customer support team are there to help users who can’t figure things out by common sense.   They have long list of things to tell you to try, which any smart person would have tried anyway, like turnlng the device off and on, like chevking the ethernet cable and so on.   

Whilst they can help the technolgically unwashed do things like press the “reset” button, there is nothing they can do about stupid programmers who upload Apps which are not tested.  They can’t even SPEAK to the programmers.   I was told to try and reach the programmers myself by making a post in the “Product suggestions” section of the forums.

I personally don’t think the “support” team are part of Netgear.  I suspect it is a call centre in India.  This explains why there is no voice support, only online messaging support.

@Fortress10 wrote:

I agree 100%

in addition app 2.5.5 was working fine for me

I updated to version 2.6.0 and lost my audio when live streaming (note that motion triggered recording played back on iphone with no issue).  Tested live streaming using IE, Firefox and Chrome over a PC connected to the internet - all fine.


Excited to see 2.6.1 released expecting the audio issue to be fixed, but now they added another new glitch - streaming device is reporting it is not streaming.


When I chat with tech support - the first thing I ask them to do is to check their logs on 2.6.0 issues.

but they still ask me all the same dumb questions - how many camera's? try turning the camera audio off then on (but camera audio is the speaker at the camera) however the app does have a microphone on/off toggle, which I explain works on the web and with recoreded alerts (duh).


Basically - whatever they changed from 2.5.5 to 2.6.1 they need to undo - or allow users to pick 2.5.5 from itunes download site



@JamesC wrote:

With the latest updates to the mobile app, some of the UI has been changed to enhance the overall user experience. For more information on these changes, take a look here: What enhancements are included in the Arlo app release version 2.6.0?



@JamesC As community manager you can probably do nothing but manage the hundreds of posts on the topic of the latest iOS App fail.    But you MUST immediately and URGENTLY get in touch with the DIRECTORS to say “We seem to have an issue”.   If I was a director I would expect nothing less from my community manager.


complete silence from Netgear...


please just release the older version of the app was so much better!

They deleted My last comment/review about how terrible both the 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 update versions are and to report your own system findings here, on Facebook,Twitter and to their Board of Directors. I loved my cameras until this last update. How they can delete a customer ‘s comment shows how they do not value anything we say.

I noted that they deleted that message. Apparently it was just too well-stated. I was going to give you a kudo but couldn’t since it was deleted.


“In the future, we plan to continue to introduce new categories of devices and services that will connect to and complement the Arlo platform, and we expect that our operating results will be impacted by these releases,” the company said in its prospectus. “We also believe we can grow our subscription-based recurring revenue stream by improving current Arlo Smart service features and introducing new premium service features to our growing user base.”


This is what they said after the Arlo IPO. Suspect the debacle of this update may be a prelude to bolster the selling of their “premium services” in an attempt to boost revenues and enhance the stock price.

Saw it. I had the full comment in my email notifications, made a snapshot of it and of the "message not found" warning on the forum, pushed it back with an angry comment on Twitter 😠
Here is what Arlo and Netgear don’t get....we all really liked/loved our Arlo cameras before the 2.6.0. They basically worked. Then that was taken away from us. We have all invested over $450. 00 to even start up a system. Many INVESTED lots more money, and time. As I stated in the messages they deleted, I was getting ready to recommend these units for a basic City wide video upgrade at 45 community centers. I’ve already got 5+ friends on the system. We all love and support Arlo. That’s what they don’t get. We’re all super pissed off because it use to work so well!!! I don’t often recommend to my friends to go spend over $400 on something unless it works. And now the failed update. If they think any of us are going to have a subscription service to their products, they are not thinking right in the head. If this whole debacle had been handled in a professional way by Arlo and Netgear (which still owns 84% of the stock) we might give them some leeway to prove they listen and value their customers. It’s been TWO weeks since the 2.6.0 that trashed everyone’s systems. Then 2.6.1.....another failure and a joke after a week of everybody actually telling Arlo WHAT TO DO TO FIX IT!!! I love my system. But I will not be happy until they get it right. And I’ll be damn if I’m going to give them any more money while I wait. Also, thanks for deleting my previous post about no longer considering these for commercial or personal use and how to pass on reviews in amazon and social media. That was soooooo big of you! NOT!!!

"Even had me reverse the ethernet cable around) . . . "


WOW, well with "tech support" of that calibar maning the front line  . . . that explains how this disaster Arlo/Netgear update made it past to Arlo/Netgear clients.

 I suppose standing on one's head rubbing your belly with the left hand, not the right hand while whistling "Dixie" supports a better wifi connection to the Arlo base station.

 Sounds high tech and reasonable.

 Also, I have some cheese from a moon meteor for sale if anyone is interested . . ?



Good Job, posting to various media, tried to give you a Kudo jpcncline, but it didn't appear the message board wasn't acknowledging.

I've posted a review to Amazon, reflecting the latest issues, and concerns of customers regarding the latest App update, to simply forewarn other prospective owners of the ARLO  security camera system.

Hit them in the pocketbook, maybe then they will think twice before administering  faulty software, were my thoughts.




Re: iOS App Update - why change the layout?

 I suppose standing on one's head rubbing your belly with the left hand, not the right hand while whistling "Dixie" supports a better wifi connection to the Arlo base station.

 Sounds high tech and reasonable.

 Also, I have some cheese from a moon meteor for sale if anyone is interested . .




I'm having the same issues, did you figure out how to resolve any?


Only way to resolve would be to revert back to the previous working version and that is no longer available in the App Store. This is just bad PR for Netgear and I don’t think they care.
I also tried the App Store. Even a child is would understand this needs to be resolved . I say we go public hurt the sales
Having seen this pattern of incompetence I would suggest all iOS users turn off your automatic update for apps. That way you can choose to manual update AFTER you test on second device or read response on community board. Nuts to think this is how things should be done but .... doesn't protect when they push buggy firmware straight to hardware like last May when we lost battery performance for four months but does isolate the app changes.

So it seems at 15% you get an alert that a battery is low

However when you go into the app to check - multiple cameras show the same 15% for about 20 seconds and then vanish

When I go into the individual devices - only 1 is at 15%, and the others range roughly what I expected their battery life to be - with 1 exception

1 of my cameras has dropped from 100% battery on Friday (2. Days ago) to only 45% remaining - which if I’m to rely on the 15% warning will mean that no doubt my flat won’t be covered while I’m at work or something ridiculous - this whole debacle is such a massive fail

THE ONLY WAY TO KEEP THE CAMERAS ROLLING RIGHT NOW IS TO MAKE THEM ALL WIRED MAINS CANERAS - because of course that’s why we all bought a wireless system!

The previous app worked 100% for me no problems, actually found an iPad tucked away with that app still on and updates disabled - and it still works 100%

This new app I might as well unplug the system and look for a replacement right now!

They NEED to roll back the App ASAP
from reading the comments the battery issue is 1 issue out of MANY MANY MANY users who no longer have fully functioning systems!
