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Why does my camera night infrared come on when I have the camera set to off?
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I saw a thread for this a couple years back, and I wonder if the issue has returned. My cameras are detecting motion even when they are disabled/turned off. I know this because when its dark, the IR lights are turning on. Also, my batteries on all cameras are dying at an alarming rate. I just charged them all last weekend, and as of today, they are between 50-70%; they usually last 2-3 months on a charge. FW version is 2.5.1_21471, released on 5/22/2018.

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Absolutely...!!! Dogs are the best. I have two little Cairn terrier/Jack Russell mixes and they alert me to a lot Arlo doesn't catch... when one of them chuffs, I do a live feed on cams out front and sure enough there's something going on just out of range of motion sensitivity... they are way more reliable than Arlo, that is for sure... but they work greak in conjunction with the cams.
I love your idea of the inside cam set to audio only... that's really smart... my dogs bark bloody murder when someone gets too near, or there is someone out front they don't recognize - and that's just by sound alone. They know the sound of neighbors' cars, and of course the delivery people.
Some locations outside are just more difficult than others for Arlo cams... even with my swapping cams around, can't find the logic why. When I put a cam way back on the side of my patio in the back yard, have it facing my gate which is next to front door, the cam will pick up cars on the street, and there's a ton of trees in my front yard and tall cacti that obscure the road, must be a good 80ft or more to the street... I'm shocked when it picks up cars...

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The cams that are not in my backyard, batteries last forever on low res - I have to clean the cam lenses long before I need to replace batteries. In backyard, didn't have to replace often, either, since I would just turn cams off when I would work in the yard, but the IR bug has changed all that... now I either have to remeber to disarm them when I go outside and rearm them when I come back in, or turn them off when I go out and just know I'll have to replace batteries more often... and as I've previously said, its easier for me to remeber to turn a cam back on then to remeber I've disramed it. A cam that's off sticks out like a sore thumb on the Devices tab, of course...
My street cams, on low res and recoding only 10 seconds of video, usually after 7 days they are anywhere between 98% and 96% after 7 days which is really good, I think... but I live in a community with mostly older people and snowbirds... not THAT much activity... but enough...
My cams out front that cover my front door and a window, those can go for weeks and weeks, nothing to trigger them except birds... but like I said, I need to take them down to clean lenses long before the batteries need to be replaced... it's windy and dusty here... and there's a moth I've lovingly named Mothra who likes to visit the cams at night and leave the powder from his wings on the lenses, lol...
If there's a lot of activity, obviously batteries drain faster, which is winter here because we have a lot more residents in winter... but in the summer, I think the heat takes its toll on the batteries... there have been times in summer it seemed like batteries were draining faster even though activty is way down... after all, when its 110 who wants to go out?

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I've discovered some more information that may be useful. Steve W. has created a smartapp that allows Arlo mode changes from the Smartthings app. I am now able to change the Arlo mode when I change the Smartthings mode to Away. Here's some information in case it's helpful.

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You the man. This is awesome. Thank you very much. I'll probably set it up tomorrow when I have time to play around. Having the ability to change modes via smartthings based on smarthtings mode or alarm state or even a switch is just what I needed.

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I am assuming that..
A) Netgear will not discuss the issue with its complaining customer base
B) Netgear will not inform us as to what is going on, why it was done, was it intended, was it NOT intended, if it will be fixed, or if its a new feature so shut-up-and-stop-whining-all-you-ungreatful-customers.
I am assuming this is just a "new" feature and we just have to suck it up and deal, or sell our systems on eBay and go buy something else. You see, Netgear KNOWS we've all made a substantial investment in these systems. Although they are reasonalby priced for what they are, they are STILL expensive when you are talking about multiple cams, multiple basestations, powerline adapters for basestations located in the nether reaches of our homes, extra batteries, battery chargers, protective booties, other accessories, etc. They have us where they want us and are going to do whatever they want - they honestly don't care, they are making so much money with Arlo and Arlo supscriptions, they are betting new customers won't know any different that IR is supposed to come on when camera status is OFF. So eventually there will be more customers who don't know any different than those of us who do...
In all honesty, I do not own ANY other Netgear equipment (thank God)... except an ancient ReadyNAS that I don' use, but have kept because its SPARC and was just built so damned well. Still works, I fire it up every once in a while just for fun... a blast from the past...

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I like my new "feature". Killing my batteries is fun.
However I do kinda like using the custom mode instead of turning on and off, it's just that turning on /off from smarthings was really convenient. But now, in another thread, someone posted a smartthings smartapp that can be installed in smartthings and you can now control the arlo modes from smartthings. I'm going to set it up tonight, but basically it allows you to change modes from within smartthings and the changing of modes can be triggered from a smartthings switch, or sensor, or button, or location, or smarthings mode, or smartmonitor status. If I can change modes from a routine in ST, then I'm all set. No need to turn on/off anymore (at least for me).

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Sounds like you have a workaround for working around Netgear, lol... we should not have to go outside the product to do that... and I probably would the same, but do not have any smart things, and lord above knows Arlo is sub par in the intelligence quotient arena, lol... I would not want it talking to anything else. Would be afraid it would "dumb down" anything it might integrate with...
Well - fact remains, a function is broken, or maybe IR coming on all the time regardless of camera status is a new "feature" that's been added... and Netgear's support is abysmal and I cannot recommend Arlo to anyone based on that fact alone... I like my friends and associates and would not wish this on any of them... even if some, like me, are geeks and we actually enjoy finding workarounds for broken functions.
As far as myself, it is summer here in the desert, too hot outside to work in yard much any more, so I won't be in the back yard a whole lot any way, won't need to turn cams off as often... and if I get bored and take a notion to, I'll set up the spare basestation I have and put all the backayrd cams on it that are accessible by only ladder... then I'll disarm them, as a whole, before I go outside... and then set a reminder on my phone to re-arm after an hour and snooze the reminder until I am actually done and go back inside...
And still, not a single solitary word from Netgear - we still don't know if this is a bug or a new feature. And "looking into it" is just platitude to shut us up. I've been in the tech sector a very long time, I can tell when software authors just blow off users... and consultants alike... it is a very ugly business, very dirty, and extremely cut throat... but there are those who strive to overcome the ugly reputation of the industry... I am one of them and would never treat my clients the way Netgear treats its customers...

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For someone who doesn't have smartthings, I agree, you should have to jump thru hoops to get the product to work the way it was intended. It definetly is broken and needs to get fixed. Comunication would be nice as well. Seems Netgear/Arlo could learn a thing or two from you.
Since I have smartthings though, I want every smart device in my home to integrate with smartthings, that way I can monitor and control them all from one single app. I can setup triggers, routines, and rules in smartthings to control them all. Not all my smart devices are actual smartthings products, some are other products that work with smartthings because they use the zwave or zigbee protocol and my LIFX lights are wifi lights that LIFX has created a smart app for so it integrates with smartthings. I have lights, open/close sensors, temperature sensors, motion sensor, locks, smart outlets, smart switches, and the cameras. All of my non-smartthings products have their own apps, but I don't even use them because in smartthings I have alot more options and flexibility to make the products work how I want. For example I use motion sensors to turn on lights in certain rooms and open/close sensors to turn on lights in the basement and garage. Walk into a room and the lights come on automatically and turn off after a set amount of time. Or, open a door and the lights turn on automatically and turn off after a certian amount of time. Another example is I use temp sensors and smart outlets to turn air conditioners on and off depending on the inside temp. I even have a sensor in my mailbox so I know if I got mail that day or not. Things like that the native apps for their products just can't do.
So with Arlo, one of the reasons I went with them was the smartthings integration, but when I integrated them I found out you couldn't change modes. You could view live video, record video, and turn them on/off. I used the on/off and live viewing, but let arlo do the recording. Now that I can change modes I will rarely have to use the arlo app. Only needed for watching library recordings, which I can also do on the webpage. Not having to use the products app and being able to control it all from smartthings is a huge plus to me.

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@Virtuoso can you please post the link to the other post? Sounds interesting. The only downside, if you switch off the Arlo mode to disarm, all cameras (IR) are switched off. The on/off per camera was a little bit more flexible. But better than nothing.
Please post the link or even the name of the smartthing app.

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Smart things sounds great, very conventient, but pretty sure I don't have anything smart here except Arlo (and jury is still out on that)... and being a Linux geek means I am naturally paranoid about such things... and as much as I love tehcnology and work with it daily, I'm surprisingly low tech with my own stuff. And IoT worries me a bit... don't have a warm and fuzzy about the Arlo stuff, either, but it is necessary and cost effective... until Netgear reduces its functionality to the point it becomes too painful to use... getting there, it seems...

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FWIW, I've had a single Arlo Pro cam operating since Dec 2017. For the first three months, I recharged the battery twice. as the drain was minimal and expected from reports on the web. However, for the last month (late April into May 2018), my cam has been draining its battery in less than a week. The cam has remaining in the same location. Its communication link is strong. If anything, it has detected less motion than over the period between Dec and April.
In an attempt to fix the battery drain, I relocated the cam much closer to the base unit, but this hasn't changed the drain on the battery, not that I am surprised by that as the link remains strongh. I have (today) reduced motion detection to 25% on the slider, which regretably means the cam won't be detecting things I'd like it to detect and record.
I also checked the battery contacts when I last recharged, and they seem to be in good condition.
I don't plan to take this cam offline or inactivate its motion detection, as that defeats its intended purpose. Anyone have any further ideas on fixes while the Netgear engineers twittle their sliderules? To reemphasize, the excessive battery drain is a new problem.
Thank you.

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I just checked and my cam's firm ware is which was update on May 15, 2018, oddly coincidental with the increased battery drainage. Anyone else note this coincidence?
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Here is the link to the smartapp. It's called ArloPilot.
You don't have to just use arm and disarm, custom modes can be done as well. However, there is a limitation where custom modes aren't supported natively, only the standard arlo modes are available, but the dev has figured out how to get custom modes working by allowing you to create a rule in ArloPilot that uses the arlo custom mode. Instructions are on the webpage. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks promising.

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Yes smarthtings is awesome if your into home automation, which I am. And I agree, not sure how "smart" the Arlo system is currently, lol. I have concearns about IoT as well, but you just have to make sure you secure all your smart devices, computers, wifi, smart phone, passwords, home, car, etc (stay off social media) as best as you can. I'm locked down pretty good. Being a linux guy you know the importance of security on other platforms, so you just have to be knowledgable about security if your going to jump into IoT devices (unfortunately most people aren't).
And BTW - if you've seen the Arlo email and push notification from the app about the potential breach of arlo accounts this morning........ we now know they have the ability to push messages as well as email them, so where's the communication on the IR/Motion cameras off issue.....

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Just spent an hour of my time on chat with support. They are firm that it is not a firmware problem. I have tried all troubleshooting and they do not know what the problem is. I disarmed the camers and they are not draining but this is not a solution. Please let me know if anyone figures out the problem. Thinking of returning to store for different product. Thank you

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Don't listen to the people you talk to when you call "support", they don't know what's going on. The forum moderator, JamesC, has assured us on multiple occations that this is a known issue and the Arlo engineers are investigating it.

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I first noticed the battery drain while the cameras are off issue on May 10th. Mine, as well as many others, only experience the battery drain when the cameras are tuned off.

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My 4 H8 arlo pro cameras, all on firmware are experiencing rapid battery drain outside what Ive been used to since November 2017. I noticed rapid drain started around May 15.
I got 4 months out of the first charge. They've on average lost 30% battery life in 2 weeks.
Over the last 3 days theyve lost 8% and Ive had my system disarmed the entire time just to test.

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Arlo pro H8 with latest firmware update. Battery drain has been expidited since middle of May.
My cameras lost 8% over the last 3 days and theyve been disarmed (not simply turned off) the entire time.
Theyve lost roughly 30% in the last 2 weeks with normal activity while in custom mode. At this rate a full charge would last a little over 6 weeks. Previously my charges with the same custom modes were granting 11-12 weeks.
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Thanks very much for the information. I will wait another week or so and stay tuned to the forums before i return the whole system. It was a total waste of my time and frustrating,as others had mentioned but silly me, wanted to give the company a chance to make it right. They offered to replace the camers under warrenty if i pay to mail them in. No thanks! I have done that with other companies and, they said they never received the package and I am out several hundred dollars. Much easier to return to store. However, I appreciate your response very much and It really helps to know that the engineers are working on it. I will sit tight for a bit. Please post if any new developments for a fix! Much appreciated!

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I'm experienceing excessive battery drain now on cameras. Changed out battery in garage cam last night - there were maybe 10 video clips of 10 seconds each between the time i changed the battery and the time I woke up, battery was down 3% already, and I use LOW RES setting. Also experienceing more drain on backyard cams even though I haven't been in the backyard hardly at all...
And did anyone else get a push notification from Arlo that we should change our passwords? Got this on my Android table... this was the link that opened up when I activated the notification.
Maybe I was wrong when I said hackers would not bother messing with Arlo since Netgear was more than capable of sabotaging itself...

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pc2k17 - sorry, just noticed you mentioned the push notification for breach...
If Arlo can push those types of notifications, they can notify us when firmware upgrades ae scheduled to roll out... and number of things...
Does anyone wonder if these "bugs" with Arlo ar the result of the "suspicious activity'? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like duck...
Perhaps this is why Arlo support is silent - perhaps the IR bug was induced by hackers, and they CAN'T rollback their firmware becasue of damage done by hackers... makes a lot of sense...

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Similar to other posts, since the 14 May 2018 firmware update both batteries for my 2 Arlo Pro cameras are draining excessively fast — approx. 20% per day. Tried resyncing, restarting, batteries in from cold, etc but both cameras still draining fast.
Is there any way to revert back to previous firmware? Thanks.
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