Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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How can you tell if the Arlo Pro Base is failing? And how would that affect the performance of the cameras?  


I think there might be a combination of things going awry (cameras + base). My warranty is up soon so I need to address these issues immediately.


Issue 1 (Cameras)

So far, 2 of 4 Arlo Pro Cameras have already malfunctioned plus a warranty replacement (total = 3). Netgear sent two warranty camera replacements recently that are immediately exhibiting the same problems with recordings (flickers/flashes and pixelated). One camera also loses color and gets color distortion. Both cameras sometimes get the “orange” running man lingering for several minutes after recordings.


Camera-1: 2-bars of signal; 18 ft. from base; H8; firmware 1.092.08_17203  (6:53 PM EST - lime green tone) (orange running man) (lost color; daytime overall pink tone)


Camera-2: 3-bars of signal; 10 ft. from base; H8; firmware 1.092.08_17203 (always flicker/flashes and pixelated...initial symptoms before more advance failing of color distortion)


Issue 2 (Arlo Pro Base): VMB40000r3; firmware

I have powered cycle the modem, router and base - all of them twice. Powered cycle the base four times. I have also factory reset the router as an extra precaution. If the base is moved 3 ½ ft. from router, there are significant dips in the WiFi signal of both the base and router, but more so for the base. So I moved the base close to the router (1-ft.) The router consistently generates a strong signal but the base still fluctuates, which I am wondering if it might be malfunctioning.


Nighthawk R6700 router (12-months old)

On Channel 11

Channel 1 and 11 rated as best channels (channel 1 is sometimes better for daytime while channel 11 is better for nighttime)

The router login is not allowing me access; nor will it generate a password recovery so I cannot change from channel 11. <another thing to deal with>


WiFi Analyzer: Base 3 ½ ft. (labeled Netgear62) from router (labeled Rudy)


WiFi Analyzer (Time channel): Base 3 ½ ft. from router (top blue line is my router (2.4); light blue is the base; red line is my router (5G); purple = unidentified neighboring device periodically pops up and disappears


Wifi Analyzer: Base 1 ft. from router


WiFi Network Analyzer: Base 1 ft. from router


WiFi Network Analyzer: Base 1 ft. from router


I have retested everything at a later time with similar results. My router constantly stays within a strong signal while the base goes up and down dipping into -50 dBm or below it.


Any thoughts or suggestions?

Guru Guru

Something seems definitely rotten in Denmark. One thing I'd try is a long Ethernet cable or a WiFi or powerline extender of some sort to remove the base from the same room as the router. 


Also, have you checked all your firmware versions and compaed them tothe Release Notes section here? Old/mismatched firmware cause weird problems. 


It may be worth a factory reset on the Arlo system to eliminate that as a possibility. Remove all devices from Settings, My Devices. Press the base reset button until the LEDs flash amber. Let the base reboot and then use the Add Device button on the Devices tab to claim the base. Resync the cameras. 


If none of that helps, only an open case with support here can get replacement hardware via the warranty.




Just double checked the firmware. The Arlo Pros (4), Arlo Pro 2 and Arlo Pro base firmware is up-to-date. So I can check this one off the list. 🙂


Factory reset of the Arlo Pro system is a good idea, so I will do this step tomorrow.


I will also try using a long ethernet cable and see what happens.


Just know I appreciate your suggestions and will let you know what happens.






I factory reset the base station but it did not fix the problems. The base signal is errantic dipping in the lower dBm while the router signal is stable within a strong dBm range. 

Guru Guru

Could be a faulty base. You'll need to open a case with support here to get bad hardware replaced.




I opened a case with support who will not do anything until I switch the router to channel 1.  The rep told me I have to contact Netgear to get them to change the channel since the router will not perform a password recovery. They know it is a Nighthawk R6700 out of warranty, and their company will charge me for any support. It felt like he was blowing me off.  


He didn't believe me when I told him that I had already performed the steps of a factory reset of the base. He was arrogant enought to say I only reset the base. I had to let him know that I removed the base/cameras from my account and then re-added and synced them all.  As far as he is concern, the problem is only wifi interference.  It was a discouraging experience. 

He said the wireless broadcast (my router) is stronger and more powerful than the base so it creates a disturbance on the wireless broadcast of the base station.   If that is true, then the same effect would happen regardless of channel selection since they operate on the same channel.  He said the only solution was to change the channel.  I would love to -but- Netgear's submit button doesn't work on password recovery. ***sigh***


The only thing I know to do is borrow my nextdoor neighbor's router and see how everything performs on channel 1. 


I'm open to any other suggestions. 

Guru Guru

Are you sure you contacted Netgear support?  You say the rep told you to contact Netgear which doesn't sound right. If not sure, use the Contact Support link at the bottom and then again on the new page.


You say you factory reset the router but can't log in. If you reset the router using the reset button or the reset procedure in the router's web page you're forced to set everything up again as you would with a brand new router, including the password and the password recovery. There's no reason that shouldn't work since it's a fresh setup. Maybe you didn't really perform a factory reset? Did you hold the reset button until the router LEDs started flashing and you went through the Genie fresh?


Generally, the base has about the same strength signal compared to a router. My R8000P shows about -30dB and the Pro base sitting almost touching the router is about -40dB, measured about 5 feet away. I've never had a problem with either an original or a Pro base sitting in that same location but others have had to move the base for reliable base-camera connection. It might be worth trying the base in a different room using a long cable, switch or WiFi/powerline extender. That will allow the base to choose its own channel rather than piggy-backing on the router's channel. There's really no reason to change the router's channel since the base will eventually pick it up anyways as it sits right now.


Swapping routers is another potentially useful test but I don't know what to expect from that unless your router really has a problem.




The Arlo support rep said "I would recommend that you contact NETGEAR router support and asked them to specifically change your wireless channel to channel 1." 


Please know I really appreciate you follwing up with me again. You have been more helpful and professional than support. I used the end of a paper clip where the reset hole is located and held it in place but cannot remember when I released it (flashing or solid lights). So perhaps you are right. It certainly will not hurt to try again because it did not revert to factory settings. 


I tried to switch routers but it would not work because I forgot you have to call Time Warmer to get them to make a switch on their end.  That would have been more hastle than it was worth.  I've had enough frustrations for one day. 🙂 


I also purchased a long Ethernet cable today, so I can try this suggestion tomorrow. 






Guru Guru

Switching routers usually just requires that you turn the modem off, connect thee router and then power on the modem, then the router, so the modem picks up the different MAC address.


Let us know how you get on with the long cable.




  1. The failure of password recovery is a bug.
  2. You are right the router did not factory reset. However, it took three attempts before it successfully reset to factory settings. I followed these recommended steps from Netgear’s router community: Press reset for 30 seconds, Keep pressing reset while removing power, Keep pressing reset for another 30 seconds while applying power.
  3. I set everything up, and the router was generating -30 dBm signal on the 2.4 Ghz band according to WiFi Analyzer. 
  4. I tried channel 1, but it had 6 overlapping routers.
  5. Switched to channel 6, but it had 7 overlapping routers.
  6. Switched to channel 11, which had only 1 overlapping router.
  7. Everything looked good until I turned on the Arlo base station. The signal dropped to -40 and then -50 dbm even lower sometimes. It was very erratic.
  8. I moved the base 10 feet away from the router and then power cycle the modem, router and base. Unfortunately, it immediately exhibits the same erratic fluctuations in dbm.  It’s like the base is cannibalizing the 2.4 Ghz band.
  9. In the evenings there will be more overlapping interference from neighboring devices, so it will get worse.  

So I am back at where I started. ***sigh***  Am I mistaken to think the base is malfunctioning? 


This situation is also making me rethink what would be the next best router that can handle multiple devices, the Arlo base plus overlapping interference from neighboring devices. 


Do you have any further insights? 


Guru Guru

Not sure what to tell you. It does seem to be a base issue but I can't rule out the router. A possibility is to purchase a router (with return privilege!) and see if the same thing happens. Just a quick setup - don't spend much time duplicating what you have, just to prove it works or doesn't.  If it works, assuming you're keeping it, then you have your answer and can set it up as you wish.


Otherwise, it has to be a base issue and an open case with support will be needed to get it replaced, unless it's new enough a system to swap at the store.


I have ordered a new router from Amazon so it should arrive tomorrow. It is more advance than what I need, but it comes with a two year warranty. 🙂 

Guru Guru

Keep us posted!




The same problems occur with the new router. So that points to a malfunctioning base.

Guru Guru

Agreed. Use you existing case or open a new one. Detail what you've done and what we've talked about.


I reached back out to support today, but they are still giving me the run-around. We went back over all the steps that I have already taken (all stated upfront), including the problem continues with a new router.  All they wanted to know was did I change the channel. ***sigh*** I politely told them yes, and it did not make a difference. I told them it had nothing to do with the channel, because the base will always select the same channel as the router. Since the problem continues with a new router, this indicates it is the base.


The rep says I must do the following before they could do a warranty replacement:

  1. Since the base station is causing interference and eats up the signal. What would we suggest is to have a bandwith allocation for the said base station. In order for you to do it you need to contact the manufacture of your router.
  2. Try to change from 2.4 ghz to 5 ghz

I let her know the base will only operate on the 2.4 band so this was pointless to try to change it. Every time I challenge her, she kept throwing up something new. Next, it must be too many devices. So I had to let her know my new router puts all 5 band capable devices on this band, but more importantly, I disabled all other devices that were not Arlo Pros so there would be no interference but the problem continues.  <By the way, the new router is a Synology RT2600ac.>


Next, it must be the location of the base to the router. So I let her know the problems occurs at 3 ft, 10 ft or 15 ft.


The rep finally says "for us to check if this is camera issue or base station we need to test the cameras. Please do the following below:

  1. Have  a bandwith Allocation for your base station
  2. Swap the location of the working camera to the affected camera
  3. Move the camera close to the base station

I had already informed her that all the Pro cameras, including the Arlo Pro 2, are now slightly flickering with minor pixelation, but the two RMAs are the worse.  Also asked what type of allocation, and the rep said 5 Mbps for the upload on the base. She knows this is the max upload speed based on my speedtest results.


I asked her what are the minimum upload speed requirements. She said it was 1 Mbps for high speed, but for the base to work properly it should be 5 Mbps. <That’s news to me>  She went on to say my low upload bandwidth would cause "Video quality might be pixelated and unclear." So now, they are blaming this as the problem, and she would not help me further.


I will do what they ask, but this is becoming ridiculous. I feel like they are purposely trying to drag this out beyond the warranty period.  


Do you have any thoughts on this matter?

Guru Guru
Guru Guru

I agree it's most likely the base station.  Hopefully Netgear folks here will intervene.


FWIW, even though you have competing traffic from neighbors on channel 1, you can still switch your router over to use it for a while - in order to put the interference theory to rest.  Or better still, just turn the router's 2.4 ghz wifi off and retest.



Community Manager
Community Manager



I've escalated your open support case attaching all of the information posted here. I've requested an update on your RMA request. An agent will be reaching out to you as soon as possible.




@jguerdat, Thank you for bring this situation to @JamesC attention!


@JamesC, I appreciate you esculating my case. 🙂