Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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All my cameras lost connection today and I reset them all no problem, but then found none of them will record from motion, all is turned on correctly and rules are all correct, spent an hour on Arlo chat help and then he bumped me when he had no luck

really need these cameras up and working as we have had people try and break in last week so a real bad time for cameras not to record on motion, help !

Guru Guru

Have ( after arming the cameras ) you verified the MOTION DETECT icon is black on the Live View screen for each camera.

( black ball with lines or running man )

Morse is faster than texting!

Hi @TomMac


yes done all of that and was working fine but still no record on motion, I can stream and record manual thou, help line got me to reboot modem again and now none of the cameras will work again, they are stuck all the time saying getting status, they say I have got to get hold of my isp to get them to change my wifi signal as the one I am on is very busy?
Then if that don’t work get back to them, could my base station be faulty? It is 3 years old now
Thanks Steve

Guru Guru

Possible the base is bad, but don’t think so as you can stream and manual record.


I would take it in steps ( not knowing what you’ve tried ) . Do simple things first.


first, test your data thruput speed... you need a min of 1Mb up 

use something like Speedtest.


Second power button reboot the base , off then on..test


third, with one camera, remove it  ( remove device )and bring it back as new... test to see if it senses motion


get this far without joy and I’ll recommend more




Morse is faster than texting!
Hi thanks for your reply
I have done all of the mention, can you recommend more please, cheers Steve
So I have had my wifi channel changed , no change in cameras still not recording on motion, so I reset base station and synced 1 camera only, still the same as before, what I have noticed is that everyone I do a base station restart the camera status in devices says getting status and it stays stuck like that unless i resync camera,
Still no better off 😢
Guru Guru

As to the wifi channel change... are you using some sort of wifi extender ( with an etherent port ) or are you plugged directly into your router??


Channel changes can help , but the base as a rule if nearby will follow to the same channel.... not an issue if the router and base are about 6 ft apart of so.

You can check the wifi signals with an app on android/ios phones if you want to see how active


When you say reset,  did you do a FULL factory reset ( hold in reset for 10 secs till leds flash ) .... then reclaim the base and then sync cameras as if a new setup.

( use on cam till it functions , then you can add the remainder )


Last, not to be funny... but you are setting the SENSE level in the arming mode ( not test area ) and moving the level to the right for more sense?

Morse is faster than texting!


Hi, yes I have done full factory resets I been went as far as making a new account last night and re set it all up under new account which made no difference, I have taking the plunge and ordered a new base station now . The base station I have now is fine if you do a factory reset but if you do a reboot none of the cameras will come on they are just stuck and saying getting status and you have to delete them to clear ? Thanks for comments

Guru Guru

Let me know if the new base fixes it

Morse is faster than texting!
Hi, still waiting on delivery of new
Base station, I have found one strange thing, as a last resort I logged into my account through internet explorer on my laptop and I found that I could not turn on the running man symbol with any mode even new modes? I logged back into my phone ap and it says motion is activated with the running man on but still will not record on motion?
Hi Tomac
The new base station has fixed my problem thank goodness, the Arlo online help is useless and
I want to thank you for all your help and effort you have given me

Cheers Steve
Guru Guru

Good to hear...  still was a bit surprised that the base fixed it with the way things were working.

Happy to help and glad it's working.

BTW which base did you choose ?

Morse is faster than texting!
Hi, the original base station the same as what I had, before, I believe the first one for Arlo Pro
Many thanks

I had the same problem. I also use Samsung SmartThings turn on my lights if the camera detects motion in the garage. First, the motion and sound detection is garbage. it doesn't work well. I can mildly yell something and it won't detect a sound. I have to really yell loud to get it to work. It also can't detect the garage door opening or my car pulling in. It's a 2 car garage, nothing special. I had the camera on the side next to the garage door opener and my the door to the kitchen. I had to resort to moving the camera to the middle of the garage to detect motion better, but it doesn't always work.


Also, I find here that it no longer records because Arlo wants me to activate 2 factor authentication. My account is anonymous with VPN. I don't want Arlo cooperating with the Feds to spy on my home's private matters by giving my telephone number. Also, nobody should tell me when and when not to use 2FA.


I think I'll have to sell this junk and buy something else that respects my privacy.