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Now it says it’s time to change your batteries. How is that even possible? All 5 cameras? To which I was told the same thing as the battery drain to check with my isp to change the channel. What the heck is going on?!
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How much activity are the cameras seeing? When was the last time the battery was charged for these cameras?
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@JamesC wrote:
How much activity are the cameras seeing? When was the last time the battery was charged for these cameras?
I don't know if I am suffering the same problem as everyone else. I recently installed three (3) Arlo Pro cameras, 6-26-18, and the first camera ran out of juice yesterday, not even three weeks into its charge cycle. Now the second one, a day later, has also run dry. The third, with the same install date, is down already to 50%.
As I stated in a previous post, the two cameras are only experienceing light recording, well within the parameters advertised for four to six months usage. The third one while recording a bit more often is not experiencing heavy usage.
BTW, I don't understand while none of my recent posts including the most recent one a day or so ago is not showing up in my profile. Most of the recent ones have been increasingly critical owing to our frustration at the continuing issues impairing our service.
I hope that they are not being censored.
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Battery life continues to be miserable. These are basically brand new batteries and I'm only getting a month's usage with very light recording.
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The engineering team is actively investigating reports of battery drain. I will provide an update as soon as I have more information.
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Hi James
no no more activity than they have always seen. I actually went to Best Buy since the company hasn’t been much help. The employee said he has had a lot of people complaining of this issue. He said what seems to be working is to switch the batteries between the cameras themselves. He said this has worked for many peo0le. I will be in Florida near my cameras by Monday so I will keep you posted I also do not plan on letting up on the company we should not have to jump through hoops to get this rectified given how much and how new the cameras are
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James C - Normally, your comment would espouse reassurance and confidence, but I am sure you would agree, things are not normal anymore. Far from it.
I have 7 Arlo Pro cameras and 2 Base Stations. Easily 5 of the cameras are producing poor video quality, excessive battery drain and continue playing audio after the live video is terminated and the iOS app is closed. All of these anomalies occurred after the now infamous, Arlo firmware updates.
Confidence in Netgear/Arlo is severely diminished as evidenced in the multitude of posts on this community forum. These are real people, real customers who entrusted the security of their homes, property and families to Netgear/Arlo. But your “engineers” have all but destroyed that trust. Investments have been wasted and now the most common comments are from folks all over the world lamenting that they had made a grave mistake in purchasing Arlo equipment and are retuning same in droves.
But, at the height of the torment and frustration caused by Arlo developers by releasing defective firmware and app updates, Matt McRea, CEO had the tenacity to tout Arlo’s entry into the stock exchange.
This, to me simply demonstrates that the cancer afflicting Arlo starts at the top and seeps down throughout the various company divisions and eventually lays waste to the trusting public.
I started my Arlo journey in April 2017 and have had run-ins with tech support before. It has never been pleasant but this latest experience has been the worst by far. Months of being told to try this or that; questions about whether I have this setting or that and how often are there recordings and when did I charge the batteries last. Never once have I heard what has become so obvious, “We screwed up the firmware and are trying to fix it.”
No responsibility. No transparency. I have a tech that basically forced me to swap one of my cameras for one sent to me by Arlo. There is nothing wrong with the camera I had to climb up a ladder to remove. Have all my cameras become paper weights at the same time? This is, in my estimation, a gesture to fain Arlo is trying to fix the issue. Devoid of all common sense.
There are customers adversely affected all over the world, a multitude posting their issues and frustrations here. But they are treated like idiots. As if they do not know their own equipment. How it used to perform and how it performs now. They are not capable of figuring out that something Arlo developers did caused all their grief. Arlo cannot admit that though.
I have decided to put expansion plans on hold. I am looking for more reliable alternatives; Ubiquity, Anker, etc. I will not throw good money after bad any longer. I have tried to spare unsuspecting folks by writing into Mac|Life, Home Shopping Network and Amazon Reviews when an Arlo fluff piece is printed or aired.
Arlo needs to fess up and be honest and up front with all of us and start doing the right thing. This is not a situation where each complaint should be handled as an isolated case. This was a mass let down and should be treated that way.
Now we are told rolling back the firmware, if even possible, would just cause problems for folks who have experienced improvements. What about the many who are still dealing with the fallout of Arlo’s missteps?
The same tech who sent me a camera had the nerve to tell me yesterday that the firmware issue had been resolved. Honestly? Well, then I guess its just me, eh? I am imagining the premature battery drain, the diminished video quality, the continuous audio. Yep, just me.
Arlo simply needs to do right by all, ALL users. Reverse the damage and return to a working firmware version. Then…leave us alone!
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RaylanC has hit just about all the high notes of the frustration so many of us have been feeling after investing so much hard to replace money on a system that has left us feeling stupid for investing in what appeared to be a blessing.
Each day nearly is a new outrage. By way of example, I just pulled one of my standard Arlo's down after getting an e-mail saying that the batteries were down to 12%. By now full experienced with the bizarre attributes of these cameras, I pulled the camera down, shuffled the batteries around, and then put it back up, the batteries reading 74%!
This has become the standard routine for us. Each time we get an e-mail about the batteries being down to 5, 6, 10% or so, we find that by replacing only one or two batteries, the level goes back up to between 70-80% and stays that way for several months. This is beyond aggravating.
A neighbor came and saw our system and promptly went out and bought the Blink system which he reports doesn't have nearly the problems with battery life, motion detection, and picture quality that we do. His even caught a burglar inside his home!
While the three pro camera we acquired (on sale at Costco and yet still hideously expensive) are far superior in quality and motion detection and base station seems to have improved somewhat the performance of the standard arlo cameras we use, they have their own problems with the terrible battery drain reported here and being unable to use the hooded skins to help keep the lens clear or forfeit the IR. The cap that covers the charging port is a joke and mounting recepticle location makes more difficult to mount the cameras in certain places.
At this point, it would take an act of God for me to even consider the Pro 2 camera system.
Its astonishing that in the face of all these unreconciled issues, Arlo has the gall to tout a new doorbell camera with your history of poor performance, especially when its common knowledge that Ring and the other brands already marketing these doorbell cameras are getting savaged by irate consumers for much the same issue of the arlos: poor video quality and such terrible notification lags that just like the standard arlos, someone can come onto your porch, and steal packages, and be long gone before Ring and other finally notifies you, let along recording the actual thief.
When Costco starts offering the Arlo Pro system at deep discounts to roll out the Arlo Pro 2, they won't be getting our money.
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Same here guys, I've dropped down to OR below 35% on all my cameras in 3 weeks. Some of which have no recordings during this recharge cycle. Since May, I've recharged these cameras more than I did in the past year and half I've owned them.
This is inexecusable for a $500-$800 camera ecosystem.
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Below is the list of what my Arlo tech wants from me to “diagnose” my issue. Nowhere will you find any acknowledgement that the May (and beyond) firmware update caused the malaise inflicted upon my (7) Arlo Pro cameras. Nor will you note any hesitation in describing the hoops I am to jump through to fix a problem so far above my pay grade and not caused by me in the first place.
I guess I should be grateful that they are treating my case as though it is an isolated issue which did not affect hundreds of other folks around the globe. But, I still believe they are more than well aware of what their engineers have done, and for some incoherent reason wish not to accept responsibility for it, nor, do they have a desire to correct it.
Maybe there is some sort of internal strife. Maybe they want to sabotage the recent stock exchange rollout. Just a thought.
I confess, I did indeed supply all the info requested. I guess this has gone on too long now to just drop it. Too interesting, though still very frustrating and extremely disappointing. To think I used to recommend this system to friends. Boy, did that come to a screeching halt! Oh, that’s probably not good for stock sales.
I have noted in the forum recently that the firmware updates may be reacting differently depending on the hardware version of the camera; H11 vs. H8. Could be some validity there but I also noted that the replacement Arlo Pro camera they just sent me is version H8. No sense sending an updated camera.
Well, I guess we will see. Wait and see…….
“Thank you for giving us an update.
Since the replacement camera still having the same issue, please provide the following information below for us to proceed in escalating the case to the next level of support for further review and additional assistance.
• Current firmware version of the affected device(s):
• HW version :
• Field Trial participant? Not relevant
• Serial number of affected device:
• Customer’s email address:
• Best phone number:
• Time zone:
• Preferred callback time:
o Web:
Browser type and version:
PC OS (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.):
Device information (e.g. Samsung Galaxy, Samsung Galaxy Tab, etc.):
Mobile OS version:
• Network Topology details, including but not limited to:
a. ISP (indicate if Cable, DSL or T1 connection):
b. Upload and Download speeds:
c. Modem brand/model (MUST include model number):
d. Note any other APs/routers in network - (MUST include model number):
e. Note use of Extenders (if any) - (MUST include model number:
f. Distance of the camera from the base station and from the ground:”
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Not only have we all suffered bizarre inconsistencies with the hardware, but the software is just as vexing.
Right after the last update that downloaded from the Google Playstore for their android app, the less than desirable performance of the app (buffering, buffering, buffering-----timed out) became infinitately worse. As I have posted here before, I was able to set up all seven of my standard Arlo wireless cameras using the older android app, but when it upgraded, coincidently right before we got our three Arlo Pro cameras, that now is impossible.
Now its a two person operation where I go outside and remount the cameras and one of my family stays inside on the PC brower app and notifies me in brutal, frustrating increments via walkie-talkie clipped to my shirt when I have it aligned right as the phone app will just keep right on BUFFERING BUFFERING BUFFERING BUFFERING unitl it times out.
Ironically, as I have reported here, my neighbor who looked at my system and promptly went out and got the Blink system, does not suffer this issue.
As soon as we can possibly afford it, we're going to replace all our Arlos and sell them on eBay---though it will be a hard sell as they are not moving well there.
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I started this journey some 18 months ago, adding cameras as I went to reach 7. Basically, things worked as well as could be expected for the cost. There were hiccups, a couple failed cameras but overall, it was fine. That all changed drastically last May. There has been speculation on this forum as to what caused the issues, but I think it is pretty well established at this point, that it was on Arlo's end.
I have the crazy battery drain on all 7. I have 4 spare batteries and the Arlo charger so I will always have batteries ready to go but the hassle of pulling out the ladder every couple weeks is not good. But, in my case at least, I have other issues over and above the premature battery drain. My videos are excessively pixelated and revert from color to B&W. But the craziest phenomenon is the audio. I can go to Live view and hear the birds and the traffic, etc. But even though I kill the live view, the audio doesn't stop unless I completely close the app. So, even though I am reading a news story, I will hear birds chirping away. My pocket comes alive. That is nuts!
As far as an alternative, I am looking strongly at Ubiquiti. I will try one camera and if it measures up, the Arlo system will be phased out.
Arlo customer support is probably the worst I have ever had to deal with. Depending on the support route one takes, Forum, Email, Phone or filing a new case, all responses are generally different. No one is on the same page. That is a real weakness for Netgear and should be a top priority, but as we have all learned here, its not going to happen.
I really hate to be negative. I truly want this system to work, as it did several months ago. But, apparently Netgear/Arlo does not share my desire to accomplish that. Surely, in over three months time, they could have made some positive strides in that direction. That is a real shame.
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As far as the Arlo Pro cameras go, our experience is somewhat similar.
Two of the tree Pros are draining their batteries at a ridiculous pace even though they record very little. While we don't get the pixelation you do, our phenomenon is that in dayliight two of the three cameras aimed outward display the green foliage around the house as green----and rust. No amount of adjustment changes that as well as taking the cameras down, changing batteries, resting them, deleting them and adding them back----nothing changes that.
We continue to suffer with them because, as you aptly stated, their customer service\tech support is a joke. Hard is it might be to believe they're even worse than Comcast----and thats really saying something.
Having already been put through the ringer with two standard Arlos that failed within the first month where Netgear wouldn't accept the camera back to replace unless I paid for the return shipping----what cheapskates---we loathe having to go through the ordeal of trying to get help on the Pros.
Being uninitiated and I guess somewhat naive, we weren't prepared for the frustrating problems of the awful motion detection on the standard Arlos, the strange battery issues that apparently is causing thousands of folks to throw their batteries away when Arlo tells them they are depleted when, in fact, as we found out that this is completely false.
As I mentioned here recently, the latest incident was with a standard Arlo that an e-mail said was tired at 12% and needed replacement. Already experienced, we pulled the camera down, just shuffled the batteries around, and suddenly the camera was at 74% where its been the past TWO WEEKS.
You are right, it is a shame because of the real convenience of the wireless for all us who can't afford to spend thousands on a wired system but need the security of the system. Netgear----or now Arlo by itself---is misisng the boat here with not working harder to maintain their captive audience.
By Christmas all our Arlo stuff will be paid off and then we'll look into the Blink system.
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Charging every 6 weeks is divorce time.
If I have to now run power to my 4 cameras, I'm scrapping the whole system. Might as run power/video cables (also and get 4mp).
It's been 18 month's since install and battery performance has deminished FAST the past 8 months.
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I too have a similar issue with 5 Arlo Pro cameras purchased at different times. I have commented previously and acted on the techs recommendation of asking my internet provider to change the WiFi channel which was done. Over the past 3 weeks it wo.uld appears that the battery deterioration has slowed. Bear in mind the cameras have been disarmed over this period of time so the battery should still not be draining significantly. I will now ask net gear to supply me with a new base station which is their recommendation. Should that not settle the issue I will request a refund on the annual fee I pay for support and abandon Arlo entirely. My other regret is that before this fiasco with battery drainage occurred the system worked great and I recommended the system to my friends and unfortunately they purchased the system before I realized this was a systemic fault. I totally concur with RaylanC most excellent summary. I use the system to monitor my cottage and cannot be available to recharge the batteries every few weeks in contrast to every 3 or 4 months. Regrettably I feel sorry for Net Gear’s employees as I believe they will need to seek new employment sooner rather than later.
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Arlo replaced one of my affected cameras with a camera which has a hardware version of H8. The result, absolutely no improvement. It's video quality is just as poor as the one I returned. Again, a diminished state that only started when the firmware updates were pushed out to us in May.
I have read here that there is no difference in the functioning of cameras with a hardware version of H8 vs. H11. But I have also read here that the updates reacted differently depending on the version. That begs the question, if no difference, why upgrade the hardware?
I have reached the point now where I have absolutely no trust in Arlo and even less in Arlo support. Appeasement seems to be the order of the day.
I am not sure but I suspect, as finicky as firmware updates can be, I am leaning now toward believing that the May update and subsequent updates caused irreversible damage to our equipment. Hence, their inability to repair the harm they have caused over a more than three month period.
I mentioned earlier all the hoops they wanted me to jump through so they could advance my case to an upper level of support. I reluctantly complied but have yet to receive any kind of response.
It may be time for a firmer approach to get this resolved. Either a total buy-back of all equipment or total replacement with new, up-to-date, WORKING devices.
The investment we have made in this equipment, and in Netgear/Arlo is substantial. It's not just a novelty. It's meant to protect our property and, indeed, our families. This latest bout with incompetence has proven our trust has been misplaced. I surely hope the result is that none of us suffer an experience where property is lost or forbid, anyone is harmed because this equipment has failed to work properly, as designed, as advertised.
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The 3 older cameras are HW8 and are depleting batteries 3% a day.
All things equal, it is a battery degradation issue or HW version.
Either way, as more systems get older this issue MAY snowball.
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Unfortunately the heart of our system are cameras that are mounted on trees facing into the home so going wired would be of no help.
That is if we could afford to even have it done, which we can't having spent our entire alloted budget on Arlo.
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Our cameras run off our Netgear Nighthawk R7000 (how's that for adding insult to injury) and the Pro base station actually seems to have helped motion detection a bit of the basic Arlo cameras we run.
I'm curious as to why they would have you change your WiFi channel. Did they tell you what the fixed WiFi channel the base station uses to communicate with the cameras is?
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The 6 foot Arlo cord simply too short to be useful that way.
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I'm glad (?) to see I'm not the only one experiencing this battery issue.
Two days ago, camera 01 said it was at 52%. The next day, in the morning, it indicated camera 01 was down to 15%. There had only been minimal viewing of the scene in the camera - no motion detection or other recordings (I use the camera to keep an eye on the foster cats in the spare room). Then that evening it told me the camera was down to 12% after I had used it to view the room once for approximately 2 minutes. Then to my surprise, the next morning, the camera tells me I am back up to 52%. Okay, so I thought maybe a firmware version was pushed when I looked at it the previous night and all is now well. WRONG! The next morning, the camera says I am back down to 12%. So I take the camera down, plug it into the approved Arlo charger that came with the camera and leave it over night. This morning, I unplug the camera, mount it in the room again and log in. Now the camera indicates it is still plugged in and the battery charge is down to 10%. Okay, I check the charger for power, re-synch the camera to the base station, plug the camera in and test for charge with it plugged in. NOTHING! I keep getting the message that "It's time to change your batteries." But it is PLUGGED IN to an electrical outlet! I can't view anything, I can't charge it, and the battery appears to be a dead paperweight.
So I pull out the second camera that came with the package. Switch out the battery from camera 01 to camera 02 and still get the same results.
What the???
Another firmware/hardware issue? Again? I was trying my best to be a loyal Netgear Arlo fan but even I am getting fed up with this nonsense. Thank God I don't use these cameras for my home security!
Please advise....when you get around to it... as usual.
Arlo Pro VMC4030 cameras
Arlo Pro VMC4000 Base station
Arlo Battery model: A-1
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so I swapped the batteries around as the Best Buy employee suggested and I also foolishly purchased one new battery to test that theory as well. As far as swapping the batteries, all 5 cameras finally charged and are working except they have been charged for 3 days now they are not recording they are not armed and yet 3 days later 3 of the batteries charge are down to 97% 96% & 98% 2 are at 100%. And purchasing a new battery did not change anything as well. So don’t waste your money on new batteries. Now I have to go out and spend more money on a completely new camera system from another company because arlo/ netgear only cares about the money not the consumer. Not that it will do anything but I will complain to the bbb. Maybe if enough people complain they will be forced to do something. I will continue to call although it’s more frustrating than anything
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