Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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We have had nothing but trouble from the arlo pro base stations vmb 4000. We have gone through 4 of them and they all seem to have a multitude of problems. We cannot use the flash drive usb because we were told for the last 2 months that the usb causes the base stations to go offline 5 or more times a day. So we removed the flash drives and they stopped going offline. But the base stations still have problems with mode schedule. I create a schedule with 3 different modes. Morning afternoon and night. This is because of the sun triggering recordings. However at midnight the base station switched to disarmed. There is no disarmed mode in my schedule at all. We have had 3 different vmb 4000 base stations that all do this meaning we cannot use the schedule mode. I have tried creating different modes for the schedule. Sometimes including the armed mode or sometimes only using custom modes I created. Whatever I do at midnight the arlo base will be in disarmed mode. This is totally crazy. Does anyone else have this problem or know of any resolution ? It’s really a pain to keep switching modes manually and I will forget to. We need to turn the motion sensitivity lower of cameras when they are pointed towards the sun during the day and then want to motion sensitivity higher during the night. Because we have cameras pointed different direction we need the ones pointed one way to be much lower in the morning and then we want the other side of the house lower in the afternoon. Than all of them higher sensitivity at night. We have tried multiple base stations routers and we have many arlo pro cameras but every vmb 4000 that we try has this exact same problem. I gave up using the schedule for a while and then tried that schedule mode again yesterday. It works fine during the day but at midnight it changes to disarmed again. It does this every time !!!’n
Also this is not a difference between the app and web site because after midnight there are no recording. When I wake up the next day and the mode says disarmed I walk in front of the arlo pro cameras I can see there are no recordings and motion is not being triggered. No notifications either. So it’s not just a problem of the mode being displayed incorrectly the mode itself is truly on disarmed.
I am having the exact same problem. At midnight, the system switches to “Disarmed” instead of the custom mode I have programmed. My “Night” mode ends at 2359 and starts again at 0000 hrs, but it just disarms instead. One thing I’ll try is to rename the second custom “Night” mode after midnight to “Night 2” or something similar, in case the name is the issue.

ARLO, please do something to correct this ongoing problem that so many users have reported!
Did it help to rename the
Mode ? In my case I had tried creating all different modes for the schedule and that didn’t seem to work either. Have tried using the armed mode or custom modes. It doesn’t seem to matter. One time I selected the schedule mode during the day and then the mode suddenly changed to disarmed by itself. This seems to be a major problem. I have had this issue in all different types of cases. With a flash drive connected to the base And without one. I don’t know why this always happens with the schedule mode meaning I cannot use the schedule mode at all. So I have to keep switching modes throughout the day. It seems like more and more parts of the arlo system don’t work anymore or malfunction.
Thus far, it seems like it might be working. I didn’t actually check the app during those hours, but I did get one recording after midnight, so I assume it was working the entire time. I guess time will tell if it consistently works, or if it will act up again.