Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Signed up for the free trial of Arlo Smart on my Arlo Pro. 


I keep getting false motion alerts due to some leaves blowing in the wind.


It's only been active for 10-min with the Arlo Smart program and still getting false readings even though I have it set to only alert me for people and cars.


Is there a longer learning curve? I know it learns, but I assumed it would work somewhat right away.


it's also not asking me whether it's a false alert or not 

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Arlo Smart is powered by modern machine learning algorithms that are always improving. These algorithms are trained to not only detect what caused the motion (Person, for example), but also determine how confident they are in making that identification. If the algorithm is not very confident, Arlo asks you to confirm if it is a person or not. Every time you answer these questions, you are helping to train the Arlo Smart machine learning algorithm to recognize more objects at a higher precision and send you even better alerts.


For more information Arlo Smart and how it works, take a look here: What is Arlo Smart and how can I benefit from it?



I understand how the algorithm is supposed to work but I bought Arlo Smart for all 3 of my cameras because I got so many clips of just a tree blowing in the wind and now I still am getting them. To make it worse it's NOT asking me if the motion detected is "Other" for those clips but it does for every person, animal, and vehicle it senses. Arlo smart is useless to me if I can't filter out these "Other" detections such as trees blowing in the wind or leaves blowing on the ground. Please help!!

This is the reason why I didn't installed a camera where I wanted. I wanted it facing the windows, so I can see if someone is trying to get in. However, trees are near by so a false motion alert was sent all the time, I can't deal with that.


Same here, I have it set up to alert animals and people, but still get alerts for cars driving by.  It does not ask if the alert is correct or not either. Very hit or miss for Arlo Smart.


I am wondering if this is working for anyone.  I have it set to only report on people and it selects other and has it disabled.  I get alerts on every Auto that drives by all night and when ever the wind blows the tree.  I have an open support ticket and they are unable or unwilling to tell me why it does not work other than it is learning.  It has been weeks and it is still doing the same as before I turned it on. 


Is it working for anyone?


MikeAndNick wrote:

......... I have an open support ticket and they are unable or unwilling to tell me why it does not work other than it is learning.  It has been weeks and it is still doing the same as before I turned it on. 


Is it working for anyone?

Very slow appears.😄


How were all able to activate this it does not seem to available when I look at Arlo plans.  Was hoping to sign up and let you know if I am experiencing the same issue as you.  Also have the same problem with branches triggering motion alerts.


bjthomas09 wrote:

How were all able to activate this it does not seem to available when I look at Arlo plans.  Was hoping to sign up and let you know if I am experiencing the same issue as you.  Also have the same problem with branches triggering motion alerts.


If I remember correctly....  Go into the My Arlo ->  Select Settings on the top menu -> Select Subscriptions from the menu on the left ->  Under the Basic Subscriptions should be an Analytics Trial.  Once you sign up for the trial you will see a menu item on the left for Arlo Smart that allows you to do your settings.

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The more information collected by the Arlo Smart algorithm the more accurate object recognition will become.


Take a look here for more information on how you can help improve object recognition with Arlo Smart: How can I help Arlo Smart learn to identify objects?



@JamesC I totally get that but it really sucks that I/we are paying during the process. In essence paying netgear for a service in the future with no estimated time of arrival for the algorithm to finally be smart enough to act appropriately.

Not available to all.......subscriptions option not there yet for many users. Netgear is deploying this trial to only a small portion of current Arlo users.



James,  I have been doing that for the last three weeks and it is not getting any smarter.  It would help if we could get some feedback or answers.  I have tried calling, opening a ticket and keep getting the response you gave.  I would not mind if it worked a little bit with mistakes but I do not see it working at all and I get no help from the support team.  You would think they would want to work with us to get it working correctly and have us posting how great it is and not how bad it is.


Having a similar problem here, this is what I have noticed in my case:

- My notification rule states on motion detect, record for 2 minutes and push a notification (to the app)
- My smart rule says notify only on people and "other" which is mandatory. Vehicles and Animals are Disabled.


What happens:
Random notifications pushed even when vehicles are detected. I do not think this is a problem of Arlo Smart "learning" from us because in the app I can see a few things occur

- Sometimes it knows it's a vehicle and classifies it as a vehicle (green icon) -> I get notified
- Sometimes it's not sure if it's a vehicle and classifies it as a vehicle (yellow) -> I get notified
- Sometimes it's not sure what it was (other) -> I get notified


In all instances, it PUSHES a notification. If it knows positively it's a vehicle (green vehicle icon) I should NOT be getting notified this is a bug not a learning problem. Does anyone know how Smart the Nest Outdoor Cam is? I know it's more expensive (subscription prices) but is it more accurate? This is the second big let down from the Arlo for me, I also recently found out it can receive a firmware update at any time and take the camera down to do the update without notifying the user. I had mine go down at 4AM (not a good time to go down for a surveillance camera) then it glitched up and didn't come back online for 8 hours.


Doesn't work good................. My camera says it may have detecte a car (and it shows a 5 gallon bucket or the storage building) I select, "no, is not a car" and then it ask me what is it, so I select "other" but camera doesn't learn!! because it keeps asking me the same question, it thinks the bucket or the storage building it's a car, but I already told the camera a lot of times that is NOT a car.


I know what you mean, I realized soon after owning it that it is not learning for your specific camera. It is simply using logic/algorithms based in the cloud and when you classify it correctly you're helping fuel future development for all cameras.  Your camera will continue to get things wrong and eventualy (hopefully) one day the developers will fine tune it.   

Arlo admin/ moderators, is this true what the above poster is saying?
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Yes. The more information collected by the Arlo Smart algorithm the more accurate object recognition will become in the future.


Take a look here for more information on how you can help improve object recognition with Arlo Smart: How can I help Arlo Smart learn to identify objects?




If you use a computer, log into then go to library.  Any video with an orange icon means its asking you to confirm what it is. Click on the icon NOT the "play video" and you will be asked to confirm.  If you are using a smartphone or tablet use the arlo app and go to library.  Only difference is it's hard to tap the much smaller icon.


I set mine up today with sensitivity set to 100%.  After several hours of "learning" I got rid of most false hits.  Once night came cars driving by were setting it off.  I slowly adjusted the sensitivity down and at 80% I stopped having the cars set off the trigger.  People set it off at about 15' which is fine at night. Mine is about 7 ft in the air shooting at an angle to show both sides of a double wide drive about 20~25 ft.


I've confirmed thousand times and still not learning. Sometimes, Arlo sees my storage buiding and ask "is this a vehicle? I say no. In few minutes, ask the same question again..... didn't I just tell Arlo that is not a car???


JamesC stated that ARLO SMART is not learning in real time. By marking the motion as vehicle etc, it is just prepping ARLO Smart for a future update to fix the problem. It's better to wait for ARLO smart to release an update before paying for these fees that do not work IMO. I have canceled all my subscriptions to SMART until an update is released.


Both mine and my neighbors seems to act as if it was taking time to memorize objects in our yard. Mine was a grill with cover and a bottle of weed killer, his was his garbage can.  It's rare at night now that I get any false hits.  In the day moving shadows from blowing limbs still set it off but other than that ot works quite well.  The objects it memorizes are probably strored on my base station but who knows.  I am glad I spent the money for Arlo Smart.


If they don't allow us to uncheck "other" soon, I will be cancelling for all my cameras.  If I want to monitor my front door, I have to incluse a tree with blowing branches so for the time being I turned off push notifications and use another camera as "flollow me" to activate it.  Once leaves start blowing I will have to turn it off for all 5 of them which means I would have no use for Smart at all.