Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Pro Nightvision Issue

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Having an issue with Nightvision.

During the day, live view works just fine.

During the night, when using live view, it works fine..but after shutting down the live view - I get about 4 or 5 alerts in a row right after using live view that motion was detected (and it records for 20 seconds each -as I have it set to do)

Tested by turning Nightvision off, live view works, and when closed, no motion detected.

It seems like the camera is detecting its own Nightvision light as motion for some reason.. Bug? anyone else have this issue?

I have the latest base and camera firmware installed.

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I just purchased my arlo pro camera and am having this exact issue with night vision. I have the camera set up on my front porch underneath the awning facing my driveway and through the day it works great but at night it's a disaster. After I hit the live view I immediately get multiple notifications after with nothing on the camera. One morning I woke up with 46 notifications. It went off every three minutes until the camera finally died. The only thing that has helped is to turn the night vision off, turn my porch light on so I can still capture a picture on the camera and hope to catch the burglar that broke into my car. How do I know if I have th H7 or H8 version? Should I just open a case to try and get a new camera? I'm not really sure how to go about getting my camera fixed. I really like these cameras but want them to work how they should!

ShakeBake27: you have two to three options.

1. Return/exchange at the store you bought it at (Quickest).
2. JamesC just said they have identified the problem but haven't told us if the fix is fixable by a firmware upgrade, so you can wait and see what they say is the official fix.
3. Open a support case with headgear and push for a replacement but it takes a little bit and a lot of people say they make you pay for shipping it back.

I was notified via my open case file that the issue has been identified as a hardware problem and that my cameras will need replaced.  I am sending (4) of my (7) back.

If they just identified it as a HW issue, than I would expect a good delay in receiving a newly manufactured device that has the resolution in it. Shame it's a HW issue, they should offer a recall.

I am having the same problems with my add-on cam.

purchsed mine last week from Best Buy.

Should I just return and hope for one that works?


You would have to determine what is easiest for you.  If you are close to where you purchased them it might be worth a try returning them and seeing if you get one that does not have the issue.  In my case it is return via Amazon or Netgear.  They must have a fix already on the HW issue as they gave me an RMA number to send (4) of mine back.  Hopefully I do not send mine back and then wait weeks / months for replacements.  Other than this issue related to false motion alerts, we really like these cameras.


Contact support through their website.   it's actually pretty slick!   They are fast to communicate back and forth with.   


They will get you to do a bunch of troubleshooting things and once the determine they can't fix it....they will send you out an RMA.   You have a few options.   You can pay a little bit more and they will send you the replacement cameras out first....then you can send them your old ones.   This is what I did....I didnt want to be without any cameras.   I think it cost be about $22.  Would have liked to have seen it free...but considering they ship them out first and then you ship back...not bad.


I have had zero issues so far wtih them and are working just like they are supposed to.


JamesC, do you have any new/more information to share on this issue?


I have a final follow up on my issue. The 2nd replacement camera Netgear sent, an H8, is functioning properly. I now have 3 of 3 working cameras. Yeah.


I would just consider yourself lucky InsaneDiego, and the problem could return because any units their sending out, there is no way their fixed, people are just getting a luck of the draw.

I recieved an update today (Netherlands) and camera's PRO H8 work fine!
It's not yet dark so ill have to check the nicht 😉
I just received my arlo pro a few days ago and I bought some skins for it that have the lip around camera to prevent moisture on lense. I have had same issue if camera giving me false readings at night after live feed. Do you think it's because the night vision is reflecting on the lip of skin or are you have false readings without a skin? I will attempt to try it without and see.

I have 4 cameras with skins.  They are not the problem.  The hood does not reflect light.  Mine work great and I highly recomend them.

Guru Guru
I wonder if some folks are just not pulling the skin all the way on and/or back so the hood isn't an issue. Just a guess...
I had a skin on one camera and not on the other and was getting false readings. Then I got to thinking maybe it was the skin. Took it off and going to try tonight see what happens.

My cameras did not have skins and they fired false recordings like a machine gun. Had 2 replaced which are now working. Bought a new single camera (H8) from Best Buy and it's doing the same but not as bad... It's really hit or miss, I'm returning the single as soon as I see new inventory on the shelf.

I didn't have a skin either and mine refuses to work with night vision on. The only way my single camera works is if I turn night vision off and keep the front porch light on to light up the area. I'm also having trouble with it not picking up movement until half way up my driveway. It's missing the whole other side where one of my cars are parked. Useless and getting very frustrated at this point
I'm still trying to figure out how you distinguish between an H7 and an H8 version camera so I can send the one I have back. Any idea how you can tell?
On the iOS app, click settings of the camera, then all the way on the bottom click device info. It'll say hardware version H7 or H8.
Guru Guru

Be aware that the hardware version doesn't necessarily mean anything.  I have H7 cameras that are fine and have been so since early on (I had them replaced and all have been H7).

Click on devise , settings and then device information.

I have had the false motion issue on both H7's and H8's.  I currently have a case open with NetGear and they have given me an RMA to send (4) of my cameras back.  They have told me that there is a hardware fix.


Almost at the same time I was asked to beta test a firmware update and see if that fixes the issue.  It was installed a day or so ago and I have just started testing.


Keep in mind that my issues only occur when it is dark and nightvision is in use.  If it is dark but my lights are on, I do not have an issue.


Last night after all of the lights were out, I tried multiple live views and created actual motion.  None of the cameras with issues returned ANY false motion alerts.  Previsoulsy they would 100% of the time. 


Fingers crossed, going to test some more over the next few days.

Okay so your saying that they are coming out with a firmware update to fix it hopefully or should I call and send them back? Both my cameras are doing it at night also. Maybe I will try and turn night vision off and see what happens tonight.

All I can say is that they must be attempting to correct the issue with a Firmware update.  Assuming it is successful I would guess that it will be rolled out across the board to all users.  If not successful, may make another attempt or go the hardware route.


If you have the time to wait, I will update frequently on how the firmware testing is going.  Ultimately it will be a NetGear decision if it appears to work and when it would be made widely available.

Ok thank you everyone I just checked and I do in fact have the H8 and it's still acting up. But just like you said it's only at night and when the night vision is on do I receive multiple false alerts. What is this beta firmware update you did? Is it something I could do too?