Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Pro Mounts

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It is dissappointing that the cameras cannot be secured to prevent them from being stolen. To get the best utilization of my cameras for security I need to mount them where they can be easily accessed. It would not take much effort by a would be thief to remove the cameras!!...The cameras are not cheap. Has anyone any suggestions or solutions?



In the Idea Exchange I have requested that Arlo design some plastic housings with enough screw holes that it would take some effort for the thief to take the cameras down. If you want to see the mount I made for a couple of dollars and a few hours work go to the Idea Exchange and see my request for plastic security mounts. It should still be on the first page. If you like the idea please give the post a Kudo as the more Kudos a post receives, the more likely is to implement it.



Guru Guru

Search is your friend - lots of suggestions. 


There's always the outdoor threaded mounts, both from Arlo accessories as well as the zillions of similar products with a 1/4"-20 thread on Amazon.


Thanks, I have the outdoor threaded mount, but this will not prvenet someone from easily removing/stealing the camera. There needs to be a way that only the user can easily remove the camea for charging.

Master Master

Pretty tough to say you want a mount that is easy to remove the camera for charging but difficult to remove the camera by someone who wants to steal it. 
I have my cameras positioned in places where they're pretty much impossible to steal without being caught on the camera itself or by another camera. The ones where there's another camera that can see them also use rules which trigger each other so if someone starts even moving one camera, another one starts recording automatically. All of mine are magnetic and a number of them are at face height and have been there for nearly 3 years. Haven't lost one yet.... yet 😉

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Community Manager



Arlo offers several mounts to assist with theft prevention and flexible placement for your cameras. Take a look here and keep an eye out for new accessories as we are always adding to the Arlo accessory lineup: Arlo Products and Accessories




Thanks James,

Yes I do have an outdoor security mount as you have mentioned, though the mount itself will not prevent the actual camera from being stolen. It is very easy to remove the camera from the mount taking only a few seconds, you don't need any tools. Something needs to be done so that at the very least it makes it difficult, more of a detterent, for a person to remove the camera unless they have the correct tools. As a suggestion you could modify the current outdoor security mounts by including 2 grub screws and by replacing the plastic nut with a stainless steel nut. Please see the attached diagram. The idea being, once you have setup your camera in the mount, you would then insert the grub screws using an allen key to prevent the mounts nuts from being undone and the easy removal of the camera. Yes it will take a little more effort to install if you "wish" to use the grub screws, but offer that little bit more protection for the camera itself.





My mount accomplishes several things for me:

1) it takes some time to remove it making the would be thief think about if he wants to take the time to take it down.

2) it provides an extra layer of protection from the weather.

3) it cannot be easily knocked down with a long stick.

4) birds and other animals will not be able to knock it down.

5) no one can throw a blanket over it to cover it up as the cover is mounted flush to the eave of my house.

6) birds can not perch on it and poop all over the camera. LOL




We had a thread about this last year.  I posted here (about half-way down, user: ranran) my solution with pics and instructions for what is working for me.  It is not perfect - anyone who is more determined than trying to yank the thing down will probably succeed - but it keeps the casual thief from easily stealing them.