Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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This started last night and continues today...

While trying to view Local Live Streaming on the app (Android) both of my Pro 3 cameras will not connect and just keep displaying "Connecting..." (with horizontal lines on the screen) and it will do so four hours if left to do so. What's interesting is that it will actually connect briefly, for a few seconds, displaying either a live video image (most often), a green screen or a magenta screen (images attached) but then go right back to "Connecting..." (again with the horizontal lines) and, as mentioned above, will keep doing so until I stop it.

Note that my Ultra and Doorbell cameras both connect immediately via the app...this only seems to affect the Pro 3's


Note that this does not happen via the web page on my PC.



In case the first picture does not show up...



Guru Guru

The pics won't show up until approved.


How are your Pro 3 cameras connected - WiFi or to a base or hub?Have you rebooted the base/hub or the cameras? Is it possible that they're at the edge of their connection or otherwise have signal strength and/or quality issues? Have you tried both the app and a browser? All details help.



I actually did know that the pics had to be approved but at the time the first pic didn't show which is why I downloaded it again...but thanks for mentioning it 😉

To answer your questions... all cameras are connected via the base...I've rebooted the base, power cycled the base, relinked the cameras and all cameras have good signal strength along with all showing strong bandwidth on the Camera Positioning screen. Also, as I mentioned in the original post this does not happen through the web portal and only occurs with the Pro 3's via the app.


Here's the good news 😁 ...this morning I decided to power cycle the base (which I'd done yesterday and it didn't help) and nothing changed so out of desperation, and ideas, I power cycled the base (for a 2nd time this morning) this time leaving it unplugged for over 5 minutes as opposed to the 1-2 minutes recommended and now everything seems to be working fine via both the app & web portal.


For the moderator who wants to now flag this as "solved" is not. At this time this particular incident is "fixed" but actually being solved would imply that the reason this happened is known and there has been something done to insure that it doesn't happen any more. Until then it remains one of the many Arlo mystery issues that are marked as solved when in fact there's just a "work around" until an actual solution is found 🤔


So much for jumping the gun thinking that this was's not!

For 4 hours I tested connecting to the Live Streaming on the two Pro 3 cameras and there were no problems at all, both cameras connected without issue so then I decided to go ahead and charge the batteries even though they were still at around 70% and now, for the past 10 minutes they have once again been struggling to connect and, as mentioned before, just keep displaying "Connecting..." (with horizontal lines on the screen) and connect briefly, for a few seconds, displaying either a live video image (most often), a green screen or a magenta screen (images attached in original post) but then go right back to "Connecting..." (again with the horizontal lines) and, as mentioned in my original post, will keep doing so until I stop it.

Once again this is only happening on the app (and, once again, my Ultra has no problem connecting to Live Streaming via the app) and, once again, ALL CAMERAS connect to Live Streaming just fine via the web portal.

So I did another power cycle of the base (unplugged for over 10 minutes) and that did nothing to solve the problem so I tried power cycling again (2nd time, 10+ minutes) and now one of the Pro 3's WILL, once again, connect to the live feed via the app but the other will not. So after a THIRD power cycle the Pro 3 that wouldn't conect to Live Streaming via the app (after the 2nd power cycle) connected just fine and the one that previously connected just keeps trying over and over...I don't get it!


Note that this issue is only with the Pro 3's Live Streaming via the app and that the system's motion sensing & Smart Hub features are not impacted.

Speedtest results for internet speeds through my Android that's connected to my Wi-Fi are...61 Mbps download & 12 Mbps upload...Results directly through my router are...89 Mbps download & 12 Mbps upload. Those speeds have remained constant years.


So is this an issue with the Pro 3's, the Base or the app? Guess I'll power cycle again, hope for the best, and if that solves it again I'll be happy (sort of) at least until I have to charge the batteries again 🙄



Brief Update...


After the 4th power cycle BOTH of the Pro 3's are now connecting to Live Streaming but now neither of them will Live Stream in 2k and now my Ultra will not Live Stream in 4k 😠



So I guess it's "crickets" when it comes to any Arlo Moderator replying to this issue...what gives guys?

No matter what I try my two Pro 3 cameras will not connect to Live Streaming via the app if I have them set to Live Stream at 2k. If I deselect Live Stream at 2k and they are now only Live Streaming at 1080P then there is no issue with both Pro 3's connecting but this then results in the videos being recorded to the cloud/library at only 1080P and that's certainly not why I purchased 2k cameras...the reason that they don't have an issue via the web portal is that through the web portal no matter what they're set to live stream at (2k or 1080P) they will only display 1080P.


In my last post I noted that my Ultra was not connecting to Live Streaming at 4k but that was only that one time (it was still set to Live Stream at 4k but connected at 1080P for some reason) and it has since been connecting to Live Streaming at 4k with no issues or hesitation...while the two Pro 3's still will not connect to Live Streaming at 2k.


Anyone who might possibly chime in on this, if you read all of my posts you'll see that this issue just started "out of the blue" and there have been NO changes to any of my equipment, settings or internet speeds.


Thanks in advance,




JamesC or any moderator...


My Pro 3 connection issues (see above) started the eve of the day that  the Arlo Smart Hub - VMB5000 - firmware update was released.


Coincidence or ?


Could someone please follow up on this and let me know what you found...nothing else makes sense.





So today I brought one of my Pro 3 cameras in the house, placed it within a foot of the base and tried to connect to 2k Live Streaming. It's now been over 20 minutes of showing "Connecting...", then making a 2k connection for a brief moment (sometimes for only a second or 2 but always less than 10 seconds) and then going right back to "Connecting..." for 20-30 seconds. Note that it will do this all day if I let it.


I'm attaching (below) some photos of my Android screen showing what that Pro 3 screen looks while connecting and when it does make the brief connection...also including a photo of my Ultra to show that it has no problem connecting at 4k.

This issue only affects the Pro 3's trying to connect to 2k Live Streaming!


One more thing...both the Pro 3 cameras no longer record to the cloud/library at 2k regardless of whether the Local 2k Live Streaming setting is selected or not.






Since the mods will not approve your pics until Monday when you use insert try using the paper clip to post them that will provide a link. 



Good tip...of course maybe it's a good way to have someone actually look at the post 😁




Community Manager
Community Manager



The distorted image in your screenshots have all the symptoms of WiFi interference. Because 2K video requires higher bandwidth, it would make sense that you would experience this issue when streaming 2K but not 1080p.


Is your SmartHub/Base Station sitting right next to your router? If so, try relocating (and elevating) the SmartHub as far away from the router as possible and test again to see if you experience different results.





Hi James,

Currently I was only able to get it about 4' away from the router.

I'll get a longer cable and relocate it much farther away and then post the results here so if you wouldn't mark this as solved until after I confirm my results it would certainly be of help to anyone else experiencing the same issue.


Thanks again,





Hi James,


So I went out and purchased a longer ethernet cable then moved the Arlo base 12 feet from the router and raised it to within 18" of the ceiling. Now the base is almost in the middle of the house and almost equal distance between all cameras and the base, with nothing besides drywall between everything...RESULT: Nothing has changed...not even a little.


In your reply you said "Because 2K video requires higher bandwidth, it would make sense that you would experience this issue when streaming 2K but not 1080p". So what about my Ultra which connects at 4k just fine and with no hesitation yet it's the two Pro 3's that have the issue...I would think that 4k video uses even more bandwidth than 4k.


If you haven't already, please go back and read through all of my posts you can get an idea of all of the details of what I've tried and found with my Arlo setup, internet speeds, etc.


So what are your thoughts on the fact that everything was just fine until the evening of the VMB5000 - firmware update? That's the only thing that settings are all the same and my internet speeds are the same as they have always been (I even reinstalled the app) so why did only my Pro 3's start having these issues (including only recording 1080P to the cloud/library) right after the update?





Community Manager
Community Manager



Given the troubleshooting you've already done, it appears this issue is going to take more in-depth troubleshooting to resolve. I recommend contacting Arlo support and opening a ticket to further investigate the issue.


Arlo Support Team






Thanks James...will do


I am now having this same issue. Pro 3 cameras will not connect to live view. Just says "Connecting..." indefinitely. Meanwhile my pro 2 cameras work fine.


Called technical support and yesterday and am still waiting for a call back today.




Any chance that this is the first time you have tried to access Live Streaming, on your Pro 3's, since the firmware update on October 11th?

Which base/hub are you using?

I tend to think that the update has something to do with it since prior to the update I had no issues at all with Live Streaming the Pro 3's and since nothing else has changed on my Arlo setup or my internet speeds it seems that the only change was the firmware update.


I would hope that anyone else with Pro 3's would try Live Streaming them and report the results to this thread.

I plan to submit this to support sometime tomorrow.




I am not sure when the device firmware was last updated. My app shows my VMB4000r3 base to be on firmware version


I did notice this morning that if I turn my WIFI off on my phone then the live streams instantly start working on both my Pro 3 cameras. I am not sure why this would be though?




Your firmware was also updated on October 11th.

As far as the Pro 3's connecting it's only if I have Local 2k Live Streaming set and try to connect through the app (not the web portal) that they keep trying unsuccessfully to connect. When I turn off my Wi-Fi, even if they are still set to Local 2k Live Streaming, they do connect but not at 2k  which I believe might be a limitation of the phone/data carrier. When you say that yours connect when you turn off Wi-Fi do you have Local 2k Live Streaming turned on and if so does it connect at 2k?


Also, when you are connected to Wi-Fi and it keeps trying to connect (unsuccessfully) is that with Local 2k Live Streaming turned on? If you turn off Local 2k Live Streaming while on Wi-Fi does it connect with no issues?


Another thing...have you checked your Pro 3 library/cloud saved videos to see if they are saving at 2k or 1080P?





@KachinaShadow wrote:



Your firmware was also updated on October 11th.

As far as the Pro 3's connecting it's only if I have Local 2k Live Streaming set and try to connect through the app (not the web portal) that they keep trying unsuccessfully to connect. When I turn off my Wi-Fi, even if they are still set to Local 2k Live Streaming, they do connect but not at 2k  which I believe might be a limitation of the phone/data carrier. When you say that yours connect when you turn off Wi-Fi do you have Local 2k Live Streaming turned on and if so does it connect at 2k?

Yes, Local 2K Live Streaming is turned on. When WIFI is turned OFF the live stream DOES connect, however it does not seem to be in 2K? I believe it used to show some sort of symbol indicating 2K in the live stream.


Also, when you are connected to Wi-Fi and it keeps trying to connect (unsuccessfully) is that with Local 2k Live Streaming turned on? If you turn off Local 2k Live Streaming while on Wi-Fi does it connect with no issues?

When connected to WIFI, with local 2K live streaming turned on, it just says "Connecting..."

If I turn off the local 2k live streaming, it appears to connect immediately without issue. I was able to test this by keeping one camera with 2k live stream enabled and one without. I texted them on WIFI concurrently. 


Another thing...have you checked your Pro 3 library/cloud saved videos to see if they are saving at 2k or 1080P?

I just checked my library and conveniently my cameras have not been saving clips there since about 7am this morning, DESPITE also being on the CVR plan and detecting motion the whole morning. This is an issue I have attempted to report to ARLO multiple times. The saved clips from early this morning do show the 2K indicator on them.






Note that I opened a support case on 10/29/2020





Hi James,

I submitted this issue to support as you had suggested. Since my posts in this Arlo Community thread contain lots of details in regards to troubleshooting this issue, I asked that the support agent read the post prior to contacting me.

A few days ago I was contacted by Allan, who had read the post and asked numerous questions pertaining to the issue and the post, which I spent a half hour or so replying to with answers to his questions along with some additional details.

Today I was contacted by someone named Regie who apparently had not reviewed this community post or even read the very complete questions and answers that I had with fact he asked some of the same questions again and even referenced my issue as "blurred images" and pointed me to an article (post) on "green tinted images" never even acknowledging the problem of not being able to connect or record at 2k with the Pro 3 cameras. I again spent another half hour responding to him.

The last time I dealt with support it was the same thing...I was contacted by three different people who, once again, sounded as if they knew nothing about what the person before them and I had discussed. I finally asked your Moderator JessicaP to intervene and she escalated my case to the support team for them to review and contact me via phone call once they finish reviewing the case.

Perhaps, after I hear back from Regie (or whoever the next support guy is) and see what the reply is, you could do the same so that I could talk directly to one person who knows something about this.

I'll let you know and we can exchange any info via PM.

Also, maybe you could suggest to the support team manager that it would save everyone a lot of time and grief by having the same person see a support case through to the end.



Did you manage to get a result on this? I have a brand new pair of Arlo Ultra 2 and having the same issue where one will work and one will get the connecting loop only working for a second or two at a time...


Although I'm not familiar with the Pro 2 cameras here's what I found was a work around (see email to Nina at Arlo Support is below in Italics) for my Pro 3 issue.
After working directly with Nina at Arlo Support (6-8 phone conversations and numerous emails & video clips) for almost 6 weeks they were unable to duplicate the issue when they set up the same configuration with their equipment but did agree, after seeing the dozens of video clips I sent, that an issue does exist and are still keeping the case open.
As you will see by reading the attached email I sent to them (just one of many), I found that I could only connect at 2k with the video mode set to "wide" although I'm not sure any of this will help you since I believe the Pro 2's are 1080P (I had no problem with1080P...only 2k) and am not sure if the Pro 2's have different video modes (field of view) but I hope this will help and give you something to try...keep me posted.



    I believe I’ve found what the issue is with the Pro 3’s not connecting at 2k and have attached another video (which I’ve had to split to 1 attached to this email & video 2 to a second email) which shows just what happens...please watch them in order video 1 then video 2.
    As you will see, the Live View video starts out at 1080P with no connection you will see that when I switch to 2k (note that this camera’s Video Mode is set at FULL) the camera cannot connect and just keeps trying to connect numerous times will then see that I switch the Video Mode to STANDARD and , while the camera will still not connect, it does seem to to not struggle so much while attempting to you’ll see that I change the Video Mode to WIDE and despite a brief connection issue (which I’ve seen before after first switching the Video Mode) the camera connects SUCCESSFULLY at 2k and to show that it does connect immediately at 2k, without issue, I stop the Live Streaming video then start the Live Streaming again and, as you can see, it connects at 2k with no issue......the very last thing you will see is that I change the Video Mode back to FULL and, as you can see, it again struggles while unsuccessfully trying to connect at 2k and, if left to do so, it will keep trying unsuccessfully for as long as you let it.
    Note that I have now tried to connect at 2k, with the Video Mode set to WIDE, at least 20 times and everytime it connected immediately with no issue and stays connected. So it appears that the issue of not being able to Live Stream at 2k on the app is directly tied to the FULL and STANDARD Video Mode being set.
    For now I will set my Pro 3 cameras at 2k with WIDE Video Mode selected so if you will let me know when this issue is resolved, I can try changing the Video Modes back to FULL and let you know what the results are.    
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