Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Camera won't sync-Blue light not blinking

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I have an Arlo Pro 2 and recently charged the battery.  The charger shows it's at 100%.  When I placed the battery in the camera it simply never showed up as active on the app and was acting like the battery is dead.  


I figured it's best to reset so I removed the camera from the Arlo app.  I then pressed the sync button so that the light would blink blue and I could add it again.  Issue is it won't blink blue.

I have removed the battery several times. At times I kept it in for over an hour, other times I kept it in awhile.  What happens is when I put the battery in the blue light turns on so I know it's getting power.  It stays on a couple seconds and then goes out. I. am unable to have it come on again whether I press sync or not. I have pressed sync over 20 seconds with it still not coming on so of course the app won't find it.


Any idea how I can fix it or is my camera bad?


exactly same issue here, happened today...

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



May I ask which troubleshooting steps you have performed so far? I don't want to suggest anything you have previously performed.

I tried everything, but only got a blue light for 1 or 2 seconds and, after that, clicking sync won't do anything, no blinking blue light and sync not happening at all.

Noticed that if I shake the camera it would eventually blink blue and after a while fast blink orange. But even trying with the shaking approach it won't sync with the base station. I suspect 2 things could have happened:
- bricked camera with a bad new firmware or update process that haven't finished properly. Btw, do Arlo cameras have firmware recovery capabilities? If not, it would be a very good idea to have, and goes as a suggestion from me. In then end we are dealing with expensive hardware, and firmware recovery should definitely be considered.

- sync button stuck, I guess with the years and with the different weather conditions, cold, rain, hit, etc, that could have happened aswell. A way to veryfy that would be to use a good camera and simulate that the sync button is always pressed. And check if we get the behaviour that me and everyone here is having. But don't have another camera to try that.
Given that my single camera ( Arlo 1 HD) had 4 years, I decided to upgrade to Arlo pro 3 (bought it today!)

Sorry for the long post
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Thank you for the update. Please let me know if you need any assistance with your new camera. 


Another one with the same problem, 1 have one base and 2 cameras, one of that is working fine, the other one keeps blinking ambar, i did whole sugestions to fix that, change battery, connect usb cable, tried 15sec reset, nothing worked .... and now, i have a problem that i even can't e-mail or chat with the support, it is ridiculous !!! i need to ask for some help for an expensive item ... keep waiting for some miracle to solve that.

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



I have escalated your case & someone from support will be reaching out to you as soon as possible. I have provided your escalations number here: 43133090

Was this EVER resolved? Having the same issue!

No I sent back the camera...


I’ve just tried to setup my Pro 2 after a year in storage. Both cameras were dead, only showed the blue light for a second or two when the power cable was inserted (batteries in the cameras).

Tried charging the batteries, removing the batteries, no luck.

Yesterday I plugged the USB cables into a mains plug adapter going into a regular plug socket, rather than straight into a USB charging port in the wall, as I know these can deliver a low current.

Today both batteries fully charged, syncing as expected, working perfectly.




The pro/2 cameras require 9v capable charger since the battery is 7.2v. The arlo supplied Qualcomm QC charger is required.


Using a standard 5v adapter will only run the camera not charge the battery.


It is feasible that a wall socket USB charger port can have QC capability.


same issue here.  Arlo why wont you answer the question here on this thread.....There can only be a few reasons apart from broken cameras/basestation......


All batteries in all cameras being switched around and while they were working in one camera, wont work in other...therefore this is not a battery issue.


Cameras won't flash blue despite having a charged up ARLO battery.....therefore this is an issue of power to the camera between a good battery and the  camera....hmmmmm



BATTERY RESET done(out of camera for 30 seconds)


Still no sync from 6 Cameras.   ARRRRG!!!!

now you want me to pay to troubleshoot this issue.  Worst CS ever.


I have the same problem of not being able to Sync the 4 x Arlo Pro 2 cameras I have  to the base station.  All of them just stopped syncing to the base station one day. Reset everything, even the base station. No blinking blue sync lights on any of the cameras. The system is about 3 years old so it should still be working.  I even bought new batteries but nothing. I will never buy another Arlo system.


I had the same issue. The 4 x Arlo Pro 2 cameras would not sync with the Base and there was no blinking blue light. I even purchased 2 x new batteries and I had charged all cameras (or I thought I had charged them) with the supplied AC plug and cable. But the Arlo Pro 2 cameras would not show a blinking blue light when I press the sync button. I could not sync them or find them using the App or logging in online.

I suspected  that the cameras were not charging so I tried syncing them while the AC plug and cable remained plugged into the cameras ...AND IT WORKED! So it seems the AC adapter is not charging the batteries (even the new ones) and I will need to buy a separate charger. 


Check that the AC adapter is actually charging the cameras. Try syncing the cameras while the AC adapter is plugged in.


I am having the same issue. Blue link comes on after plugging it in, then shuts off. Won’t sync. Made sure firmware was up to date, bought new Arlo cameras and this issue is still ongoing. Is the camera dead? Kinda mad I bought 2 more now!


buy some new batteries and see if they work.  I also bought a seperate new charging station and that all did the trick.

Not applicable

i feel you ! 


Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @larryhsu


Can you provide more detail regarding the issue you are experiencing and I will do my best to assist you.



Not applicable

it took me 3-4 hours to remove and add the base station back succesfully ( it kept saying firmware issue in the beginning and my base station couldn't get back online )


now my base station is back online, but it could only sync to 1 of my 2 camera, the other camera can not be found and can not be re-set by pressing 15 sec of sync bottom 


this is terrible, i think the whole firmware system screw up not only the base station but the camera too!

if i didn't delete the camera from the app as you instructed, it might still be running


The pro2 cameras can only be reset by removing the battery and external power for 10sec. The 15sec sync button press is for the pro3&4 and go cameras.


Have you tried a manual sync operation? Press the Base station sync button for 2sec then press the camera sync button for 2sec. Ensure that the base station mode is disarmed before you start.


Guru Guru

There was (is?) an issue with the early bases where if you pressed the base sync button for 2 seconds it could trigger a development mode which wouldn't allow the base-camera sync to happen. We have been saying to only briefly press the base sync button - don't hold it - and then the camera button. A brief base sync button press will still cause the base to enter sync mode - you'll see the LED start flashing.


I’m having the same issues.  My initial problem was I couldn’t get any of the batteries to charge, so I bought a new dual battery charger from Arlo and 4 new batteries.  All batteries are fully charged.  Try to get the camera’s to sync now…nothing.  Absolute goose eggs!  Went online to find the problem and followed Arlo instructions.  Again, goose eggs…nada, nothing, no blue light, no hello Dolly…zippo.  I’ve spent quite a bit of money on batteries and charges and the camera won’t give me the blue light to sync. Here you go Arlo…what is the fix?  If I call your support team and they tell me to purchase the plan, I will lose my mind.  This has to be a firmware/software update of some sort. Cut the crap and proved quality customer service. 

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



Can you provide more detail regarding the troubleshooting steps you performed?




I went onto your website and did everything that it said to do.  I even bought a new charger and new batteries. 

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Please reach out to the Support Team to further investigate this issue you are experiencing. You can find several options for contacting support though the Arlo Mobile App by navigating to Settings/System/Support.