Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Pro 2 Cameras will not Sync with Base

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I have the Arlo Pro 2 base and cameras and the base went offline.  After all the troubleshooting steps I did a factory reset on it.  I was able to add the base to my account but when I went to sync the cameras it appears they are syncing but they are not added to my device list.  I have read the forum and followed the steps: made sure batteries were fully charged, reset the base, unplugged and let it sit and plugged it back in, tried syncing it from the PC and app.  I also turned off my VPN and verified my router broadcasts 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.  I have been at this for about 6 hours and cannot get the cameras to be added back.  The system is less then 2 years old and my other base that has 5 cameras I bought back in 2018 and its running great.  How can I get my cameras to sync to the base?  I have 3 cameras that I am trying to sync.  Thanks!

Best answers
  • BrookeN
    Arlo Moderator
    Arlo Moderator

    We understand you're experiencing an issue with your legacy devices. These devices are now end of life and we do not have a fix available at this time. If you are still experiencing an issue please reach out in a private message with your contact information and we will connect you with a member of our escalations team to follow up.

130 REPLIES 130

I have a system running with a VMB4000 base station and 4 Arlo Pro 2 VMC4030 cameras. I bought an additional Pro 2 camera and tried to connect it wo my base station.


Everything looks fine so far, when I follow the assistant. Push Sync on base station, push Sync on camera, camera starts blinking blue and after 20 seconds the camera blink fast and stops blinking. But the assistant shows, that no cameras where detected and the camera doesn't show up in the system.


What could be the issue? I only see the time out message in the app, but the blinking pattern looks totally fine. 


Any help would be appreciated.


Guru Guru

@ingmare wrote:

I have a system running with a VMB4000 base station and 4 Arlo Pro 2 VMC4030 cameras. I bought an additional Pro 2 camera and tried to connect it to my base station.


Everything looks fine so far, when I follow the assistant. Push Sync on base station, push Sync on camera, camera starts blinking blue and after 20 seconds the camera blink fast and stops blinking. But the assistant shows, that no cameras where detected and the camera doesn't show up in the system.


What could be the issue? 


This is almost certainly a used camera.  It sounds like the previous owner didn't bother to remove it from their account before they sold it.


Although I don't think the behavior will change, you could try using "add device" in the app (or, and see if either of those work.


I tried using the app already, same result. Setup didn't show a camera found, but blinking pattern showed the successful pairing.


Yes this is a used camera. But the seller confirmed that he removed the camera from his account.

Is there a way to connect the camera, if its still part of a different account?


I have the same issue. I accidentally removed base station which resulted in all pro 2 cameras being also removed. Added the base station back but app could't connect to the cameras. Been trying to get them connected for the past a few days but it just doesn't work. very frustrating.


this never finds any of my pro2 camsthis never finds any of my pro2 cams

Guru Guru

The 4000/Pro 2 cameras are one of the few that can sync directly....


To manually sync, don't use the app/web.


Make sure battery is fully charged/installed

quickly press the sync button on the base ( so the led is flashing )

press the sync button on the camera ( while a few feet away from base )


If you see the led on camera go from slow blink to fast, then it worked.


Morse is faster than texting!

I tried this. blinking switched from slow to fast and then stopped. 


But the camera still doesn't show up. 


How can this not work? I don't understand why Arlo seem to so many issues connecting cameras. Is there a way to find out if a camera is still registered under another account? or remove it from any other account? I have the serial number, I can provide pictures and prove that this is my camera.

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

I suggest resetting the Arlo Pro 2 camera and then re-installing it to the app after the reset. 


I couldn’t find any information on how to reset the camera. 

can you tell me how?

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hold the reset button for >10 seconds, until the LEDs flash amber.


Thanks for the reply. It doesn't seem to work regardless of how long I hold the sync button. then I found this,

tried multiple times, didn't work either.




There is not reset, from what I can tell reading the documentation. Pulling the battery should be sufficient. But this all doesn't help.


With the blinking pattern indicating a successful sync, but the camera don't showing up in the account, I assume that this is an issue with the account and/or Arlos backend.


What are the options? Through the camera away and hope that none of the other stop working?


I think this is a very bad way to treat customers, who bought an expensive camera system and now can't use it anymore, just because Arlo doesn't provide proper support for a system that relies on a working cloud infrastructure.


 Bei mir sind seit gestern alle Kameras offline. Habe alle gelöscht und wollte neu koppeln. Keine mehr koppelbar.
Natürlich habe ich die Basisstation zurückgesetzt, die Akku entnommen mit der App auf dem IPhone versucht zu koppeln, direkt auf der Website am PC versucht. Die App gelöscht und mehrmals neu geladen. Mit viel Mühe habe ich dann eine Basistation wieder in mein Konto einbinden können. Dies ging auch erst nach mehreren Versuchen. Die zweite Ersatzbasisstation wurde gefunden war dann aber immer offline. Die Kameras, 4x Arlo Pro2, wurden nicht mehr gefunden, weder mit App und schon gar nicht über die Webseite. Ich habe kein Abo, hat aber bisher alles funktioniert. Wurde da etwas abgeschaltet damit man ein Abo abschließen muss ? Support kann man ja auch nur mit Abo anfragen :(. Habe jetzt ca. 3 Stunden probiert und es fällt mir nichts mehr ein. Hat jemand noch Tips ?


Have you tried the manual syncing method?


Momentarily press the base top sync button then press the camera top sync button.


Yes I am tried the manual syncing method. It does everything as if it is syncing but the camera do not show up in my device list. 


I would normally suggest that you need to contact arlo customer support as this appears to be a arlo back end issue.


since you are unable to access your cameras via the mobile app your not able to contact them.


You can try private messaging one of the arlo forum moderators here on this forum and ask for help. @JamesC@ShayneS@BrookeN 


I have been at this for hours and have the same issue. I had to do a reset because my base was offline and when I did I cannot add the cameras back even though it looks like they are syncing. Did you figure out how to resolve this?  Or did you figure out how to remove them from

the account and then add them back as mine are not showing on my account so I do not know how to do this step since I already did a factory reset. 


An update:  I used my kids Chromebook and logged in and was able to connect the cameras through the Arlo App on Chromebook. I had tried multiple iPhone 15’s, iPads, and 2 PCs to use to sync the cameras to the base and none would work. So if anyone is having the same issue there appears to be an issue with Apple and Arlo so I would use an android or Chromebook. 


I GAVE UP! I have tired everything to add the camera back to the app and none of those solution I can find worked. 


Use an android or if you have a Chromebook. Download the app of those devices and add that cameras through the app. It appears there is an backend issue with Apple and Arlo.  I even tried using the website on the PC and that didn’t work. But as soon as I tried through the app on Chromebook my cameras were added in 30 seconds. 


Thanks for letting me know. all my devices are apple or windows based. big sigh!!! 

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

I have provided this information to our developemnt team. We appreciate you bringing this behavior to our attention. I will update the community as soon as possible. 



Also, I just found out yesterday when I went to our my cameras that my system is back to off-line again using my Apple products. But when I logged into the app through Chromebook, it showed it was online and I was able to control it. So there’s definitely something going on with your app and the Apple operating system that’s not letting your cameras and app function. Thanks!  Hopefully you can get this resolved soon so I can control my cameras on my phone again.


Base station w/ 3 Pro2 cameras


I'm hoping someone reading this can help me with what I feel is a very minor issue.  Customer support (India, apparently) clearly has no idea what they are doing and is obviously only reading through the same manuals I have access to myself. I've been on the phone with them 3 times this week and each time the resulting performance has been more screwed up than before I made the call.  at this point I am trying to wade through the mountain of tech bulletins and instructions myself in hopes of resolving this.  Maybe someone reading this can steer me in a better direction, but I'm not optimistic at this point.  A RING system is in my future, I believe...


OK enough venting - here is all I'm trying to do:

1.  Turn on all 3 cameras at sunset (or at ~7 pm)

2.  Turn off 2 of the 3 cameras at sunrise (or ~6am)

3.   Be able to easily switch to an "all on" mode 24/7, for when we go on vacation.


It seems to me that a configuration similar to this must be what over 90% of customers want, so why in the world is there not a single page instruction that lays out the procedure in easy to understand language?


Sorry for the rant....