Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Again Camera records but does not get stored in Library.. Getting frustrated


Had this issue on May 21 and it is back again


The Arlo Pro 2 cameras I have 3 cameras on one Base Station and 2 camera's on another Base Station.

The one with 3 camera's show that they are recording and I get yellow man running,

But it does not save to Library.

Also it shows when I look at overview of cameras (lower left) 1Min or just now so it is recording something. And you see the image of what it did record 

I can not find the footage.

I have rebooted get all lights green on base station so that looks good


I am stumped what is going on


Is there a new filmware happening or what???????


Anyone having same issue  Date May 21, 2019  6:00 PM Eastern Standard time now new date May 23, 2019 5:30 PM EST 

291 REPLIES 291


Hardware VMB4000r3

Operation on iPhone XS - iOS 12.2


Hello, I have 5 Arlo Pro 2 wireless cameras in total. Within the last couple of weeks, I have been receiving alerts on my phone alerting me to a motion on my front porch. When I log into the app to check the library in order to see what set off the motion, nothing is there. Nothing was recorded.


Yesterday, a guy walked down my driveway (I have one Arlo Pro 2 with continuous power covering my entire driveway) and up my porch to my door without any notifications at all from either my driveway or front door camera. Not only were there no alerts, but no recordings either. 


It seems that there is an issue with not being triggered by motion, not recording when there is motion, as well as potential glitch notifications (since my front door is randomly notifying motion with seemingly no motion and no recording).


Guru Guru

This may be releted to the previous outage... is it working now ?


support is here ONLY;

( do not google as you will prob end up at a fake  site that charges )

Morse is faster than texting!
Mine are doing the same thing and have been doing what and when they feel like for a couple weeks now. Starting to get extremely frustrated with Arlo system. I’ve still have a $200.00 8 camera system from a no name brand never give me issues for 8 years now and I’ve had nothing but issues with Arlo. I’m about to throw these in the trash if something is not done soon. Still may throw them away or just use them to watch my dog when needed as it’s starting to be the only way I trust these to work properly

Mine seem to be magically working again, didn't do anything to them, just walked outside this morning and they are all recording

I have not gotten any recordings since 2:49 PM EST on May 24. Very frustrating.

There is still no video being recorded on some of my cameras.  Motion is detected.  Please fix this issue asap for ALL customers!


So far so good here at 10:15 AM EST

I will be monitoring throughout the day and see if it goes down again.

This is really what I want to do for my Saturday.


I would hope Arlo Support would maybe advise their customers what they should do if it is truley fixed, but some still have issues.  Eg. reboot base station or take out battery or change settings.

That would be the least they could to satisfy the customers that still might be having issues.


Anyway will see what the day and night brings.




Same for mine, except one of my cameras didn’t sync. After a quick sync they were all up and running. Helped that the mobile app updated last night. 


I am LIVID. I have been on hold for 40 minutes. This is after two dropped calls. My email was then disconnected after writing a lengthy email. Last night, my jeep was broken into. Ransacked through. Items were stolen. There were no shots of anyone walking up, driving up, or the perps rummaging and stealing from me. However, you have a great shot of me calling the police this morning. Instead of being able to give them footage to prevent this from happening to others, I am sitting here still waiting on hold and had to find this means of sending an email. Now I am pushed through some call center. Police on their way and nothing to show. I want a supervisor/manager to contact me. UPDATE****was on hold for one hour and spoke to a call center in the Philippines. There was no resolution. No way to recover the footage. I was told all cameras and libraries were down from midnight to this morning. The one night I needed this service the most. I will be replacing this as soon as possible. As well as telling our multiple family members in first responder roles and law enforcement to never buy these products.


I'm in the same boat. The status page says that everything is operational, but I seem to have motion detection back but am still not able to record. Reliability should be the top priority of a security system, and Arlo has lost my confidence. Sad.

Still not working. Only one of my cams is performing properly and I'm missing videos from it for most of yesterday. The status site says thiers no problem but that's bull**bleep**. Arlo sucks **bleep** and so do the idiot clueless mods running this board.

I have the exact same experience with my system, and share your thoughts about Netgear as well. They try to control the narrative instead of dealing with their shortcomings.

Same boat, I am so frustrated

My system is working better than yesterday but it still isn't fixed.  (I'm getting notifications now.... and the video's eventually show up in the library although delayed a few minutes).   The biggest problem now is, when I set off my cams, I will hear a chime on my phone, but when I look at devices to see which one recorded.... they all say "0" in the area where it will usually tell you how many unwatched video's are there... so if I wasn't watching to see which cam was activated, I need to click on each cam and try to figure out which one has the new video.  Not impressed at all with this system.  Luckily it came from Costco so if things don't get worked out soon, I may return it. 


The time zone on my base station changed again. This is at least the 3rd time I noticed in the past week.


 It also looks like Arlo has stopped being able to record, or at least when I check , I can not access the online library .. AGAIN.


This is one of the things that was supposed to be fixed yesterday, but it seems to be back again.


The situation is improved, but not fixed.  My wife walked right past the camera and into the front door, but no notification and no recording.  Good thing she's not a burgler.  I guess I might have to think about replacing this Arlo with a real security system.  Sucks because not only did I pay for the system, but also paying $10 a month, so I expect it to work flawlessly.


Took entire package of 6 cams and base back to store for refund and got my money back today!

Still not working correctly after coming back up and all footage LOST.

If Netgear wants money for security cams they might want to rethink their deployment strategy.

Will be posting on the BBB also, rating already down to a B.

Absolutely unacceptable to leave people without security.

What a joke. I'll have none of it.

Thanks thanks.


Took entire package of 6 cams and base back to store for refund and got my money back today!

Still not working correctly after coming back up and all footage LOST.

If Netgear wants money for security cams they might want to rethink their deployment strategy.

Will be posting on the BBB also, rating already down to a B.

Absolutely unacceptable to leave people without security.

What a joke. I'll have none of it.

Thanks thanks.


Yep, same here.  Sucks to buy an expensive system, and pay $10 a month only to have no security.

At least one of my cams is still not showing library videos. For awhile it was showing notifications only but has stopped. Get you act together. BBB Amazon ratings and reaching out to Ars Technica and WSJ as well as sell side analyst community. Arlo lacks competence and transparency on problems and company should pay by way of bad publicity and lost sales and reduced market cap IMO.

Hello again ARLO


I just noticed my cameras recorded an individual walking past my camera it showed up on the overall still image when I look at all my cameras BUT it did not send it to the Library for me to review the entire video.

I hope someone at your place is not messing around with the system.
Just want to inform you. 

The system was working or maybe I was missing every other activity.  who knows now.


Please look it to it   Thank you  

I got mine working. Someone else said to re sync all cameras. It’s working now.

So some of my camers are working now and some are not.  They all were working fine earlier.  This is really starting to piss me off.  What is Arlo's problem?  Everything is not fixed!!!!

I'm positively sure they have absolutely no videos of your robber lol

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  What good is a security system which only works sometimes?