Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Impressive improvements

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Been using Arlo for over a year and think they really upped their game with the new security system, all-in one sensors, ease of install. Love the new app, got the hang of it quick. Lots of adjustability and control over each device. Works great (unless in low temperatures). I am a big fan of them taking privacy seriously. Just wanted to say nice work Arlo team. Extremely satisfied the plans went to unlimited cameras. That’s a HUGE plus. Thank you. Definitely feel safer with a sensor or camera at every door and window. I have an Arlo Go2 w/Verizon on a post in the middle of nowhere and I can check the property anytime and see the antelope, elk, and badgers that come

through. Solar panel

works great unless it’s under 20° or so.   I rarely need to charge batteries that are connected to the solar charger. The new 2k Pro 5s camera that hooks to the keypad/WiFi is great. Exactly the cam we needed. 2k instead of 4k (4k is unnecessary, especially if it reduces battery life or range), and direct WiFi connect so no base station needed. Either way the Pro 4, Uktra2 still all work great and all seamless in the app. I can see what I want, when I want, and know who the heck is at my house.  Helps us keep an eye on the kids too. There’s some issues charging or working in super cold temps, and some cams are finicky on their range, but the usefulness of the system/app/cams/sensors/emergency response outweigh the minimal issues. They keypad is great and makes it feel like a traditional built-in security system. The separate “Duress Code” is excellent and the keypad is a nice backup to trigger Emergency services immediately instead of fumbling for a phone. Keep up the good work!

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