Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Arlo Baby Firmware updates automatically. To update Arlo Baby Firmware manually visit our support pages for details. 


The Arlo QA team has discovered an intermittent issue affecting some cameras that may cause them to occasional disconnect from the WiFi network. The team is expediting a firmware update to correct this issue. Once deployed, this firmware will automatically be uploaded to your Arlo Baby cameras during the nightly automatic update cycle if connected to the internet. If they are not online at that time, they will update later once coming online.


The new Firmware is now live. Your camera should update automatically. If you continue to have these issues, please let us know.


-If your camera experiences a disconnect, you may reconnect your camera to your network by resetting or power-cycling it.

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One thought I had is that two reports providing screenshots (CDM1's and mine) both have multiple Arlo cameras...


I wonder - do people with just ArloBaby also have this issue?


Otherwise, yes, NETGEAR, C'MON!

I only have the one camera. At this rate, we definitely won’t be buying more as planned!

I set up a complete Netgear solution when my wife and I adopted a newborn boy.


From the wall - Cable/Internet IN

 AC1900 Nighthawk DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem Router with the Wi-Fi Disabled.

For Wi-Fi Access

Orbi Mesh with 2 satellites 

   - optimal placement I used several apps monitoring wi-fi signal to create a strong mesh


Arlo Pro with 4 cameras (Arlo Pro only)

Arlo Baby -utilizing an ipad mini specifically for baby monitor duty. (I have disabled almost all extranious features - explanation below)

This sounds great - but it is not -and this is why:

I set up the system in March of 2017. It worked beautifully for about a month and then it began to crater. We were using an Arlo Pro camera (hard wired for power) as a baby monitor. I bought the Arlo Baby in June.

I have performed a hard reset on all devices, verified firmware, and done a complete home set-up twice.

1. We have not had the Arlo Pro working since June of this year because the devices kept falling off the network.

Battery life is atrocious. Almost from the beginning the batteries would drain completely after 2 weeks. I contacted the Netgear help desk but the young lady that I spoke to was not trained in troubleshooting the problems and I wasted over an hour attempting to get a resolution. (not resolved)

2. We currently have the Arlo Baby as the only device connected. The Arlo app will shut down unexpectedly when we expand the video to fill the screen or log out at various times.(This is why I disabled all ipad features that might pull a function call and interupt Arlo's video monitoring.) We are not able to use the app during the evening. Instead we are using a $70 baby monitor. 

3. I have to constantly flush the Orbi Mesh internal memory - due to inconsistant connectivity. When the signal drops Arlo will loose connectivity and the camera functions freeze I will have to do a hard reset on the camera and then add it back in the app. 

4. The app needs the granular functions such as to set function call priorities that will supercede other apps or allow function priority when the camera is on live. I believe this will resolve unexpected app closure. If this feature is not available for the 249.00 baby camera... I shouldn't have to spend another 100.00 for a Arlo branded 7" monitor as a viable solution. It should be included at the 249.00 price point.

5. We are well beyond the plug-n-pray technology and 13 years into dnla. With the entire network manufactured by Netgear it should have a reduced failure rate on the functionality.

6. An easy fix for the cameras since they are manufactured for the lay person is to incorporate an audible beep when the wifi signal reaches a specific range - Geo-fence it. Say beyond two bar strength -expect significant decreased functioning. Wi-Fi signals are a wave form so they are not constant and susceptible to interference from a wide range of objects, such as other electronics(the current that runs our appliances), objects of density. The greater the density of an object - the weaker the signal. So, we even affect signal strength.



I have all Netgear products (cable modem, orbi mesh and Arlo cameras) on the latest firmware with 100% wifi strength and the system still fails. 


I give up.


Yes it sucks that we have invested so much money in one brand and it doesn't play well together. 


I just reduced my Amazon score to 2 stars. It's really unacceptable.




We are all anxiouly awaiting Netgear's supposed fix.. I have yet to hear of a situation where this product works as marketing literature and ads claim nor any admission of the gravity nor complexity of the problem or fix from Netgear... None of the proposed changes or firmware updates have made this product reliable, let alone even work. I prefer to see Netgear admit the problem and publicly demonstrate their commitment to customers so we aren't led to the courts to demand honesty and ethical corporate compliance with regard to a product that is marketed as a tool to keep **CHILDREN and BABIES** safe. 




A concerned customer and father


It is going to 1st require alot of people opening cases with Netgear and requesting a refund. Larger the paper trail easier to resolve

Hi there, still have the problem, update still useless. Apps showing my arlo baby camera on offline. But still can detect the motion and sound. When I bought it only can pair once. And later on just disconnect. Won't works. Reset million of times and pair again. Always offline. Can't watch. You guys may need to fix this problem. A lot of complaint on this camera. If you guys can't fix it. I may need to refund and get the ibaby monitor . Really disappointed on this product . Expensive stuff but, seen not worth it. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks Andy


   Please update Arlo apps from Google play.  The latest version is 2.4.5_18241.

It has fixes for the disconnect issue.


Thanks. I updated and verified, and it works much better now. I didn't have a single disconnect in 3 hours or so. Also, everything seems snappier now.


This is a great improvement. Of course, it would be better if it was like this from day one... 🙂





Upgraded to new android version of Arlo last night and ran the app with "always listening" on all night.  Still working in the morning.  The fix appears to be working for me.


Would like to know if the web browser will also no longer exhibit disconnects.


Just wanted to add that I am experiencing the exact same issues with Arlo Baby.

I am stoll5 having connectivity issues with the Arlo Baby. It is so sporadic and I cannot depend on it to be working so I can hear the baby crying. This problem has obviously been going on for a long time. When will it be resolved?

Finn4321 & KWeeks


Which device you are using? iOS or Android?




Both. I have a galaxy s8 and an ipad. Neither one consistently, especially at night.
We have also tried using a computer. That doesn't work either.