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Tutti i badge di Mikey94025
Mikey94025 ha ottenuto 16 badge!
1 Topic Created2016-09-14Ottenuto da 128.989Congratulations on making your first post in the community!
5 Topics Created2023-09-12Ottenuto da 5.218Great job, you're becoming a real asset to your fellow community members
1 Reply Posted2016-09-14Ottenuto da 122.885Wow, you've made your first reply, Congratulations!
5 Replies Posted2016-09-14Ottenuto da 22.411You've replied to 5 posts. You're starting to get the hang of the community, Awesome!
10 Replies Posted2016-09-14Ottenuto da 8.841You've replied to 10 posts. Thanks for keeping the conversation going!
25 Replies Posted2016-09-14Ottenuto da 2.715You've posted 25 replies. The community benefits from your insights.
50 Replies Posted2016-09-12Ottenuto da 1.227Remarkable achievement! The community thanks you for your 50 replies!
100 Replies Posted2017-01-05Ottenuto da 601You've posted 100 replies. You're an astonishing member of the community!
1 Like Received2016-09-14Ottenuto da 35.661Thumbs up on getting your first Like!
5 Likes Received2016-10-14Ottenuto da 5.633You've received 5 Likes! Keep up the great work!
10 Likes Received2016-12-30Ottenuto da 2.363Way to go! You've just received your 10th Like!
25 Likes Received2017-04-10Ottenuto da 760You've earned a new badge for receiving 25 Likes!
50 Likes Received2018-01-09Ottenuto da 321You've earned a new badge and major props for your 50th Like!
1 Accepted Solution2016-10-20Ottenuto da 8.464Awesome, you just received your first accepted solution. Thanks for your great solution!
5 Accepted Solutions2017-06-08Ottenuto da 242You've received your 5th Accepted Solution. Way to help the community grow.
10 Accepted Solutions2025-03-03Ottenuto da 146Wow, you've received your 10th Accepted Solution. Way to help the community thrive