Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Q disappointment, Cannot arm/disarm multiple Arlo Q's at once

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We have just purchased 1 Wirefree and 4 Arlo Q cameras, and now find that we cannot set all the Arlo Q together in an Armed mode, and have to set each individually when we got out, and then disarm each individually when we come back in.  A schedule wouldn't work for this as we don't always know when we are going out.  We are disappointed, as had read before we purchased the Qs that we can mix the Qs with the wire-free on the same system, but you sort of can't.  

Guru Guru

I do believe this will be fixed down the road... agreed tho, It's a bit of a pain


Prob the best thing is to post it here ;

Morse is faster than texting!
Guru Guru
We installed some cameras outside and others inside. After purchasing multiple cameras we now learned that we cannot arm some cameras while leading others disarmed. At night we would like to arm the outside cameras and leave the inside cameras disarmed, but we believe it is all or nothing. We either protect the outside and get alerts from the cats inside all night or don't project anything at all. If we are mistaken we would sure like to know about it as the current set up is not sufficient for our needs.
Guru Guru

Dannyk wrote:
We installed some cameras outside and others inside. After purchasing multiple cameras we now learned that we cannot arm some cameras while leading others disarmed. At night we would like to arm the outside cameras and leave the inside cameras disarmed, but we believe it is all or nothing. We either protect the outside and get alerts from the cats inside all night or don't project anything at all. If we are mistaken we would sure like to know about it as the current set up is not sufficient for our needs.

Yes, you are mistaken... Arlo cameras can be on/off in any combo of the total number. Q cameras must be armed individually.


The defaults when you get with the system is ARMED ( all on ) and DISARMED (all off ).


So you just have to create a New Mode  ( **note here is only ONE mode can run at a time and any camera not in that mode will be off  )


read this ;



You need at least one more mode ... call it following the info above create it and then to add the second ( or third ) outside camera go back and edit the new mode and add it


Activate OUTSIDE and only the two/three outside cameras will be armed... disarmed turns all off


Morse is faster than texting!

But we can't do that if we have 1 wireless and 4 Arlo Q, can we?

Guru Guru

Sure you can, it's just a bit more complicated.  Each camera will have to be scheduled by itself.  Since you only have one wireless camera, you end up treating it like a Q.  The schedule for each device is completely separate and doesn't interfere with the others which is what makes it a bit more complicate.  Simply decide when you want each camera to be active and use the Armed mode for each in that camera's schedule.  If you add more wireless cameras at some point, you'll likely need to set up additional modes/rules but right now you just schedule each one as you desire.


I realise that I can schedule each camera, but what I would like to do is be able to Arm all my cameras when I walk out the door, and Disarm them all when I get back home.  I go out at different times, so I can't do a schedule for this.

Guru Guru

You're right.  There's no geofencing or widget to do this.  You have to remember to manually open the app, select the Mode tab, select your system and choose Armed or Disarmed.  Not hard, just not automatic.


I came across this thread when googling for "arlo outside cameras only" and thought I'd add an update. The OP has two different camera types, so I'll mention that I only have the all wireless models. I have 5 cameras total, 2 are outside, and 3 are inside. The latest version of the App has a Geofencing mode, but it uses the other modes to determine what to do based on your home or away status. So I simply defined a custom mode called "Outside Only" and added my first camera to it. I then went into the new rule and clicked on +Add Rule and added a rule for my other outside camera. I then configured the Geofencing rule to use the default "Armed" mode when away and the "Outside Only" mode when home. This ensures I can walk around the house without any recording and my cats aren't causing alerts all night. But I still know who's at the front door whether I'm away or home. I will concede that the IOS interface could make this a bit more intuitive... specifically, until you play with it and do some Googling... its not abundantly clear that the Geofencing mode actually uses other defined modes. Its the only "mode" that references other "modes". Also worth mentioning... there are some IFTTT rules out that that can help with this. One does "set this camera to armed at this time", for example... so you could arm your outside camera at 9pm every night. Another does "if this camera detects motion, record on this other camera" which can be helpful in some cases. The IFTTT Arlo channel has had location based geofencing options before the app itself did... at least for IOS. Hope this helps others who find this thread.


To add to my previous post... my biggest gripe is the lack of a notification center widget for IOS. Right now I can slide down and turn my lights on or off from Lutron. I should also be able to slide down and do a quick arm or disarm for the Arlos. A good exampe... say I opt to schedule it and I'm normally at work from 8am to 6pm so I have an 8-6 M-F schedule. But on a Monday holiday I realize its armed. Would be nice to bypass the app login and delay and clicking to Modes and choosing disarmed. Would be much nicer to just slide down and hit a disarm button from notification center.