Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Videos Freeze & Go Blank After Scrolling Through 7-10 Videos but Only on Web Portal

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When scrolling through videos (in feed or on individual camera) using the on screen left and right arrows, after 7-10 videos the image freezes and then goes blank (see attached image)...this only happens on the Web Portal and not the Mobile App.

Screenshot 2024-08-28 103940.jpg
Have tried clearing browser cache & history but it made no difference. Per Ookla Speed test my download speed is 372 Mbps and upload speed is 13 Mbps.


Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Are you still seeing this same behavior?


Yes I fact I was just trying different scenarios to see if I could find any pattern to what the problem is and I have been able to establish that it only happens when scrolling through the 2K & 4K videos and does not have any issue with scrolling through the 1080p doorbell videos.

If you remember this post I did back in April - Solved: Videos From Web Portal Feed Will Not Load - Arlo Community (by the way the last entry in that post is what solved it, not the "solved" entry)...this has similarities to that issue where those videos wouldn't load right off the bat and now it takes scrolling through 8 to 10 videos before it basically does the same thing. Of course, at the time I thought it had been solved but it never occurred to me to try scrolling through videos which is something I just did recently which is how I found this issue.




Any updates on this issue?

It's really annoying when I'm looking through numerous videos taken over, let's say, a whole day to see if a certain vehicle was previously caught on camera only to have the video freeze or not load after viewing 7-10 videos then having to go back to the thumbnails and start from the video that would freeze or not load and having to do this every 7-10 videos.

From my last post...
"If you remember this post I did back in April - Solved: Videos From Web Portal Feed Will Not Load - Arlo Community (by the way the last entry in that post is what solved it, not the "solved" entry)...this has similarities to that issue where those videos wouldn't load right off the bat and now it takes scrolling through 8 to 10 videos before it basically does the same thing. Of course, at the time I thought it had been solved but it never occurred to me to try scrolling through videos which is something I just did recently which is how I found this issue."


Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

I do not have any updates as of yet.