Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Post again on Push Notifications on Android (Intermittent)

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Well, I'm going to bring this up again here in the troubleshooting area and hopefully this will push to get this finally resolved.


I have spoken to Tech Support to no avail and spending a total of an hour on the phone was pretty much useless.


So to reiterate, the problem seems to be on the Galaxy Androids, the new S6's and the Edge products, my Note Edge to be specific for me.  When the phone sleeps, push notifications from Arlo is intermittent or does not work at all.  All other applications that have the push feature do work, it is only the Arlo app that doesn't.


There is another post on here that says it has been solved, i'm lettting everyone know it isn't.  Doing the uninstall and reinstall will work, well at least it'll work for a short time and then the problem returns.


Please get this feature fixed as soon as possible.  Thanks!

Arlo Employee Retired

Good morning RobertRosal,


Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Can you please provide the version of Android you are running on your Note Edge? This will ensure we test with the same type of device running the same operating system.


To confirm, un-installing the app and reinstalling the app clears the issue temporarily? Can you confirm if "force quitting" the app has the same affect? Does it tend to occur with more when on cellular Internet only or WiFi?


I look forward to your response! After which, I will escalate the issue to our development team for further investigation!


Best Regards,


Arlo Team



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ChristineT wrote:

Good morning RobertRosal,


Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Can you please provide the version of Android you are running on your Note Edge? This will ensure we test with the same type of device running the same operating system.


To confirm, un-installing the app and reinstalling the app clears the issue temporarily? Can you confirm if "force quitting" the app has the same affect? Does it tend to occur with more when on cellular Internet only or WiFi?


I look forward to your response! After which, I will escalate the issue to our development team for further investigation!


Best Regards,


Arlo Team



Hi Christine,


The version of Android I am on is 5.0.1 on my Note Edge.


Un-installing and re-installing temporarily fixes it, that is also intermittent, sometimes not at all.  I have also tried forcing a stop of the application and re-launching and it had no affect.  Only thing that always works, is if I have the phone awake and using it.  Once it locks/sleeps no push alerts from Arlo.


All connections, via ATT, my ATT MicroCell or WiFi, problem is still there.


Thank you!



Guru Guru

I agree. Notifications are only presented when unlocked. Android 5.0 and 5.1 on 3 different devices.


Hi Christine,


Any progress on a fix yet?



This issue also occuring on LG G3 Android 5.0.1. Push notifications work when phone is awake. When phone is asleep/locked, push notifications do not come through until phone is awakened.
See similar problem on S6 Edge using Android 5.02. Also, feature request would be to start using icon banners so that bubbles pop for the icons. Similar to FB app and others. Thanks.

This problem also occurs on the Samsung Galaxy S5 using Android 5. Very frustating. It's a good thing I'm not using this software for a business because if I got robbed I wouldn't even know it. Please fix ASAP.

Community Manager
Community Manager



I apologize for the frustration, this is a known issue and our development team is working on a resolution.  Your feedback on this concern is greatly appreciated and I will provide you with an update as soon as I can.







This problem still exist and has not changed since I first posted this problem. Seems to be a problem with Android version 5.0.

It's hard to belive that you still can't resolve this issue but yet you fix stupid issues like foreign language bugs....really?

Hire people who have a clue and not ones that are totally clueless. If I'd have know push issues were a major issue I wouldn't have purchased these toys.

And don't send me a note apologizing....just fix the problem.


Has there been any progress with this fix?


I am not receiving notifications when I'm on data only.  I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app and the push notification still didn't work with wifi not connected.  I've checked and double checked all possible phone settings, and all are as they should be.



I have a Verizon Samsung Note 4, Android version 6.0.1, arlo app version 2.1.2_13737

Community Manager
Community Manager



I have not been able to replicate this issue. Is this intermittent or do you never receive any push notifications unless you are connected to WiFi?


Do other internet functions work on your device when not connected to WiFi?




I've been running Arlo app error free for 6 months and yesterday it suddenly stopped connecting to network. Network is up, Galaxy is connected, but app will not recognize connection.  Rebooted base unit, resync'd cameras with no luck.  Arlo desktop app works fine.



Guru Guru

Try logging out and back in.  If that doesn't help, reinstall the app.  Any luck?


Earlier phone, older model Galaxy notifications worked perfectly. 


New phone - Galaxy s5Active with 5.1.1 I get notifications,but no sound. 


Looking at the Forum, it appears this has been a known problem for at least 2 years.


I just did the Uninstall/Install.  Same problem!


Please tell me if there is a fix.  This is near worthless to me without an audible alarm.


I am ready to add 2 cameras to my system and install a system with 4 cameras for my daughter's family. 
Plus I've recommended the system to several friends and relatives. 


If this problem can't be fixed, I will be waving others off of Arlo!!

Guru Guru
Threats get you nowhere.

Have you checked the app in Settings, Notifications and set a notification sound?
Congratulations and thanks for a very quick response!!
No "Threats" intended.  I have HIGHLY recommended this system to my niece and she is ready to buy.  In my shoes would you not also want to express that this is not a second order issue??  I can't allow her to go forward unwarned about this apparent flaw that I was unaware of.  Nor am I ready to add the cameras I was ready to buy.  I LOVE this system and really want to get past this critical issue.  But the system is completely useless to us without an audible alarm.
Snide retorts ALSO "get you (US!!) nowhere"!
Yes, I spoke by phone with Support after posting here.  They took me through several troubleshooting steps including setting the notification sound (which would have been nice to encounter here where I first discovered that this has been a known issue for 2 or more years). 

My phone does now make the notification sound we set it for INTERMITTENTLY.  I'm going to continue to test it and will advise whether it begins to be consistent..
Sincerely (but frustrated!),
P.S. Why should I even imagine a need to set a notification tone upon getting the new phone when I didn't have to set it in the first place on my previous phone?  Old phone - Galaxy running Android 4.  New Phone - Galaxy running Android 5.  ALL my other apps that give audible notifications worked across the transition without a hitch!  The advice given several times in this and other threads on the same issue just said to try Uninstall/Install for the app.   I did that,but nothing changed.
BTW - when you open the app and touch the 'gear' symbol, you get a screen that says "Settings", but that screen doesn't have "Notifications" on it.  You have to instead touch the 3 dots - upper right to get a "Settings" screen that includes "Notifications". 
The developers should try and reconcile the inconsistency in future releases.
Guru Guru
The gear icon, as you noted, takes you to the settings for that camera. If you use Back or the back arrow, you get to the same place as the 3 dot menu Settings. The notification sound menu shouldn't be part of the camera settings but in the global ones.

As for the difference between phones, it's possible you changed phones right when the new app came out. Hard to say without having both phones to try.

It was good to learn that my frustration had a basis in fact.


1) The confused arrangement of where, under 'Settings' to find 'Notifications' may not be confusing to a well experienced and tech savvy user. But to a 74 year old fellow who has a lot of other interests than mastering the plethora of disparate 'Settings' on a newly acquired phone and an app that chose to implement a new release with no default Notification Tone after the previous release (apparently?) did have a default tone, there is definitely a high level of frustration. 


2)  This is NOT an app in the genre of game playing or recreation or any other diversion that has little consequence in the lives of the users.  This is an app supporting a system that costs users many hundreds of dollars.  The monetary investment is made for reasons of personal safety, protection of home and hearth.  In my case, it was on the heels of a break-in and theft of very valuable property (unsolved and unrecovered!).


3) After having a very positive initial experience in installing and using the system over a period of a few months, it was VERY disturbing to have it become practically useless due to something as simple as loss of the Notification tone.  Not only did I feel made a fool of for the investment I'd made, I faced the prospect of contacting those to whom I'd given positive reports before they committed themselves based on my evaluation.


While I fall into the 'codger' category, my career was primarily involved in development and management of large corporate online systems for planning and engineering communications networks.  I have borne my share of criticism from frustrated users who had urgent needs that my systems had to address.  I KNOW all the pat, but well founded defensive reactions of systems developers and managers.  Software release management is a HUGE challenge.


But, now it is my turn to confront this from a users' perspective.


Arlo needs to place a high priority on FIXING the mistake they made in releasing a new version that defaults to 'No Notification Tone' !!!


Arlo pushes users to use Forum and Knowledge Base support systems in place of direct technical support by phone, chat or email.  If they are going to do that, then they NEED to make a priority of closing the loop on situations such as this one where the problems with Android upgrades resulted in loss of vital functions, seemingly left hanging for YEARS!


[Climbs down off soapbox, pushes it back into its corner, picks up his cane and stumps off to the kitchen for more coffee]

Guru Guru

bastranger wrote:

[Climbs down off soapbox, pushes it back into its corner, picks up his cane and stumps off to the kitchen for more coffee]

I'm nearly at your stage - 67, ex-IT manager and systems administrator.


While I agree that a default rigntone should have been used (system default seems reasonable if a dedicated one isn't supplied), I don't know that I would spend too much emotional ammunition on something like this.  I didn't notice the change when introduced, partly because I don't use notifications except on rare occasions, partly due to my lack of checking out what the new app might have changed.  My attention was forced when another user here pointed out the new feature.


Hopefully your blood pressure has dropped and the extra coffee helped.  Speaking of that, time for me to refill, too.  🙂

I agree with you.

Netgear, I am another android user who now finds the Arlo Pro a waste of $400+ because she can't use it for the purpose she bought it! Thar is to monitor an elderly lady wandering at night.

I tried resetting the system from scratch several times. I am using the chirp sound. Samsung S7 Edge latest update.

It also use to be that the user could separate the camera's notification sounds, but if you change the soundd on 1 camera, all csmeras change.

The system worked fine and according to plan when I first bought the Arlo Pro, but suddenly stopped about 1-2 weeks ago. Please help! Or else refund my money and I will buy a Nest system. The Arlo Pro system is barely 3 months old.
It is simply not working in "Do Not Disturb" mode.
We will see if I found the fix, I went into Samsung settings to see if something works there. I'll let you know if this is a Samsung thing after tonight.
Guru Guru
You can check the phone settings, Notifications, and select Arlo to override Do Not Disturb. Not sure why you'd think that any app would automatically override.
I think this is the fix for Samsung S7 Edge to override Do Not Disturb for Push Notifications:

Arlo Do Not Disturb

1. Go to S7 Edge Settings
2. Sounds and vibrations
3. Do Not Disturb
4. Allow Exceptions "On"
5. Priority Notifications
6. Set Arlo to "On"

I hope this works tonight.